>"The government passes a law that says social media has to pay traditional media for hosting the very links that traditional media was so eager to have on social media."
I don't understand this. What law are you talking about? What links are you talking about?
Canada passed a law that says you can't link to a site without paying them a fee?
@Pat Pretty much, yeah. Due to pressure from old-media lobbyists.
In response, Google & Meta were just like "ok whatever, we'll just ban those links then."
Hyperlinking is pretty much what the web is all about. It you can't link, then that kills the web. What were those Canadian politicians thinking?
Also, I thought Canada was a democracy with free speech. The times they are a-changing...
@Pat To be clear, it doesn't apply to all links on the internet, though. Just links on digital platforms that point at Canadian news organization websites.
Basically, the news orgs were hemorrhaging money and decided to use what little they had left to lobby the government to help them extort Facebook.
@Pat Canada, not US.