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@lanodan @wolf480pl @lunarised

(this is an honest question, I know near to nothing about low level graphics.. but I mean: you know how large is the screen, don't you?)


That would improve performance wherther you allowed user-space malloc/free or not.

Can't we think anything for such specific os design?



A gc that use malloc to acquire more memory.

But the point is that the amount of code run by vscode, shows that performance doesn't matter much.

I mean: an editor coded in javascript and run on a browser.



Performance: does it really matter when people use editors like vscode?
More interesting question: what you would do to improve performance in such system?

As for mmap: there is no mmap. 😉



Seriously, since a couple years I wonder if one can always replace malloc/free with forks.

I think that it should be possible to prove that you always bind memory to processing, and there is no other reason except programmer lazyness to do such processing in the same process.

Counter-argument: sed hold-space processing.

Counter-counter-argument: you just need more expressive pipes and redirections, and instead of one single hold-space, you'd get multiple spaces each connected to simpler version of sed.

Counter-counter-counter argument: that's cheating, as the pipes would handle memory growth under the hood in kernel space.

But... why not?
Userspace programs would be way simpler (and safer) without malloc/free.


Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted

Occhio alle app fasulle!
Subito dopo che il regime iraniano ha bloccato il messenger di #Telegram, sono state implementate e pubblicate alcune app di terze parti che hanno aiutato gli utenti a bypassare il filtro iraniano. La maggior parte di queste app aveva server con sede in Iran ed era sotto il controllo del ministero delle TIC e dell'"Università di #Teheran" e raccoglieva i dati degli utenti.
Di Nariman #Gharib


Vorrei tantissimo che tu avessi ragione.

Ma se fai una multa da 3-4 euro ad uno spacciatore che si guadagna da vivere spacciando coca, credi che smetterà?

Se la sua attività non è vietata dalla legge, pagherà serenamente la multa come paga il parcheggio.

Queste aziende non vanno multate o smembrate, ma vietate. @informapirata


To be fair, the server are still distributed around the world to reduce latency.

Only control is centralized.

IOW, the Internet is still (quite) decentralized, state just need to expropriate data center as a compensation for 's tax avoidance.

Shamar boosted

On new development machines I always start with:

$ git config --global init.defaultBranch master
Not because of what you think.

Simply put, I won't help US people to cope with their long history of and systemic .

should always be remembered of their shame, not be allowed to remove their sins from history. Not even `git` history.

Also computer are things, not people. They CAN be used as things and people CAN and SHOULD master computers.

Because in a society, if you do not _master_ the automatisms that surround you, you are going to become a gear yourself, a biologic robot also known as slave.

There is no easy way around this: you either master the automatism or you are enslaved through (NOT "by") them.


10 milioni di euro era il massimo che AGCM potesse fare.

Inoltre il "valore" dei dati cresce esponenzialmente, raddoppiando con ogni nuovo bit che acquisisci.

Anche se la prossima fra 10 anni fosse 1000 volte tanto, a loro converrebbe pagarla migliaia di volte piuttosto che smettere di spiare gli utenti per anni. @informapirata

Shamar boosted


One who can tell a wide family of programming languages from a wide family of scams?



I honestly wonder what one could defend in blockchains.

Are you trying to amend for working with them?

If so, I strongly suggest to defend instead of .


Shamar boosted

“Mr. McCourt’s vision, where individuals own their data and control how it’s sold and used by companies.”

Mr. McCourt can kindly fuck off.

The reason you must own and control your own data (aspects of your self) is so no one else owns and controls it (you), not so some billionaire asshat like Mr. McCourt can create a marketplace for it and take a cut.

Don’t fall for these fauxternatives.

Billionaires will not save you.

We can only save ourselves.

Shamar boosted

Come ho dato il benservito a Google senza necessariamente incendiare la mia casa
"Un esperimento di un mese, ispirato da un articolo, si tramuta in un'avventura che mi ha portato a riappropriarmi dei miei dati, rinunciare ai #Google Services sul mio smartphone #Android e a scoprire che esiste un intero ecosistema open pronto a sostituirli."
Ma è davvero possibile vivere senza Google?
Di @penguin86


And... so what?

Emulating on is a way to reuse jehanne userspace to cross build jehanne itself, instead of relying on third party code (except for , but I'm working on it too).

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