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DaveTLV boosted

@ridley when you look at me, my heart skips a beat (which is always, oh god, please help, this is such pain but such ecstasy, I need thousands of small bee-sized doctors with bee-sized defibrillators)

when I look at you, I see an ocean of jellyfish but the jellyfish are occuli

DaveTLV boosted

@Ophillous you make my eyes roll back into my everything

you all are a sight for sore eyes, and More eyes

DaveTLV boosted

the boosts from my followers make This Entity a powerful little fucker

DaveTLV boosted

@Ophillous I give you butterfly kisses with innumerable eyelashes

you give me bee kisses with all your bee fur

DaveTLV boosted

@ridley as sweet as honey, and as terrifying as bees

your many eyes fear, amaze, and bees

while a rose may have thorn, they also have bees

and although I use them to see, my eyes belong to bees

when I am alone, you help me feel bees

ashes to ashes, dust to bees

DaveTLV boosted

When the Cryptids Parliament files a writ of indictment, calling for my abdication as admin.

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

People in first world countries are dying from measles in 2018.


DaveTLV boosted

Today is the darkest day of the year! May your ears be full of shuffling that your eyes cannot place, and your heart full of dread

DaveTLV boosted

My hobbies include:

horny on main
bees II, the sequel to bees
shitposting on mastodon dot com
hoarse voice
horse voice
smile emoji
bees 3: electric beegaloo
biological slime

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

"El Escudo" bar restaurant in Fuenmayor, La rioja. Griddled artichokes, duck's liver and poached egg! Very good, tasty! Today gone out for eating extraordinariy things! Hehehe!

DaveTLV boosted

Riker: Skinner, his kitchen in flames
Riker: Martin, his geode unacknowledged!
Picard: (dismissive wave) David, after dentist.
Riker: Chipmunk, it's expression dramatic!
Picard: Christian Bale, his voice raised!
Riker: Fry, his eyes narrowed.
Picard: Shaka, when the walls fell.

DaveTLV boosted

LibreCheck software announcement. CW-ed because of length. 

I have been working on some a program I call LibreCheck for a little while now. LibreCheck is free (libre) and open source software for logging people in places like day cares and Sunday-school at churches. It will be flexible enough to be used for many different situations such as conferences as well. The fact that it is free software means that you may change the code to make it work the way you want it to.


LibreCheck’s main technical goals are reliability, simplicity, and flexibility. Other software is complicated in design, which often leads to many bugs and general instability. They also generally set to work in certain settings, and since they are often proprietary, are not easily extensible to work in different situations. LibreCheck also is meant to be simple to use for the end user. It will be easy to install, easy to start, and easy to run.


Right now I am building it in JavaScript and PHP, but nothing is finalized yet for the final public version. I may completely rebuild it before I make a public version. It is being set up where is does not really matter how it is built now. I can replace the proverbial ax head and the handle separately or together, and the program will work the same way.


I am mostly working on this first version on my own, but also with a friend who is not on Mastodon. @zath is learning basic programming currently, and likely will help in the future. He will build the first version of our website.

I plan to finish a basic functional alpha version by the end of 2018. A more complete beta version will be developed in the following months. After a stable and complete enough beta is ready, it will be tested in production for a while and improved before the public beta is released.

- Alpha: end of 2018
- Private beta: end of January 2019
- Public beta: March (?)

Also on diaspora*:

I'm pretty well convinced Bibi did something super shady and needs to go. Hopefully, the attorney general will agree.

The really sad thing is I really used to think that Bibi was an honest dude, who maybe made some mistakes. Now, I'm pretty well convinced he's a crook and abused his position as a public servant for personal gain.

DaveTLV boosted

Honduran-born Jose Aguilar and his wife Lilian Mejía used their restaurant in Tijuana to feed thousands of displaced migrants. Mejía believes a warm meal brings these folks back a sense of humanity that the long, difficult journey had taken from them.

Long- Prose/Poetry sort of thing. Feelin' creative. Constructive Criticism welcome. 

I walked once the streets of my home. My bare feet in communion with the pavement and stones. I wandered this night, cold and rainy, wet from head to toe.

Thunder rolls through the alleys and streets, a crash to follow a flash of light that comes from nowhere and everywhere. A front-loaded rumbling that starts hard and softens after moments. The purr of the sky.

I find the beach, and stare out on tumultuous waters. White-caps and chaos as waves go in every direction, jostling water and forms made fuzzy by the spit-slap of heavy rains.

Another moment of painful brightness.

A cloak of rain, bare feet in the sand.

Storm, please dissolve me.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.