

"「裝中立」或未有任何價值判斷的報導方式,產生三種現象促成極端右翼主流化:⑴否認媒體議題設定以及在報導過程中產生「偏移」的能力,讓媒體與政治人物躲避他們對公共論述具有影響力的責任,而傾向將問題全怪罪於社群 (e.g.韓粉、鐵鏽帶勞工);⑵過去在學術上被定義為種族主義、族群歧視、性別歧視、階級歧視等的極端行為與言詞,現在全以「民粹」委婉帶過。在台灣,政治價值的清楚辯證常被沒有差異性的以顏色稱為「藍、綠」或紅或白,或是將其瑣碎化為「藍、綠惡鬥」。所有價值清楚的政治論述或道德清楚的立場,都因為報導上的「委婉言詞」,而意義模糊;⑶透過媒體放大效果,一些人物,其言語、行為,再犧牲其他人與議題所應得的注意力下,不成比例地被放大。"


"從近兩屆的地方選舉結果來看,負面競選與中國因素無可避免地成為選戰的主旋律,也因為這兩項策略「有效」所以一直出現在選戰中,說是 SOP 大概也還有幾分同意。


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"The Global Times article, which didn’t offer specifics of the investigations, cited a China-based expert on Taiwan relations, who said that if any violations are found, Foxconn should acknowledge its mistakes, accept penalties, and make necessary corrections. He said Taiwanese companies, including Foxconn, should embrace their social responsibilities and actively contribute to fostering peaceful cross-strait relations."

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[ Political pundits have at times expressed skepticism about an opposition coalition. It would be a historic first for the KMT not to have a candidate running for president if its nominee, Hou, who is currently behind Ko in some polls, agrees to be Ko’s running mate.

“Even if they cooperate, I don’t think we’ve heard the last of the squabbles between them,” Nachman said, given differences in their personalities, and potentially in their opinions over how far to go in aligning with China.]

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外媒都能看出郭不參選是顧忌北京, 郭的聲明就自我安慰用的:

"In one development that is likely to please Beijing, Gou’s spokeswoman said Friday that the billionaire didn’t have plans to register, meaning he would drop out of the race and avoid diverting votes from either of the other two opposition candidates. Foxconn, one of the world’s top assemblers of iPhones, is facing an investigation of some of its China operations for alleged tax and land-use violations in what political analysts said was a move by Beijing to force Gou to withdraw from the election. "

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[ “The K.M.T., as the grand old party, could never make way for an upstart party, so structurally, it was very difficult for them to work out how to work together,” said Brian Hioe, a founding editor of New Bloom, a Taiwanese magazine that takes a critical view of mainstream politics. On the other hand, Mr. Hioe added, “Ko Wen-je’s party has the need to differentiate itself from the K.M.T. — to show that it’s independent and different — and so working with the K.M.T. would be seen by many of his party membership as a betrayal.”


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這種傳統好像跟唱票一樣是台灣選舉特有? :ablobthinking:

"For many first-generation Taiwanese Americans, the quadrennial journey back to Taiwan has become something of a diaspora tradition since 1996, when the island held its first democratic presidential elections. Ms. Lai said that as a child in upstate New York, she was always vaguely aware of the latest developments in Taiwanese politics and would watch her parents fly back themselves to participate in presidential elections.


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