Continuing md EU4 campaign even though Dharma comes out next week just for my personal enjoyment and @Surasanji 's
Love you man. <3
<3 Dude, I'm just happy to be along for the ride. I enjoy your content. The fact that you're such a nice guy only means I enjoy it more.
We gotta play some Stellaris sometime, just for fun, if you can find a few hours a month or something. Us against the Galaxy!
@commandelicious Hah! Well, we'll find some time. It'll be good. I use some mods, but I can do without if you prefer to play vanilla.
I don't heavily mod it, I play with the following:
*UI Overhaul 1080p Plus
*Real Space (The full 4 Mods)
*Planetary Diversity (And companion mod for Real Space)
*!CGM Mod suite. (3 Mods)
I think that's all of them. All on Steam Workshop.
My husband creature thanks you for the Real Space mod. He hadn't heard of that one. He's playing it at the moment. The Great Khan has just triggered for him apparently 😬
Real Space is where I started with modding Stellaris. I love it- it is *so* pretty and it adds a lot of interesting additions to the universe generation.
With Stellaris I had the problem that they update it so often that I mods become annoying, but if you know good ones: shoot :D