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Shamar boosted

In questi giorni i politici stanno dicendo tutto e il contrario di tutto, contraddicendo posizioni che avevano dichiarato come ferme e irrinunciabili, spacciano soluzioni risibili come fossero quello che tutti aspettano e come se fossero La soluzione... ma non hanno senso della serietà e del pudore? Che coraggio a presentarsi come salvatori...

Shamar boosted

#Etcher bullshit

The diff' between Free software and “open source" in a nutshell: Users freedom vs marketing bullshit about gratis stuff…

Or why I will never use this crap/trust open-washing companies like that Balena (ex that claim just 'cause they "fully open source a project and offer it for free to everyone" it's acceptable/required to spy on users and to use adwares…

Shamar boosted

@Shamar And remembering that historians create history - journalists report on it as it happens - everything ESR writes about the culture of software is his attempt to dictate the rules to suit himself.

Apparently we're all libertarian gun-owning social misfits who can't get a date.

Or was that RMS?

Shamar boosted

A great piece from @mala

Digital rights are human rights. Together, we can work to protect those rights globally, and fight back against the injustice and fearmongering perpetrated worldwide against innocent technologists.

Shamar boosted
Shamar boosted

@ondiz @ekaitz_zarraga there should also be the possibility to partecipate remotely (if the bandwidth will be enough), but it will be in Italian...

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Ragazzi voi conoscete qualcuno che possa essere interessato?

@paolo @mauro @maupao @Ca_Gi

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Ciao !

Chi ha voglia di fare quattro chiacchiere su , , e ?

Sabato a partecipo ad un tavolo di lavoro del Partito Pirata il cui scopo e definire un progetto politico innovativo per il Partito Pirata del 2020 basato sull'etica .

Un progetto che parte dall'educazione informatica per diffondere la che ci caratterizza ed applicarla, insieme alle nostre competenze, alla ricerca di soluzioni razionali e concretamente realizzabili per i diversi problemi della nostra società.

Un progetto convintamente e che si fonda sui Principi Fondamentali della nostra .

Un progetto ambizioso.

Chi ha voglia di partecipare alla sua stesura?

Shamar boosted

Sono un #Pirata #democratico e voglio che la #Conoscenza sia veicolo di #Libertà, non strumento di #Potere.

E questo è possibile.
Basta sapere come fare.

Shamar boosted

@HerraBRE @Wolf480pl

I remember what happened pretty well.
To me, the problem was the initial half-disclosure.

I'm against grace periods: if you find a serious vulnerability you should inform everybody so that they can stop using the tool that way.
Yes: this implies that people should know how to program: #Informatics is today what writing was in ancient Egypt.

But if you accept to have a quarantine (so that bad people can still exploit the issue and conclude their attacks) stick with it.

Shamar boosted

Most of the heaviest elements on Earth came from Neutron Stars going supernova or colliding with each other. Almost all of the gold you've ever seen came from an ancient collision between two neutron stars, and billions of years later they came together as part of a collapsing gas cloud that eventually formed the Earth.

Over half of the iron that makes your blood red came from white dwarves gathering too much mass and exploding as type 1a supernovas.

The hydrogen atoms in the water that makes up 70% of your bodymass formed 300,000 years after the big bang. Each of them is 13.7 billion years old.

We are the universe.

Shamar boosted


Oh beh... non avevo proprio collegato i duei Giacomo... e dire che sono un Giacomo anche io! 😊

Hai appena guadagnato un seccatore fra i tuoi seguaci! 😉

Bravi, davvero.

Shamar boosted

Obviously, 1. is a decision that needs to be made by individual website owners.

And 2. has already been figured out by... CloudFlare (oh, the irony!):

We need a clean-room, FLOSS implementation of Keyless TLS. Nudge. Wink.

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@rysiek your new fediverse avatar is the coolest one I've ever seen.

I'm seriously tempted to steal it.

Shamar boosted

« Cloudflare est down ». Un incident cryptique mais qui affecte une bonne partie d'internet. En cause : la centralisation de nombreux services, mais aussi la grande fragilité de certaines bases d'internet .Par @nextinpact

Shamar boosted


#Java: Look, you can spend thousands of work-years to write a software with billions of lines of code and you can still throw it all away when management change the #business strategy!

#Rust: Look, you can spend thousands of work-years to write a software with billions of lines of code but nobody has ever thrown it away because a dumb business strategy: it must be better than Java, don't you think?

#C: keep it simple, stupid.


Shamar boosted

A tutti gli italiani che si occupano di informatica: è nato una comunità italiana uno spazio di discussione in lingua italiana e di scambio focalizzato sullo sviluppo software.

Fate girare!
(se volete un invito e abbiamo già chiacchierato in precedenza, mandatemi la vostra mail via DM)

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