@jobsecoevo Looking for a fully funded postdoc for 3+4 years? I look for an independent and inspired doctor, eager to develop new ideas in the field of #Plant #EvolutionaryBiology & #Genomics Theory, experiments, omics, ecology, whatever you want. You will have your own budget. So, join our buoyant group, integrate our collaborative research environment #TRR341 and build your own career. #job #postdoc #plants #Genomics #Evolution #ecology #realjob. Be so kind to boost! Apply asap!
If you can do one thing for #climatecrisis next year... do your best to stop flying. Gliding is allowed.
An overdue #intro: I research, write, and speak about #climate, #activism, #protest, and #democracy. I'm professor of sociology at the University of Maryland, a non-resident senior fellow at @brookingsinst, and the president-elect at the Eastern Sociological Society.
My most recent book was #AmericanResistance (Columbia University Press 2019) and my next book (which I'm furiously trying to finish) is #SavingOurselves: from Climate Shock to #ClimateAction 🌎 🔥
Sorry #kurtcobain it's not OK to eat fish, even if they don't have any feelings. Maybe sardines and mackerel are ok.
@RhinosWorryMe Spot on. It's not the total world population that's the problem, it's the resources consumed by the wealthiest few percentage.
Tagging the @jobsecoevo group so that this #job #AcademicJob #lectureship in #behaviour #ecology or #evolution at the university of St Andrews #Scotland is is boosted to the group's members.
Added hashtags to make it searchable.
@iddux @itaiyanai Even a fishing expedition is implicitly hypothesis-driven. You decide and plan where to look for something new. The hypothesis is that you will find something even if you don't know what that might be.
#climatecrisis I absolutely cannot believe that Britain is planning a new coal mine in Cumbria. Absurdly, they claim it will be carbon neutral. Anyone understand this??
Something a bit wild for #ScienceMastodon
Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth being promoted by direct binding of IFNg to bacterial membrane proteins!
If true, unlikely to be the only bacterium that has evolved to directly benefit from #cytokine environment.
Nuclear capitalism
Since we’re talking about #NuclearPower again, here’s something I wrote 8 years ago on why it’s the right’s favourite talking point:
- it’s about domination & dominion over the world
- it’s centralised & helps keep corporations in charge, privatising profits & socialising risk
- it allows them to pretend we can address the #ClimateCrisis without changing anything else about how we live, how we govern, how we structure our economy.
“Opposition to nuclear power is, I would emphasise, a rational position. The evidence is stacked against it. A suite of #RenewableEnergy options can be rolled out faster and cheaper and more safely, and they can supply our energy needs - so long as we also change our profligate lifestyles.
But it is also an ethical position, based on a world-view; a view that we humans need to stop living as if there is no tomorrow, or there will be no tomorrow; a view that we can and should live as though all of us on this planet, human and non-human, now and in the future, matter.
Support for nuclear power is based on a world-view, but it doesn’t have the benefit of also being backed by rational arguments. It is simply a fantasy of the right, a convenient prop they occasionally produce to pretend we can address climate change while changing nothing, a weapon in their culture war.”
The result of this separation & alienation from nature is to have a severely limited view the world through our clouded #anthropocentric lens & to fail to understand the true scale of the damage we’re doing to #ecosystems & #biodiversity. (2/3)
@gregory_manni totally misguided to think capitalism itself will solve #climatecrisis - without annihilation of half the world's population at any rate.
The main takeaway from this NYT Daily episode on #COP27 climate finance is that #capitalism will somehow save the day? It's the root cause of the #climateCrisis, but it's also somehow, the solution for frontline adaptation?
Is anyone buying this?
#climatecrisis Wonderful interview of @WanderingGaia on Nature Podcast. It's inspiring to hear someone talk so positively about solutions to the #climatecrisis - social solutions which are practical and rapid such as managed migrations followed by concerted efforts to restore abandoned areas. Hope remains.
#climatecrisis #COP15 possibly even more important than #cop27 Let's hope something constructive emerges for #biodiversity
@PSarkies Not the only place with this problem. Texas can't get wind from where it is to where people are too. Doing the transmission upgrades is an important part of getting renewables to a large fraction of total electricity.
#climatecrisis Really interesting discussion on #radio4 #environment program #costingtheearth : great that the UK has built so much #offshorewind but the grid has not kept up so there is actually too much energy coming in to the grid sometimes. Reminder that big, eye-catching projects are not enough to solve environmental problems and reach #netzero
A month ago I became #NewOnMastodon, still learning, but liking it more and more here.
As an #EarthSystem scientist I am fascinated about the #CarbonCycle, especially in the #ocean and how we quantify it with Earth System #models in past, present, and future climates.
#ClimateChange is essentially a #CO2 problem. It is virtually impossible to be a #ClimateScientist without becoming deeply concerned about #ClimateEmergency.
Watch this space for my extended #IntroductionPost.
Tomorrow! A #Drosophilid #Science #Advent of #UK #Flies with #MacroPhotography, #NaturalHistory and #Entomology facts. Pre-advent:
‘The’ fly, D. melanogaster: winner of 6 #NobelPrizes, Dmel is a global human commensal that evolved in South East #Africa in association with #Marula https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982218313629. Leaving Africa >20Kya https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article/11/3/844/5304659, it reached TH Morgan’s lab in 1908; ~1000 genomes are available https://popfly.uab.cat/ and wild Dmel can look pretty odd: https://bmcecolevol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12862-014-0179-y
Epigenetics and Evolution at Oxford Biochemistry. Wide range of science interests. Also passionate about heavy metal, literature and climate justice.