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“We cannot allow Ukraine to fall”: Hakeem Jeffries, US House Minority Leader and Leader of the House Democratic Caucus, did not rule out sending US troops to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"We can't let Ukraine fall, because if it does, then there's a significant likelihood that America will have to get into the conflict. Not simply with our money, but with our servicewomen and our servicemen," Jeffries told CBS News.

Mr. Jeffries believes that:

🔹 Putin seeks to recreate the Soviet Union and thus will threaten NATO allies, Putin will not stop at Ukraine alone;

🔹 there is a growing pro-Putin faction in the Republican Party who do not want to support Ukraine and they believe that Russia is not an enemy of the US;

🔹 the Ukrainian military held off Russian forces for over two years and it is a strategic success by any definition: those who want to convince the American people that the Ukrainian effort has failed are contributing to Putin's propaganda because the facts say otherwise.

🇬🇧🇺🇦 Paveway IV.

Great Britain intends to transfer Paveway IV aerial bombs to Ukraine, BBC journalist Jonathan Beale reported.

The Paveway IV is a kit that mounts on a 241 kilogram Mark 82 bomb, turning it into a high precision bomb.

The kit includes combined satellite laser guidance, which enables not only contact or delayed detonation, but also aerial detonation.

A development of the British company Raytheon UK, the bombs entered service with the British Army in 2008.

Costing about £30,000 each and weighing 226kg, the Paveway has four main parts – the guidance system in the front, a 500lb warhead in the middle (which can penetrate concrete) and, at the back, the tail section guides the bomb, with a smart fuse to control how it detonates.

GPS is one way the bomb can be guided to its target.

When the weapon is released the aircraft gives it target co-ordinates based on its own concept of where it is, and it is able to interface with the signal from GPS satellites and, therefore, fly itself to a very accurate grid reference.

The Paveway IV is what is called a dual-mode weapon so it can also be guided onto its target using a laser.

A laser beam with a code will be fired and the weapon will look for the reflected energy of that laser spot – which is being projected onto the target – and will home in on that.

Read all about Paveway IV 🔗

🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱 Liz

⚡️Ukraine uses naval drones with anti-aircraft missiles

A video which shows a Ukrainian naval drone performing maneuvers to avoid a fire from a russian Ka-29 helicopter flying to intercept it was released by the Russian media.

An important case in this event is the appearance of a superstructure on board the drone that resembles the Soviet R-73 air-to-air missile.

The R-73 is a short-range missile and can indeed be launched from ground-based systems. The missile does not require radar or other systems for guidance, as it is equipped with their own infrared seeker.

This missile on board the drone can be distinguished from a similar but earlier R-60 by the specific shape of its tail fin.


'If we go home, a lot of inexperienced soldiers will die'

A new mobilisation bill passed earlier in April was criticised for not including a limit on time served. A clause aimed at demobilising soldiers after three years was dropped at the army's request.

Thousands of trained troops like Oleksandr, a radio operator in the 21st separate Mechanised Brigade, have been fighting for the best part of two years without a proper rest.
"If we go home," he says, "inexperienced soldiers might be able to hold the line against the Russians, but a lot of them will die."

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🇺🇦🤝🇮🇩 Blue

🤡 Medvedev promised a nuclear strike on European capitals if troops were sent to Ukraine

Russia will respond to the sending of Western troops to Ukraine with a nuclear strike on Washington, Paris and London, said Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev.

“Sending your troops to the territory of Ukraine will entail the direct entry of their countries into the war, to which we will have to respond. And, alas, not in the territory of Ukraine. <...> A global catastrophe will come,” Medvedev wrote in his telegram channel.

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense Murder announced the start of exercises “in the near future”, within the framework of which the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be practiced.

Missile formations of the Southern Military District, aviation and naval forces will take part in them.

The Kremlin said that the planned exercises are related to statements by officials in the West about sending armed contingents to Ukraine.

Of course if Russia were to commit nuclear strikes on Paris, London, and Washington, NATO would out of necessary self preservation, be forced to obliterate Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Chelyabinsk, Samara, and Omsk.

From "The Analyst":


Russian commanders have lied repeatedly that the Ukrainian hold over Krynki has long been dealt with. Except it hasn’t and they felt they need to take action against it even though it isn’t really there - quite how commanders explain such a scenario to anyone who asks about what’s going on is a mystery.
This has long been something of a drone war, and the Ukrainians have been winning it here since it began.
The Russians complain about the volume of Ukrainian drones, the superiority of Ukrainian EW, but above all, the ability of the Ukrainians to coordinate with their artillery from the drones - and the resulting hyper-effective targeting using a minimal number of shells.
Aid for Ukraine has now arrived and is starting to have an effect - and the Russians found that out in the last few days. Without air defences in this sector Ukraine can easily use its limited air power and began the delivery of precision guided bombs on HQ sites and ammunition deposits behind the Russian lines. Another top priority has been Russian drone operators and the drone supply depots.
Some of these strikes are said to have come from GLSDB as it faces little interference here from Russian jamming. More were the result of the French supplied Hammer now being delivered.
One of the most successful strikes came after repeated attacks to eliminate a drone operating command post in Kozachi Laheri. Drones had damaged it but the Russians continued to use it assuming the Ukrainian attackers presumed it was no longer operating. Constant monitoring proved otherwise and the French ASM-250 bomb turned the site from a ruin into a pile of dust.
The Russians have long had a problem here. It’s not considered a key front. It doesn’t get much in the way of supplies and
It’s difficult to get supplies to the area in the quantity needed if operations are stepped up. There’s also the defensive mentality in this sector. They see the river as a viable defensive barrier and future border post war. It’s merely a matter of waiting it out. The Ukrainian side of course doesn’t agree at all.
The question longer term is what can either side to to change the situation?
The Russians could if the wanted to. It would take concerted effort and a long men but Ukraine doesn’t have the depth on the south bank to hold it indefinitely. The Russians though are engaged exploring their opportunity it other areas. This just doesn’t matter enough. Yet leaving it untouched still gives Ukraine the means of expanding the foothold - but to do that they need to get more than just infantry over the river in small boats, and even if they did they then have to supply the fuel and ammunition for it. It’s not impossible but it’s not easy, would take months of preparation and act almost like a mini-D-Day. And for that to work you need air dominance and clear skies.
The advantage here of course is that this is the one area that geographically speaking, with their western air bases and proximity to the front, coupled to an air defence and fighter free Crimea, that might eventually be possible.

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!

From "The Analyst":


Over the past few months at least five western defence manufacturers have been targeted by Russian sabotage. In Czechia (ammo production), in Bulgaria (152mm ammo production), in Spain (electronic components). In the UK in the last month the new BAE artillery shell factory in South Wales and this past week the IRIS-T missile factory outside Berlin.
Almost nothing is being said about these attacks. NATO put out a statement but domestic governments are loathe to point the finger at the source of these attacks - Russian sleeper agents in the west.
These have long been known to exist and post-soviet era many of them have carried on laying low with nothing to do but live out their lives.
Other Russian sympathisers have also likely been recruited.
These attacks have happened. Someone is doing them and the internal security services of these nations need to be finding them. Let’s hope they’re stepping up their efforts.
Timid governments unwilling to speak up about the reality, cowering under the prospect of escalation, need to inform their populations and make it clear this isn’t acceptable. Making the public aware that the war in Ukraine can reach you makes them more invested in the reason the aid must flow.

From "The Analyst":


Ukraine launched a counter attack south east of Ivaniske on the Chasiv Yar sector of the front. The Russians have been using this village as the southern gathering point for their attacks to envelop Chasiv Yar itself.
By launching the attacks the Ukrainian forces have undermined the ability of the Russians to attack. Using extensive drone and artillery preparation - apparently shells have reached this section from the new aid package, Ukrainian troops managed to wipe out a significant number of Russian vehicles over around three days - some thirty plus of all types. In addition the Russians were not backed up by reinforcements as these were taken out as they left Bakhmut.
Russian troops, when faced with such an onslaught either fled or hid in their dugouts - at one point, literally two Ukrainian strorm troopers liberated and entire trench line on their own, which enabled their unit to follow up and retake over 500m depth of ground in a crucial area.
This enables the Ukrainians to protect the northern approach to Klieschievka and the southern approach through Ivaniske to Chasiv Yar, reducing Russian ability to attack either.
This has wider significance as it forces Russians to reinforce areas they hadn’t planned on and dilutes their forces from wider attacks. Ukraine has also been able to use the lull in fighting on the northern axis of the attack on Chasiv Yar to reinforce its own positions.
Overall two heroic individuals managed a remarkable feat, showing initiative, strength of will and character, along with consummate skill.
In addition the fact Ukraine could even mount such a counter attack will have surprised the Russians.
When you compare the skilful fighting withdrawal under pressure mounted by Ukraine in the past week and the shambolic collapse of the Russian defence under pressure, it shows you they are just as feeble on the defensive when it goes wrong as they always have been. It’s never been something Russians have ever been trained to do well.
Outstanding and encouraging Ukrainian achievement!

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!

The Ruzzians must have studied Trump's playbook. Every accusation is actually a confession.

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is looking for President Zelensky on charges of unleashing an aggressive war

According to enemy media sources, the security forces of the occupied Donetsk region have opened a case against Zelensky and ex-President of Ukraine Poroshenko for unleashing and waging an aggressive war and for using prohibited means and methods of warfare.

Earlier, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation put Volodymyr Zelensky and Petro Poroshenko on the wanted list under an article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

🤡⚠️ "If Ukraine attacks Russia with 🇬🇧British weapons, we will strike London’s targets both in Ukraine and abroad", - Russian Foreign Ministry

The announcement came days after Macron said he would “not rule out” the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine and British Foreign Secretary Cameron said it was up to Kyiv how it used British weapons, including against targets inside of Russia.

The Russian foreign ministry issued a formal protest to UK ambassador Casey over Cameron’s recent statements.

It claims that the remarks made the UK a de facto party to the conflict.

The statement came after a Ukrainian strike on Iskander short-range ballistic missile systems stationed in the annexed Crimean peninsula.

“Casey was warned that in response to Ukrainian attacks on Russian territory with British weapons, any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and abroad” could be targeted, the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement.

“The ambassador was called upon to reflect on the inevitable catastrophic consequences of such hostile steps by London and immediately refute the belligerent provocative statements of the head of the Foreign Office in the most decisive and unambiguous way.”

- Note: Under international law, Ukraine has a right to strike military targets in Russia in self defence. Further, supplying weapons does not make the supplier party to a conflict.

A Ukrainian from the temporarily occupied territories, recruited into the Russian army, shot 6 occupiers, including the commander, and escaped. - russian media reports.

Galushko Yuri is over 50 years old, so the Russians “threw” him into the artillery in the control platoon.

According to the Russians, he “came in at night, as a radio telephone operator, he started work, waited a moment, and began to shoot the sleeping guys, of his platoon and then escaped.”

According to their reports, at least 6 people were killed, who received controlled shots in the heart and head.

Galushko escaped with weapons and is now allegedly breaking into Ukrainian-controlled territory.

This is what every Ukrainian who has been drafted into the occupying army should do.

Crimea Wind 🌬️ reported.

🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱 Liz

A Russian plane that carried out attacks on Kharkiv dropped a bomb on Belgorod ( russia.)

More footage of the russian self destruction.

🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱 Liz

A Russian aircraft that was conducting strikes with guided bombs on Kharkiv dropped a bomb on the Russian city of Belgorod.

It fell right on a residential sector and exploded. Sooner or later it was bound to happen.

Governor Gladkov did not disclose the cause of the explosion, but reported that 30 private residences and 10 cars were damaged in the city, and the residents of the house that sustained the most serious damage were "miraculously" survived.


🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱

Elizaveta Newara from Kramatorsk was 16 years old. Her father, John, was an otolaryngologist, and her mother, Olena, was a paramedic.

The girl wanted to become a pharmacist. She planned to enter a university in Lutsk - closer to her brother Vladyslav.

On April 29, 2023, the girl and her mother received severe burns due to enemy shelling. Lisa died in the hospital on May 4, Elena - May 13. They were buried next to John Newara, who died two months earlier...

🇺🇦 @ukraine_report 🇺🇦 (PL)

🔱 Operational information as of 06.00 on May 6, 2024 regarding the Russian invasion

❗️ The main summary:

🔵 During the past day, 125 combat clashes took place. In total, the enemy launched 2 rocket and 120 air strikes, carried out 89 attacks from rocket salvo systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas.

🔴 At night, the Russian invaders once again attacked Ukraine - they used 13 unmanned aerial vehicles of the "Shahed" type. The forces and means of air defense of Ukraine destroyed 12 of these attack UAVs.

🔵 In the Kupyansk direction, our soldiers repelled 14 attacks in the areas of Sinkivka, Pishchane, and Berestov settlements of the Kharkiv region; Stelmakhivka, Luhansk region.

🔵 In the Lyman direction, the enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 6 times in the areas of the settlements of Nevske, Luhansk region; Novosadove and Torske of Donetsk region.

🔵 In the Bakhmut direction, our soldiers repelled 36 attacks in the areas of Belogorivka settlements of the Luhansk region; Verkhnokamyanske, Spirne, Klishchiivka, Vyimka, Novyy, Rozdolivka, Ivanovske and Andriivka of the Donetsk region.

🔵 In the Avdiyiv direction, our defenders repelled 31 attacks in the areas of Novooleksandrivka, Novopokrovske, Umanske, Yasnobrodivka and Netaylovye settlements of the Donetsk region.

🔵 On the Novopavlivskyi direction, the Defense Forces continue to hold back the enemy in the areas of Kostyantynivka, Krasnohorivka, Vodiane and Urozhaine settlements of the Donetsk region, where the enemy tried to break through the defenses of our troops 27 times.

🔵 In the Orykhiv direction, the enemy attacked the positions of our defenders 6 times in the Staromayorsky district of the Donetsk region and Robotyny in Zaporizhzhia.

🔵 In the Kherson direction, the enemy does not give up its intention to knock out our units from the bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnieper. So, during the past day, the Russian occupiers launched 3 unsuccessful attacks on the positions of our troops.

🔥 During the past day, the aviation of the Defense Forces struck 13 areas of concentration of personnel and 4 anti-aircraft missile complexes of the enemy.

🔥 Units of missile forces damaged 1 personnel concentration area, 3 radar stations, 2 anti-aircraft defense equipment, 2 artillery equipment and 3 other important enemy facilities.

Support the Armed Forces! Let's win together!✊
Glory to Ukraine!🇺🇦


🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱

Sumy morning report :

The situation at the border as of 8:00 a.m May 6, 2024

💥At night and in the morning, the Russians carried out 4 shellings of the border territories and settlements of the Sumy region. 24 explosions were recorded. The territory of the Sumy district, Khotynsk, Bilopolsk, and Esmansk communities came under fire.

🔸Esmansk community: the enemy fired mortars (3 explosions).

🔸 The attack of the "Shahed 136" UAV group was carried out on the territory of the Sumy district.

🔸 Khotyn community: Russians dropped 8 mines on the territory of the community.

🔸Bilopil community: shelling from a grenade launcher (5 explosions) was recorded.

🔸As a result of the Russian attack, the settlements of Sumy, Romen and Okhtyr districts were left without electricity.

Thanks to the co-ordinated and professional actions of the emergency services, energy workers, electricity supply was restored in the affected areas, and partially in the city of Sumy, at night. Works are ongoing.

🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱

The first public statement of the Russian Federation threatening a strike against a Western country:
If Ukraine attacks Russia with British weapons, we will strike London’s targets both in Ukraine and abroad, - Russian Foreign Ministry

France also stated that it did not send soldiers to Ukraine.
Using this logic, North Korea should suffer military strikes on their missile factories.

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