It really amazes me how many people on the left actually think Biden's extremely racist history as a politician during the start of his career was "debunked" and all "lies".... they believe this despite the fact that he actively faught to keep segregation alive int he senate. His words are publicly recorded, certified, and verified for all to see. His racist comments are a matter of public record, undeniable.... yet almost every single time I post an actual racist quote atleast a few from the left claim it isnt real, or it was debunked.
In fact, even when I post links to the word-for-word transcript clearly showing biden saying very racist things... STILL, I get responses from the left screaming at me for spreading "misinformation". Despite the proof right there in the same breath... They literally are so enraged I dare to share this clearly proven misinformation they will call me names sure... but more importantly they make sure they are very quick to block just so I dont have the chance to point out the very clear evidence right in front of their faces....
Its sad. Literally quoting Biden **with** context is enough to enrage the left and get blocked. Its funny how they can block you for quoting biden yet somehow be ok with biden.
inb4: Yes Trumpeters do this too... and yes I dont like them anymore for it than the left. Do not assume just cause the left are pieces of shit that I give the right a pass. As far as Im concerned the left and the right are on the same moral high ground as far as this goes.
@freemo I think there's a distinction between the democrats and the left.
Democrats tend to go ride or die for him but most people who I know that are on the self described left are far to the left of the dems and no one likes him. I live in a bubble of course.
I think thats mostly true... That said I find even those far on the left who dont like him, still vote for him as they buy into the myth of the two party system. Moreover they often assume when you criticize Biden that automatically means you are a Trumper unless you clearly announce your pro-communism views to make sure they know your not.
@freemo yeah. Even those who don't believe in the two party system which I think is most people, know we live in a first past the post system so the reality is it's the dems or it's trump.
If you say you don't vote for either of them because you've been voting for dems all your life and things just keep getting worse and the dems just keep chasing the same centrists who can't make up their minds between the republicans and them while abandoning the left, you're looked at as unserious.
> yeah. Even those who don't believe in the two party system which I think is most people, know we live in a first past the post system so the reality is it's the dems or it's trump.
Sadly that **is** the people who beleive the two-party system myth... Yea we do live in a first-pass-the-post voting system... but beleiving the myth that this means we are locked into a two-party system, which it doesnt, is where people go wrong. Which is kinda funny because despite being a FPTP voting system we have had third-parties replace one of thw two primary parties 8 times in the history of the US... clearly proving the FPTP voting system does not lock you into a two--party system like the myth suggests after all.
@freemo @flabberghaster I'd love to vote Libertarian Party but they clearly don't want me. That does rather limit my options if I'm to participate at all.
Libertarians over the time I've watched them seem more interested in being a "good ol' boy" clique than a political force wanting to articulate policy that gets them elected and puts butts in chairs to bring that policy in effect. You would have better luck at that herding cats. That's in the best of years.
These haven't been the best of years for the LP. The LP of New Hampshire in particular, but echoed in general have impressed me as the stoner section in the bleachers at a QAnon rally. No crackpot conspiracy theory is too insane to contemplate. And to top it all off, a "peace, amicable National Divorce" seems like the best plan to them. And if it isn't so peaceful after all, most Libertarians smile with a twinkle in their eyes with glee at the thought of finally putting their guns to use in an orgy of civil violence with the fig leaf of, "Well, we didn't initiate it, but by God we can settle it!"
I follow @/josheakle. He is, as best as I can see by my values, the Libertarian I'd vote for. I appreciate @/larrysharpe and @/realspikecohen. But those voices seem lost in a sea of "too crazy to be Republican, scary even for MAGA, QAnon is real folk who are more than happy to burn the entire US to the ground. And they get cranky when I ask what the hell is NAP about giggling at the thought of massive civil unrest just to have former President Clown Shoes dictator over red states again. What the greater part of Libertarians seem to advocate for is a dictatorship of might makes right, and somehow their support of the Leopards Eating Faces Party will work out just fine for them.
I find current Libertarians horribly authoritarian and not too worried about personal liberty, or even seriously concerned about policies worth voting for or getting butts in chairs. They really don't want me participating in their little club. I make too much noise questioning too much.
Oh yeah, the other two parties... The LP puts the butt crack between the giant douche and the turd sandwich. I agree with you about the Democratic Party POTUS candidates. And sooner not vote than vote GOP. The best way I can see to vote in 2024 is by absentee ballot from outside the US. No matter who wins, we all lose.