






...南非國際事務研究所專家范史塔登(Cobus van Staden)在美國政治新聞網 Politico 分析認為,對非洲來說,美國擁有一項強大的優勢,就是風險評估和專門的法律分析。非洲政府面對中國最主要障礙之一是缺乏貸款談判的能力。因此美國律師事務所與非洲政府之間的緊密合作,可以幫助非洲國家跟中國貸方進行更艱難的討價還價,這可能是個可以有成果的合作領域。這種合作需要改變美國的思維方式,而不是直接對抗中國,而是要針對性地與非洲交往,例如在監督中國承包商對社會、環境的影響。因此只有針對非洲的需求才能弱化中國在非洲的影響力,單純的要求非洲國家在美中之間做選擇只會讓非洲跟中國的關係更好。"


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“But if Chinese air, naval, and marine forces were based in the Atlantic, they could force the Pentagon to expand the scope of a war with China far beyond the Pacific. The U.S. could be faced with a two-front war, tracking down Chinese aircraft carriers, surface task forces, and attack submarines operating in the Atlantic.”


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中國意欲取代舊蘇聯地球第二的位置就必須在國際有拉幫結派能向第一世界叫板的實力, 相對好收買的非洲因此成了深耕處:

[ African leaders continued to visit China on official tours at a time when Beijing was shunned by the West. This period gave birth to the tradition, in place since 1990, that the Chinese foreign minister make his first trip of each new year to African countries. As an extension of these visits, regular summit meetings of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) were organized from 2000 onward to “meet the challenge of globalization” and help China and Africa “develop together.” ]


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"In recent times, the African trade landscape has seen a large and monumental shift from colonial trade routes to majority trade with China. China is now sub-Saharan Africa’s most visible and biggest trade partner.

Since the early 2000s, China’s trade with Africa has increased by over 2,000 percent, reaching $200 billion in 2019. China has since announced its $1 billion Belt and Road Africa infrastructure development fund to help build roads and necessary infrastructure to aid trade on the continent. But the African continent has also seen a change in its business landscape. As of 2017, there were reportedly over 10,000 Chinese-owned firms operating across the continent. These Chinese businesses are valued at over $2 trillion."


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[ At the same time, the U.S. wants to convey a nuanced message: Washington isn’t asking Equatorial Guinea to abandon its extensive ties with China, but just to keep relations within bounds the U.S. considers unthreatening.

The U.S. concern “is that the Chinese would develop a naval base in Equatorial Guinea, which would then give them naval presence on the Atlantic,” Maj. Gen. Andrew Rohling, commander of the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force—Africa, said in a June interview. ]


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南圖利亞說,北京也青睞在非洲聯盟(African Union)具影響力,且能動員支持並緩和各界抵制中國軍事基地的國家。"


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以綏靖態度對待四處攻城掠地的老二, 阿拜政權的蘇利文根本是挖坑給老大躺~

"雖然赤道幾內亞的石油探勘與開採主要由美國公司從事,中國卻是赤道幾內亞最大的開發夥伴。中國進出口銀行早在 2006 年便和赤道幾內亞簽訂以石油為擔保價值高達 20 億美元的信貸協議,以此開發巴塔港(Bata)為現代深水港口。2014 年,中國交通建設公司完成巴塔港擴建工作,隔年中國工商銀行又為港口的基礎設施等提供 20 億美元貸款,巴塔港最後於 2019 年完工啟用。

與此同時,赤道幾內亞的政治腐敗導致財政不斷惡化,對中國債台高築,2021 年估計對中債務已經高達 GDP 的 49.7%。雖然美國對此提出警告,赤道幾內亞政府似乎確實有意讓中國建立海軍基地,以解決燃眉的財政問題。"


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"Escrow accounts, sometimes called DSRA or debt-service reserve accounts, are common in project finance and the interest rate and repayment period on the Entebbe loan appear favorable to Uganda, according to a Beijing-based lawyer who has handled many Belt and Road loan contracts on behalf of government clients.

What is unusual is that DSRA isn’t normally used when a national government is the ultimate borrower, as in the case of Entebbe; the World Bank, for example, says DSRA doesn’t feature in its sovereign lending.

Uganda’s DSRA is potentially problematic because it locks up funds that might otherwise have flowed to the government for its general budget and get accounted for publicly, according to Brad Parks, executive director at AidData, a research center at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Va., who has dissected China’s lending practices. Mr. Parks said a loan that treats airport revenues as collateral may have parallels with Chinese lending in Angola, Venezuela, Ecuador and elsewhere that are tied to sales of commodities like crude oil."


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"The International Monetary Fund says in a separate report focused specifically on sub-Saharan Africa that the poor region has benefited from ties to China through a quadrupling of exports since 2000, mostly in the form of raw materials. In turn, the IMF said China has become the largest bilateral official creditor to the region as it emerged as a new source of infrastructure funding, but that the debt is highly concentrated in just a few nations. “It is noteworthy that the debt owed to China has not been the principal contributor to the region’s public debt surge in the past 15 years,” an increase primarily due to domestic commercial borrowing, the IMF said.

國際貨幣基金組織(International Monetary Fund, IMF)在另一份專門針對撒哈拉以南非洲的報告中稱,該貧困地區從與中國的關係中受益,自2000年以來,對中國的出口額翻了兩番,其中大部分是原材料;而隨著中國成為該地區基礎設施資金的新來源地,該國已成為這一地區最大的雙邊官方債權人,但這些債務高度集中在少數幾個國家。IMF表示,值得注意的是,欠中國的債務並不是過去15年該地區公共債務激增的主要原因,債務增加主要是國內商業借貸導致的。"


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研究人員還引用貸款機構向國際清算銀行報告的數據,他們表示,這些數據表明截至2021年,發展中國家借款人欠中國貸款機構至少1.1 兆美元,最多可達1.5兆美元(台幣48兆元)。"


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