直接將作戰風險區域劃在換日線以西, 擺明是做好打海戰的準備了...
[“The most dangerous concern is that of a military force against Taiwan. To combat that, the forward posture west of the international dateline is how [current INDO-PACOM Commander Adm. Phil] Davidson describes it – and I concur with that: forces positioned to be able to respond quickly, and not just our forces,” Aquilino said.]
"美國海軍第7艦隊新聞稿指出,勃克級飛彈驅逐艦「魏柏號」(DDG 54)在符合國際法的規範下,於當地時間18日例行通過台灣海峽,表達美國對「自由開放的印太區域」之承諾,未來將持續合法航行。
拜登1月20日宣誓就職以來,4個月內這是第5度美國軍艦航行通過台灣海峽,包括2月兩次,3月、4月和5 月各一次,均為勃克級飛彈驅逐艦。"
“美軍今天表示,美軍勃克級(Arleigh Burke-class)導向飛彈驅逐艦「杜威號」(USS Dewey)14日、15日與加拿大皇家海軍哈利法克斯級(Halifax-class)巡防艦「溫尼伯號」(HMCS Winnipeg)一同通過台海。”
這時候釋放中國在新疆沙漠裡的反艦飛彈模擬基地也是很有效的爭取預算招, WSJ還很好心的把台媒報導作為第三方佐證~😆 😆
[ For around two decades, China is known to have used ship mock-ups in its remote deserts for target practice, and in 2013 a Taiwan media report reported strikes by a missile dubbed the “carrier killer,” the DF-21D, on a structure designed to look like the body of a U.S. aircraft carrier. ]
"Initially the US Department of Defense had estimated the Type 003 would be ready for active service by 2023, but it has now pushed that date back to 2024."