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Rusty boosted
Rusty boosted

The portable identity people always, inevitably forget one simple truth: the identity and the means of accessing it should be separable. I've explained them way too many times that a public key is not a viable form of identity. They still keep insisting on using public keys as identifiers.

The fatal flaw of the use of cryptographic keys for identity is that
- Once leaked, it can't be revoked to prevent further unauthorized access and impersonation
- Once lost, it can't be recovered and a new key pair, thus a new identity, is required

This stuff is non-negotiable really. I worked at VK, they have an entire department dedicated to restoring people's access to their accounts. People are terrible with passwords and they will be even more terrible with private keys.

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Rusty boosted

Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to announce that my free and open-source board game simulator, Tabletop Club, is now officially released! 🥳

You can download v0.1.0, a.k.a. "Humble Beginnings", right now 😱

#OpenSource #GameDev #GodotEngine #Tabletop

Rusty boosted

This week in KDE: The bug slaughterfest continues. Plus: Discover's search gets smarter, KRunner makes maths functions simpler, Plasma's panel configuration goes visualer(?).

Rusty boosted

#Kdenlive 23.04 is out with nested timelines, Whisper engine support, new effects and transitions and much more.

Go check it out:

Rusty boosted
please dont buy chairs that need a #subscription to work. buy #chair for 10$ but to sit on it you need to download an #app on your phone and register your butt and pay 2$/month per butt. otherwise youll be ejected or the chair will self destruct. o;
Rusty boosted

The official Mastodon app is doing something new which is potentially very dangerous to the existence of Mastodon and the Fediverse.

The official Mastodon app now prompts users to join by default, when previously it prompted them to pick a server. If you're new this may sound harmless, but let me explain.

The entire point of this place is to be a social network spread out on as many servers as possible (the reasons are here:


Rusty boosted
Rusty boosted

TFW you know exactly how to model an algorithm in a dozen ways but not the way that Rust wants.

Rusty boosted

I kinda wish mastadon wasnt anti-algorithm when it comes to your feed... The ideal, IMO, is that the user can pick whatever algorithm they want to effectively empower their feed and make discovery of new content better.

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Rusty boosted

accidentally wrote "saad" instead of "saas" in a text to my partner; they immediately coined "Software as a Disappointment"

and honestly, where is the lie

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"Can you explain this gap in your resume?"

"Yes, I used LaTeX and couldn't fix that bit"

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Rusty boosted

Just added another page to my website, this one is about an idea for a /#federated (or honestly and game).

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Rusty boosted

The experimental Rust PR to add a more expressive "interop" ABI on top of the C ABI is IMHO the most exciting new effort that happened in Rust in the last few years.

Thanks to @josh and others for starting this very important work 🥳​

Also @Mara's reply seems to indicate that some serious thought is now also put into other related areas, especially for handling Rust dynamic libraries.

Very exciting stuff for making Rust a better choice in various areas where exactly these topics were slowing down or hindering adoption.

#Rust #RustLang

Rusty boosted

He talked about electric cars. I don't know anything about cars, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Then he talked about rockets. I don't know anything about rockets, so when people said he was a genius I figured he must be a genius.

Now he talks about software. I happen to know a lot about software and Elon Musk is saying the stupidest shit anyone's ever said, so when people say he's a genius I figured I should stay the hell away from his cars and rockets.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.