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Another AfD scandal.
The ex-assistant to the deputy of the Bundestag, who worked for the FSB, was deprived of his illegal received German citizenship.

Former assistant to the German deputy of the Bundestag (from the Alternative for Germany) Vladimir Sergienko, recruited by the FSB, received his German passport illegally. He has been now deprived of this citizenship.

According to Der Spiegel, the decision was made by the Berlin Administrative Court in mid-June. According to it, Sergienko fraudulently obtained German citizenship by hiding his Russian passport during the naturalization process. In his statement in 2019, Sergienko indicated that he only has Ukrainian citizenship. In November 2022, despite significant security concerns, he became German.

Until the beginning of the year, Sergienko worked as an employee of Eugene Schmidt, a member of the Bundestag from the Alternative for Germany, and for a long time had a parliamentary identity card. According to court documents, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution suspects him of acting "on behalf of the Russian state authorities to the detriment of the Federal Republic of Germany."

According to an investigation by The Insider and Der Spiegel, Sergienko, a former Ukrainian political strategist with German citizenship, corresponded with his handler, FSB Colonel Ilya Vechtomov. In the correspondence, Sergienko reported on the work done, discussed with Vechtomov, who is responsible for issues related to Ukraine, his funding from Moscow and actions.

One of the results of the activities of the deputy's assistant was a lawsuit filed by the Alternative for Germany to the Federal Constitutional Court, at the behest and financed by the Kremlin, against the supply of weapons to Ukraine.

Officially, the AfD does not admit its connection with the Kremlin, but, as hacked correspondence shows, the deputies of this faction not only coordinated their actions with Moscow, but received direct instructions - even prepared speeches, which they obediently followed.

After a hesitating start Germany turned into the second largest supplier of military aid for Ukraine behind the US, so it got important for Putin to expand his influence in Germany, as he does in US.


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For once no war support, but a real cause.
Chelyabinsk schoolchildren refused caviar, sushi and pizza at graduation, donating money to feed homeless animals

11th grade students decided that they would not celebrate their last day of school in a grand manner, but instead would help cats and dogs from an animal shelter. The kids refused expensive menu items in favor of buying animal food.

As Maxim, one of the graduates, told state-controlled media, the class liked this idea, and all 29 students unanimously approved it. Some parents were initially against it, but at the general meeting they still agreed to do as their children wished. As a result, they managed to save 1,000–1,500 rubles per student and buy more than 50 boxes of food (about 1,200 bags in total).

The graduates visited five shelters, one of which was home to just over two hundred cats. The volunteers appreciated the schoolchildren’s good deed and were happy with the children’s decision.


Journalist Anna Zueva was fined for "violating the foreign agency legislation.” She is not recognized as a “foreign agent”, only a member of organisation labeled as “foreign agent”.

The Sovetsky District Court of Ulan-Ude fined Zueva for not having a label on her YouTube channel - the court decided that the label should be due to the fact that the journalist is a participant in the “Soft Power” movement which is included in the register:

In her resolution, Vlasova wrote that she “takes into account my property status and the social danger of this offense,” so “the most humane court in the world” imposed a fine of 10.000 rubles. Amazing generosity, of course, except that I am not recognized by the Ministry of Justice as a foreign agent.

My lawyer and I will, of course, challenge this unfair decision. I haven’t put up these stupid people’s badges and won’t, since the law on “foreign agents” is illegitimate and discriminatory. I don’t plan to pay the fine either ,” Zueva said.


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that a radiation monitoring station near the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) was destroyed due to shelling.

Rafael Grossi, the IAEA's director general, stated that this destruction has significantly impaired the ability to detect and measure radioactive emissions in emergency situations. The station was located approximately 16 kilometers from the Zaporizhzhia NPP. Presently, only 4 out of the 14 such facilities that were operational before Russia's full-scale invasion are still functioning.

Holy traditional values in the ruZZian army
A 19-year-old conscript was found dead in the Kaliningrad region. He may have committed suicide or being killed after being sexually assaulted.

The body of 19-year-old Lev with a bullet through his jaw was found on June 19 on the territory of a military unit.

“My father was told in passing that my brother was sexually abused and he committed suicide. The investigator said that Lev was forced to do very specific actions with someone,” his sister Daria told Mediazona.

The young man's family does not believe in suicide and suggests that he could have been killed.

Photo: “Caution, news”


UK's Nigel Farage doubles down on controversial Ukraine/Putin comments.

Nigel Farage has doubled down on his controversial claim that "Russia was provoked into launching the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the expansion of NATO and the EU."

In an article for The Telegraph on June 22, titled "The West’s errors in Ukraine have been catastrophic. I won’t apologize for telling the truth," Farage denied he was "an apologist or supporter of Putin."

The politician, who heads a newly-resurgent Reform UK party, drew widespread criticism on June 20 when he said the EU and NATO "provoked" Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by expanding eastwards.

Farage's comments echo Kremlin disinformation lines used to justify the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, namely that Russia was "forced" to start the war to "protect itself" from the threat from NATO.

The stance ignores the fact NATO is a defensive alliance and one of the main motivating factors for countries in Eastern Europe – including Ukraine – to join, is an understanding of the Kremlin's imperialist ambitions rooted in a long and bloody history of falling victim to it.

Russia has invaded two European countries this century – Ukraine and Georgia, neither of which are members of the EU or NATO.

Sweden and Finland both joined NATO as a direct response to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Putin himself has in recent years revived a distorted version of Russia's imperialist past in an attempt to create a new national identity and convince Russia's citizenry that in order to survive, it must wage war on the West.

In a 2021 essay titled "On the historical unity of the Russians and Ukrainians," often overlooked by those saying Russia was provoked into invading Ukraine, Putin laid out what he saw as Russia's rightful claim to Ukraine.

From the analysis of the Atlantic Council: In one particularly ominous passage, he openly questions the legitimacy of Ukraine’s borders and argues that much of modern-day Ukraine occupies historically Russian lands, before stating matter of factly, “Russia was robbed.” Elsewhere, he hints at a fresh annexation of Ukrainian territory, claiming, “I am becoming more and more convinced of this: Kyiv simply does not need Donbas.”

Putin ends his lengthy treatise by appearing to suggest that Ukrainian statehood itself ultimately depends on Moscow’s consent, declaring, “I am confident that true sovereignty of Ukraine is possible only in partnership with Russia.”

Despite being around 5,500 words long, the essay only mentions NATO once in a paragraph that falsely claimed the "Ukrainian authorities, security services and armed forces" were under the influence of "NATO infrastructure."

But in June 2022, Putin admitted openly the full-scale invasion of Ukraine was an imperial war to "return" Russian lands.

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A series of attacks is ongoing in Dagestan. Two orthodox churches and a synagogue were set on fire and gunmen attacked a traffic police post in Derbent and Makhachkala.

The chairman of the Public Monitoring Commission of Dagestan, Shamil Khadulaev, also claims that among the dead is 66-year-old father Nikolai, whose throat was cut:
“Mikhail’s security guard in the Makhachkala-1 church, armed only with a gas pistol, was shot. The priests have closed themselves in the Church and are waiting for help.”

the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan confirmed the death of six policemen, and 12 injured.
The shooting reportedly continues in Derbent.

A counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in Dagestan.

As foreseeable State Duma deputy from Dagestan Magomed Gadzhiev claimed that “special services of Ukraine and NATO countries” are behind the terrorist attacks without specifying what they possibly could achieve by attacking churches, synagogues and traffic police posts.


Addition to previous post Terrorist attack in Dagestan. According to Astra:

- Those who attacked Makhachkala and Derbent are adherents of an international terrorist organization;

- Two sons of the head of the Sergokalinsky region of Dagestan, Magomed Omarov, took part in the attack on Makhachkala: Osman and Adil Omarov. The information has not been confirmed;

- Two attackers at a traffic police post in Makhachkala were killed. At least two more were detained on the territory of the Beryozka beach;

- Nine people died, seven of them were police officers. 25 people were injured;

- A priest was killed during an attack on a church in Derbent. His throat was cut;

- 40 hostages are locked in an Orthodox church in the Kirov district of Makhachkala. The information has not been confirmed;

- a CTO regime was introduced in Dagestan. The Russian National Guard operates on the streets of Makhachkala with armored vehicles. Helicopters and armored personnel carriers are deployed in Derbent.


Official who gave Putin wrong intelligence on Ukraine war resigns.

Sergei Beseda has resigned as head of the 5th Service of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) on the formal grounds that he had turned 70, the age limit for service.

"However, this personnel decision is explained not only by formal reasons: inside the FSB, there is a fierce feud between various power groups for several high-ranking posts being vacated this year, including Bortnikov's job," Russian investigative outlet Important Stories stated, citing its undisclosed sources.

The 5th Service is in charge of the FSB's relations with foreign partners and gathering intelligence in former Soviet countries, including Ukraine.

The service provided ruZZian dictator Putin with information about political developments in Ukraine on the eve of the full-scale invasion.

The intelligence provided by the 5th Service turned out to be inaccurate in many ways when the all-out war started. But based on this intelligence, the Z-regime was confident that the russian army would not meet serious resistance in Ukraine.

Beseda was replaced by Alexey Komkov and was appointed as an aide to Alexander Bortnikov, head of the FSB.

The director of the FSB will turn 73 this year (he is not subject to age restrictions due to the high rank of army general), and he has long been "asking to retire for health reasons," according to IStories sources. One of the candidates for his place is Sergei Korolev, the first deputy director of the FSB. He has numerous connections with the leaders of the russian underworld, including the "killer No 1" of russia Aslan Gagiev.

Alexei Komkov, appointed head of the fifth service, is considered a protégé of Korolev.



Putin instructed russia's richest billionaire to create yet another "SWIFT analogue".

Problems with settlements with foreign partners due to sanctions are forcing the Z-regime to look for various ways to create payment systems. Another attempt to do this received the blessing of Putin himself.

As part of the merger of the Wildberries marketplace and russia's largest outdoor advertising operator Russ, it is planned to create not only a "high-tech digital trading platform", as the companies themselves reported, but also a payment platform. It could replace the SWIFT international bank payment system, two sources close to the Kremlin told proposedly to Bloomberg in order to get the news circulating in Western media. Russian banks lost access to SWIFT after Putin unleashed the war in Ukraine.

The founder and head of Wildberries, Tatyana Bakalchuk, is the richest woman in Russia. Her fortune, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, is $8.1 billion, which has increased by 40% since the beginning of the war in Ukraine thanks to the growth of the Wildberries business, in which she owns 99%.

Bakalchuk is not under Western sanctions, but the creation of a payment system increases the risk that she may fall under them. Earlier, sanctions were imposed against the Mir payment system and its operator NSPK.

The G7 countries and the EU are discussing restrictions against banks that use the russian analogue of SWIFT - the Financial Messaging System of the Bank of russia (SPFS). Foreign banks in 20 countries, including China, Belarus, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan, are connected to it.
According to Western officials, the SPFS is used to circumvent sanctions and purchase products prohibited for supply to russia.

The 14th package of sanctions, which the EU unveiled on June 20, prohibits European companies operating outside russia from connecting to the SPFS, as well as conducting transactions with blacklisted companies that use this system to circumvent sanctions.

Putin threatens Seoul: "if South Korea supplies weapons to Ukraine, it will not like the answer. I hope they won’t do it, it would be a big mistake."

As the maZter ZtrategiZt decided to reenact good old Soviet times with North Korea - obviously thinking that he could thereby add weight to his now worn out nuke threats to scare the West into not supporting Ukraine anymore, he obviously forgot to take into consideration that this could bring South Korea to consider the possibility of supporting Ukraine directly with lethal weapons.

Ups... so he hasten to resort to his default response that then HE would arm NK. All fine and dandy... if he would be living in Soviet times, but not as he is currently on beggar trip to GET ammo and weapons. So what? He will give NK nuclear technology and rile China up?

If Seoul supplies Kyiv now directly with weapons, the maZter ZtrategiZt has achieved a radical shift in the country’s longstanding policy, as he did before with Sweden and Finland.

Well done!


In Tuva, a policeman who burned a detainee alive was released to war

Former deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Tuva, Orlan Saryg-Dongak, who received 18 years in prison for the brutal murder of a detainee, enlisted in the war with Ukraine. Together with him, another defendant in the case, police officer Alim Kenden, sentenced to 14 years, went to the front, the representative of the mother of the murdered, Sergei Konviz, told Sibirsky Express.

The court sentenced Saryg-Dongak in October 2023. Thus, the policeman spent less than a year in the colony. At the same time, neither he nor his accomplice have yet paid compensation for moral damage to the family of the murdered in the amount of 1 and 0.5 million rubles, respectively.

In 2008, Saryg-Dongak, who served as head of the criminal investigation department of Kyzyl, together with his subordinate Kenden, interrogated 30-year-old Alisher Makhmutov, suspected of theft. Subsequently, the police took the detainee to the city wasteland, put him in a pit and forced him to kneel.

Saryg-Dongak claimed that he did this in an attempt to get Makhmutov to apologize for the threats against his family, and when the detainee refused to ask for forgiveness, he poured gasoline on him and set him on fire. "Makhmutov's body and head instantly caught fire. Experiencing unbearable pain, he began to scream loudly, somersaulted on the ground, trying to extinguish the fire and save himself, but he did not succeed," the verdict says.

Seeing this, Kenden decided to kill the detainee: he took a hammer from the car, ran up to Makhmutov, who was burning alive, and inflicted "multiple blows" on his head. The policeman said that he did this "wanting to end the torment" of Makhmutov as soon as possible, "out of a sense of compassion for the latter." The corpse of the deceased was burned by the operatives. To cover up the traces of the crime, Kenden wrote a report on the "escape" of the victim.

It is noteworthy that a few years after the murder, Orlan Saryg-Dongak won the republican competition "The Most Polite Policeman".

Now the "polite policeman" is running free in Ukraine.



From "The Analyst" (Military & Strategic):


The latest statements from Russia and N.Korea suggest that, following a a statement from Pyongyang, an engineering division is to be sent to the Ukraine front to support Russian forces. In exchange Russia is said to be providing long range missile technology to Pyongyang.
This is unlikely to be something the Chinese approve of, they cannot abide it when N.Korea manages to get outside of its box and their influence over it is superseded by Russia. This is not how the Chinese like to do things and will be causing them considerable disquiet. They like things done on their timetable not someone else’s.
Putin of course knows all this. He’s playing a careful game and reminding the Chinese that while they may think they have him by the economic short and curlies, he is still more than capable of wielding his own power regardless of Chinese leverage, if not in spite of it.
China is increasingly afraid of N.Korea going too far, possibly even triggering a conflict with an increasingly twitchy S.Korea, which is already moving quietly to an early but still low stage of readiness.
All of this comes as an increasingly desperate Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, trying to stay in power to avoid prosecution for corruption, looks to be set on an offensive against Southern Lebanon and Hezbollah. This will not be a pretty conflict and it seems almost inevitable. There has long been a feeling in Israel that Hezbollah ‘needs dealing with’ sooner rather than later.
Things are getting tense.

Rest in Peace Volodymyr

Volodymyr Tolipov was 56 years old. He died on February 8, 2023 as a result of a Russian missile attack on the village of Kuty Drugi, which is near the city of Semenivka on the border with Russia in the Chernihiv region.

The enemy hit the territory of the peat briquette factory where Volodymyr worked.

"It happened around 4:00 p.m. Rockets flew at the factory. Volodymyr was still alive for some time under the rubble. People who were nearby talked to him... He took off his watch to give to the children as a memory. They didn't have time to pull Volodya out, he bled." until the crane arrived, it was impossible to lift those heavy slabs with jacks."
- said Olena's sister.

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