"當然,我們去南中國海,北京會不滿意,但是,法國此舉的目的就是要捍衛聯合國的公海自由海洋的公約,《聯合國海洋法公約》是由一百多個國家簽署的公約,這一公約不能夠因為某一個國家的利益而被棄之不顧。這是法國軍隊巡航的唯一原因,在瑪麗安娜巡航任務結束之後,現在又有 代號為聖女貞德的演習,法國海軍將與美國,日本,澳大利亞等國的海軍在南海舉行聯合軍演,也是出於同樣的目的,在演習結束之後,法國軍艦將返回土倫港,這也是一次捍衛自由航行的演習,在一個可以自由航行的海域,南中國海並不是中國的內湖,也不可能成為中國的一條內湖。"
"They discussed Transatlantic cooperation in addressing the People’s Republic of China’s coercive economic practices and attempts at undermining the rules-based international order."
[ Such Gaullist assertions of independent French strategy tend to play well here, and Mr. Macron plans to run for re-election next year. In the end, France joined the other large, wealthy democracies at the G7 in making clear that they saw China and Russia as repressive and aggressive ideological rivals, and other NATO members in saying China presents “systemic challenges” to “areas relevant to military security.”]
"According to Indian media reports, one key area that will be part of the dialogue is ways and means to protect space assets. The rapid growth of counter-space capabilities by China is a serious development that India, France, Japan, and the U.S. have been grappling with. China’s growing inventory of counter-space capabilities is something the Indo-Pacific powers can no longer ignore. Although China has repeatedly reiterated that its space program is purely peaceful, India as well as other Indo-Pacific space powers remain concerned about China’s recent advances in outer space because of the inherent strategic and security risks. The social, economic, and security stakes of China’s counter-space capabilities are sufficiently challenging for India and France as well as other space players to come together and develop a shared sense of gaps and vulnerabilities that they may be exposed to. This competition and risks are only likely to grow in the coming years as outer space is increasingly caught up in the changing geopolitics and major power competition. "
"未來,美國政府所出售的新型電磁式飛機推射系統,將會安裝於法軍預計將於2025年建造的「新世代航空母艦」(Porte-avions de nouvelle génération)上,有望提昇該艦的起降效率,增加美法戰機間的操作互通性(Interoperability),以改善北約盟國的安全,但不會改變區域的基本軍事平衡。
2033至2038年,美國政府及承包商代表共40人,每年將撥出10週前往法國,支持「新世代航空母艦」安裝新型電磁式飛機推射系統的「飛行甲板認證」(Flight Deck Certification)及艦載機適應性測試(Aircraft Compatibility Testing)等工作。"
@Perfume 你一天花多少時間看這些新聞啊?
"This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve security of a NATO ally which is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Europe.
The proposed sale will result in continuation of interoperability between the United States and France. EMALS and AAG will be incorporated in France’s next-generation aircraft carrier program. France will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment into its armed forces. "