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DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

For the first time since 2014 about half of Israel is closed due to the danger from terrorist rockets being fired at us.

This is literally the worst school holiday.

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted

Debating a 'Shared Burdens' play through on Stellaris. Lemme get some Space Syndicalists out there in the aether!

DaveTLV boosted

I can't help but think Bibi let this assassination happen while his major political opponents have the chance to set up a coalition for a ruling government.

It's a pretty cynical move on Bibi's part, but one I have zero doubts about. He'd rather rockets fall on this country than give up power.

That is how much Bibi cares about us.

DaveTLV boosted


You make me wonder...

Does an insect or any other non-human being really comprehend that there are words to be read on a page or screen.

What level of intelligence is required to recognize some other being's abilities, ones "we" lack?

Are we in SETI, even listening to the frequencies which aliens use? (not a new question)

Hey little insect crawling on top of my work monitor. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be outside with the other insects?

... I mean, we both know you're illiterate.

DaveTLV boosted

here’s a crop of novembers wallpaper for patreon, if you enjoy my comic this is the best way to support it! Sign up to get this and all the other stuff i’ve posted in the past. tell your friends!

DaveTLV boosted
DaveTLV boosted
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