Goooood morning #qoto ! Hope you're all having a fantastic day, and will have a fantastic day.
I've been wracking my brain for another #RandomQuestion that might have some good conversation- that last one on GMOs was good stuff. I'll be back once I figure one out.
@Surasanji I have one:) #RandomQuestion for any takers What is your favourite area of physics? I have a thing for waves and fields. I think they are all kinds of beautiful. I realise that is a HUGE area of physics but it all started out with magnets and gyroscopes for me and kind of expanded 😂
@Surasanji It is quite profound when you stop to really think about it:)
@Nyoei Yeah, it's one of those formative memories for me. I did a report on Albert Einstein in 3rd Grade and even though the content I was reading was more age appropriate it has always stuck with me.