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Roughly a year i had my Bday, and just know i realized i got no cake.. So i made myself a triple chocolate cake

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Forgot to add, the only bummer in using linix here is that i dont have access to the led controling software.

So on a completely related note, anyone knows how to properly reverse engineer software in order to get access to the protocol/device/whatever info to write a foss alternative?

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Got my ayaneo air the other day, it looks amazing and it is really fun playing not at my computer.
Of course first thing i did was install linux(holoiso) on it(tho it took me a bit because chimeraos didnt want to install and holoiso had only broken links so i had to build the iso myself)

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Hey #Rust crate maintainers! I've written a crate metadata validator. Check if your crates need fixes:

Finally “upgraded” my and replaced its fans(after like 3 weeks of the printer sitting waiting for me to do something)

The fans and entire head dont feet that perfectly together, so i might print another head someday(also cable work is a mess and im bad at it)

I am thinking about trying a dual spool setup one day but until then i have some time

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@RustyStriker Well off the top of my head we have a bunch of tab management options, web panels, mail, calendar, feeds, ad blocker, tracking protection, translate, mouse gestures, editable toolbars, reading list, a typed command interface (and macros), notes manager, sound controls, extensive theme management …


Holy wow, I just took my usual walk(roughly 3.6km) and managed to maintain an average speed of 6.4km/h
(took me around 33 minutes)!
I think this is the best walk i had so far
(do people use tags to talk about their daily walk?)

Hey fedi, anyone knows of a good with a home screen wodget for android?
Was using posidon launcher untill now and i dont think i can drop the rss feed on the home screen

Rusty boosted
@redstarfish Indeed, the C99 spec allows this.
Most systems tend to either store argv on a stack or a heap, which you can modify just fine.

If you go and declare char *sneed[] = {"chucks", "feed", "and", "seed", NULL}; - you unfortunately typically can't modify that, as gcc typically places such array into a read-only section.

Im such a bad luck… The small one made it perfectly, first big has no hands, second one i break the flame… I guess super glue it is then

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Ok. This is a serious one. Please, share but vote only "I would like to know as well" if you don't know what this is about.

Is Systemd really THAT bad?

#gentoo #openrc #systemd #controversy #alpine #alpinelinux #fedora #redhat #debian #ubuntu

Also printed 2 charizards(first was a test) but the second’s arms were sloppy and fell off so imma try again in a couple of days with better support for the hands

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Did some more lately and got a pair of portal book holders, which are kinda cool

Finished printing one of tge blocks for the portal book holders, it took 6 hours for the block itself and the heat really doesnt help, gonna print the second half later today(already got the second portal and the second half of the little fella)

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Btw, I believe that #AI has hit a philosophical wall that technology alone cannot move.

When I started working on AI in the mid 2000s, it was still all about expert systems, decision trees that modeled first-order logic, onthologies, and graph exploration to come up with a best strategy to solve a problem.

That generation of AI could already solve impressive problems, but it was limited by the amount of knowledge that humans could put into it to describe all the possible combinations of a complex problem, or all the possible logically valid propositions, or all the grammar rules of a language.

It was a purely reasoning-based AI. Deterministic, reliable, but its utility was constrained by the amount of logical and algorithmic rules that humans could put into it.

Then computing became cheaper and more scalable, data for big corporations became cheaper and scalable as well, and neural networks, largely forgotten for nearly 25 years, got their moment. We suddenly got statistical systems that could figure out patterns and rules from labeled data, without a human explicitly encoding them into a graph. And we really thought that we had solved the problem of AI. But then you get systems that can recognize a human and a stop sign individually, but don't know what to do when they are together - because it was never trained to deal with such an unusual combination, or even told what the real meaning of a stop sign is.

Deep learning trashed away decades of reasoning-based expert systems to focus on empirical models trained through statistical pattern matching, but in doing so it created parrots that can talk about anything without even understanding what they're talking about.

It's again the long-lived clash between rationalism and empirism. In spite of the technology, these problems have been around at least since the times of Plato. Do we through deduction (we learn the basic building blocks of reality, and then we learn how to logically connect them together in increasingly complex structures), or do we learn through experience (by observing and replicating things again and again, measuring the feedback, and gradually converging towards a local optimum that statistically minimizes the odds of error)?

Well, it turns out that we may need both, but we can't make such a big theoretical leap in understanding how machines (and even humans) learn while the whole field is in the hands of a handful of companies mostly interested in doing small iterative improvements over their existing imperfect models, with little to no incentives to take big risks required to really push the industry forward.

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Best terminal W3 browser? #AskFedi

Also, fedora didnt want to power off for some reason, now i have artix(base install) with gnome, but gnome doesnt allow me to login for some reason

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Doing some distro hopping on my laptop while at my parents, and so I installed fedora but I dont think i like it, so i wanted to try pop os, but after burning the iso using dd multiple times, and downloading twoce the img, i gave up and swotched to artix again, but it seems to also be broken, so i guess dd on fedora is just broken

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