Continuing md EU4 campaign even though Dharma comes out next week just for my personal enjoyment and @Surasanji 's
Love you man. <3
<3 Dude, I'm just happy to be along for the ride. I enjoy your content. The fact that you're such a nice guy only means I enjoy it more.
We gotta play some Stellaris sometime, just for fun, if you can find a few hours a month or something. Us against the Galaxy!
Oh yes we do!
I play Stellaris more like a admin game, like one of these sports manager games you know? xD
@commandelicious Hah! Well, we'll find some time. It'll be good. I use some mods, but I can do without if you prefer to play vanilla.
With Stellaris I had the problem that they update it so often that I mods become annoying, but if you know good ones: shoot :D
I don't heavily mod it, I play with the following:
*UI Overhaul 1080p Plus
*Real Space (The full 4 Mods)
*Planetary Diversity (And companion mod for Real Space)
*!CGM Mod suite. (3 Mods)
I think that's all of them. All on Steam Workshop.
Real Space is where I started with modding Stellaris. I love it- it is *so* pretty and it adds a lot of interesting additions to the universe generation.