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"Show you're on a prosthesis – and you're equal." How wounded soldier makes prostheses - hromadske

Sasha, a 29-year-old soldier, is constantly looking at his phone. He nervously taps his foot and occasionally looks back at the door with hope - he is looking forward to receiving his prosthesis. This will be the first time since his injury that the guy will be able to stand on two legs.

"I even took a second sock, I got used to it after 9 months," he smiles.

Sasha was wounded near Maryinka, Donetsk Oblast, in April 2023. Doctors had to amputate his leg below the knee.

In the small light blue hall of the prosthetic centre, there is no one else but Sasha. In the afternoon, the number of patients here decreases significantly. A little further down the corridor, behind a glass door, 39-year-old Denys is working. He is finishing the last work on the prosthesis and brings it to the boy. He smiles broadly when he sees his new leg.

- "Well, did you wait for it?" Denys asks the boy.
- "Yes," Sasha can't help but smile.
- "Let's go to the rehabilitation room and try it on.

Denys has been working at the prosthetic centre for more than six months. He is a former military man himself. His family is closely connected to the Armed Forces: three of his brothers are serving at the front, and the fourth was killed in the war in March 2024.

Denys's service began in 2015. He was in the ATO until 2019, and then joined the Air Force. On the first day of the full-scale invasion, the man was wounded in the leg by a rocket attack on his military unit. Doctors fought for several days to save his leg, but failed to do so.

After rehabilitation, Denys was offered a job as a prosthetist, and he accepted.

The Russians don’t have the flexibility or resource to manage both ends of the salient.
The bombing should have alerted the Ukrainians to what was happening, but the Russian attack seems to have surprised them. Where was the air support so willingly provided in the Liptsy area or the resources when this attack was launched?
Further south at Urazhine, which this time last year the Ukrainians were slowly taking during their failed summer offensive, the Russians have made significant gains, taking back most of it over several weeks.
In other areas small but persistent Russian gains keep eating away at the front lines.
We often laugh at the Russians and their primitive, careless and uncivilised behaviour, their brutality and lack of humanity. We make defensive success of how the Ukrainians have managed to deal with the latest Russian surprise attack - even when it was signalled a week or more in advance and yet nothing was done to disrupt it or seemingly plan for it, let alone react to it in a way that could have stopped it before it got so deeply into the defences it couldn’t be dislodged.
Ukraine has some very good commanders - but they are few and far between. Whoever is mismanaging the New York problem needs replacing - it should never have been allowed to get this far.

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!
‘The Analyst’ MilStratOnX

From ‘The Analyst’ (Military & Strategic) X: MilStratOnX


Sometimes you have to stand back and look at the whole forest of problems with fresh eyes and ignore the individual trees. The last two weeks have seen some major developments.
In the north, another Russian cross border attack seems to have been contained for now.
In the Liptsy combat zone we have seen Ukraine sustain their defence and continue the attrition policy rather than make any offensive gains, other than consolidating control over Hibolyke.
This area has seen some extraordinary Russian behaviour. Troops deployed while on crutches and still in effect, invalids who any civilised society would have sent home. Nepalese and Sri Lankan forces deployed as mercenaries, and Russian recruited Wagner originated mercenaries from Africa - one resorting to fighting off a drone with a stick. They don’t seem to have provided Russia anything more than targets for Ukraine to shoot at.
In the Vovchansk area, it’s again clear that the Russians can’t advance, they try occasionally but face counterattacks and resistance. Yet again the Ukrainians seem fine with largely defensive operations and, as I said back in June 25th, attriting the Russians who just won’t give up. The Russians that have been cut off in the aggregate plant occasionally get a drone or two of supplies, but Ukraine isn’t wasting time or resources forcing them out, which would be costly. Eventually attrition will see them slowly die off.
Meanwhile Ukraine is said to be preparing an offensive to cut the Russians off from the city. At the same time the Russians are trying to build defences in the open areas this offensive may have to pass through.
The most worrying news is yet another Ukrainian rotational failure - how does this happen after so much practice at this stage in the war?
A brigade change in Tortestk area was exploited by the Russians who advanced quickly but were stopped up against Ukrainian defences within a week, end of June into July. Yet while this was going on the Russians bombed the life out of the town of New York - the name of which seems to be some kind of motivation for them. They threw everything they had from the air at this area and the valley that leads north to it. Massive FAB-3000 bombs have levelled much of the southern parts of the town and the Russians have forced another of their successful spike attacks into the valley. Yet again using an underground passageway to come up behind Ukrainian troops, this time one they seem to have been digging for months.
So far the attack has made good progress up the river valley, and while the Ukrainian view is that they have fire control over what the Russians are doing, and they’ve deployed a brigade to the ‘pointy end’ of the Russian attack, they haven’t done what needs to be done.
This Russian advance has severely compromised the Ukrainian forces to the east of it, which the Russians will know. Will someone please tell me why there has been no counter attack at the base of this narrow and easily compromised salient? Why was the Ukrainian brigade used for defence at the top while an almost 10km deep and barely 2km wide salient in a valley, with fire control over it, has been allowed to develop at this pace?
Not for the first time old Russian school of thought training has failed to teach the Ukrainians that radical Russian attacks need equally radical solutions before they can develop flanking defences. This should have been cut off by now - but it’s probably too late. This is the third time the Russians have gotten away with this tactic and the third time Ukraine has fallen for it. A salient of this length and width should have been throttled by now as a matter of extreme urgency. It shows a lack of awareness that it’s the source of the attack that needs dealing with, not the target of the attack that needs to be defended so aggressively. I simply cannot get my head around how the defending commanders simply bend to accommodate the Russian attack rather than deal with its source. CONTINUES…

⚡️US prohibits Ukraine from striking deep inside Russia due to fears of war spreading

The U.S. prohibits Kyiv from striking deep into Russian territory with American weapons to avoid the possible extension of war beyond Ukraine's borders, Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder told the Voice of America (VoA).

"I think it is important to understand that we do not want to see unintended consequences of an escalation that could turn this conflict into a broader one that goes beyond Ukraine. I think this is something that we all need to consider and take very seriously," Ryder said.

In Germany, they don't seem to talk much about Taurus anymore.

With one exception - the Bild newspaper demands that Germany must deliver Taurus to Ukraine in response to threats on Rheinmetall boss Papperger.

"The German government's tactics of supporting Ukraine but not 'irritating Putin unnecessarily' have failed.

If the information about a Russian murder plot against Rheinmetall boss Armin Papperger is true there can only be one answer:

Then we MUST deliver Taurus missiles to Ukraine! Putin must feel that his actions have consequences. And every time he is caught trying to kill people in our country.", the publication writes.

Palestinians are sharing the video on the left, showing an Israeli soldier brutally kicking a Palestinian women in the head 👇

Now look at the full video on the right: she is a terrorist who stabbed the soldier. Instead of shooting and killing her, he kicks to neutralize her.

(Eli David X)

The tragedy in the country's largest children's hospital, Okhmatdyt, which was intended by Muscovites to terrify Ukrainians, instead united us even more.

From now on, among the priority tasks before us is helping Okhmatdyt in his recovery. So that the medical workers of this facility would be able to save children's lives again. To give children hope and return them to a full, healthy life in society.

I am glad to report that not only ordinary Ukrainians, but also caring citizens of the United States of America volunteered to help our hospital. During the visit to the hospital, I personally handed over to my close friend, CEO Okhmatdyt Volodymyr Zhovnir a package of humanitarian aid in the total amount of about 2 million hryvnias. Which included resuscitation beds, mattresses, sepap devices for the treatment of breathing disorders during sleep, oxygen concentrators and consumables.

While in the hospital, I saw so many faces with eyes filled with self-sacrifice and faith.

This tragedy once again proved that we are important to each other, that we are united by the thirst for victory. We know what we are fighting for and against. And this confidence of ours gives hope to those who have begun to lose it. Gives faith to those who need it.

Together we will win!
- Serhiy Naiev


🇪🇸⏺ Fraudsters organized a summer camp in Spain: children found themselves in unbearable conditions!

Dmytro Lubinets, the Ukrainian ombudsman for human rights, stated on his Telegram channel, that Ukrainian children sent to a summer camp in Spain (organized by Ukrainians) had to endure absolutely inhumane conditions:

👉 Together with the Consul of Ukraine in Malaga, Lucia Zadorozhna visited the camp with a monitoring visit. It turned out that children are in premises with violations of sanitary standards, do not have access to toilets, drinking water, food and hygiene products. The children were placed in polyethylene tents, in which it is impossible to stay because of the high temperature, which made them sick.

During the day, the administration did not answer calls from frightened parents in Ukraine.

The owner of the camp promised to correct all the shortcomings, but this did not happen! Complaining children were pressured and threatened with eviction.

❗️ After the local police arrived, the owner told the parents that he was no longer responsible for the children and that they could take them. He threatens to "throw" the children out of the camp and forcefully take all the disaffected ones to the airport.

‼️ Parents paid about 2,000 euros per child for rest in this camp, so that the children could rest from air raids and shelling. Instead, they became hostages of unscrupulous organizers!

Such actions are unacceptable and violate the rights of the child! Children need immediate protection by responsible adults until they are reunited with their parents.

🗣 I turned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with a request to instruct the Embassy of Ukraine in the Kingdom of Spain to take all necessary measures to protect children's rights. In particular, I emphasized the need to contact local authorities and law enforcement officers for proper response, so that children are safe and similar cases do not recur in the future.


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