世衛若沒提供科興疫苗的評估報告, 老韭們大概只能寄望中國藥廠生產的俄羅斯疫苗了~

"The Russian Direct Investment Fund, which has been in charge of international cooperation for Sputnik V, said in April it would produce 100 million doses in collaboration with Hualan Biological Bacterin Inc., in addition to an earlier deal announced in March for 60 million doses with Shenzhen Yuanxin Gene tech Co.

The two deals are in addition to a deal announced last November with Tibet Rhodiola Pharmaceutical Holding Co, which had paid $9 million to manufacture and sell the Sputnik V vaccine in China. RDIF said in April the terms of the deal were for 100 million doses with a subsidiary company belonging to Tibet Rhodiola."

"However, none of the three Chinese companies has begun manufacturing Sputnik V as of yet."

“That would be a loss for global health and an embarrassment for the Biden Administration. Americans should question whose interests are served by their colossal financial contributions to the WHO.”











"The G-7 language was tougher on China than the document produced by the larger, 30-member NATO grouping. For instance, Taiwan went unnamed by the security alliance while the G-7 statement devoted a paragraph to calls for stability in the Taiwan Strait and neighboring seas, which China claims as its sovereign domain. It was the first-ever mention of that hot-button issue in such a communiqué, according to the University of Toronto’s G-7 Research Group."


G7公報連結, 對台海立場在頁22:

"60. We reiterate the importance of maintaining a free and open Indo Pacific, which is inclusive
and based on the rule of law. We underscore the importance of peace and stability across the
Taiwan Strait, and encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues. We remain seriously
concerned about the situation in the East and South China Seas and strongly oppose any
unilateral attempts to change the status quo and increase tensions."








海利認為,美國應該要對中國採取更強硬政策,並聯合澳洲、印度、南韓、日本和加拿大一起抵制2022北京冬奧。她說:「如果我們不抵制、不做些事向他們下戰書,請記住我的話:台灣會是下一個。如果他們拿下台灣,一切就完蛋了(If they take Taiwan, it’s all over),他們更有恃無恐奪取任何他們想要的領土。」”



"美國議員27日也以人權為由,向英特爾(Intel)、寶潔(Procter & Gamble)、可口可樂(Coca-Cola)、Visa、Airbnb等5家北京冬奧主要贊助商施壓,強調若這些企業繼續贊助北京冬奧,將等於是支持中國在新疆的種族滅絕及反人道罪行。"



傻眼: 幾千年前的新疆也不是你漢人住的啊...

"A team of archaeologists from Australia’s Griffith University and China’s Hebei Normal University that examined the rock-art site in Xinjiang in 2015 agreed some figures appear to be on skis or sleds, but cast doubt on the 10,000-year estimate. The study concluded the paintings likely date back between 4,000 and 5,250 years."


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