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🇩🇪 In Germany, it was proposed to close the sky over part of Ukraine

There is a proposal to involve the air defense systems of NATO countries, located on the eastern borders of the Alliance, to protect the western regions of Ukraine from Russian drones. In particular, Poland and Romania can do this.

This idea is supported by representatives of some German political parties, including the ruling Free Democratic Party (VDP) and Union 90/Greens.

There is a proposal to involve the air defense systems of NATO countries, located on the eastern borders of the Alliance, to protect the western regions of Ukraine from Russian drones. In particular, Poland and Romania can do this.

This idea is supported by representatives of some German political parties, including the ruling Free Democratic Party (VDP) and Union 90/Greens.

According to the publication, the idea of using NATO air defense systems deployed in Romania and Poland and controlled by NATO forces to shoot down Russian drones over Western Ukraine was proposed by Nico Lange, an expert of the Munich Security Council (MSC) and former Deputy Secretary General of NATO, and proposed by Lieutenant General Horst Heinrich Braus.

According to Lange, this would make it possible to create a 70-kilometer safe zone on the Ukrainian border. This could relieve Ukrainian air defense forces in other areas of the front.

The source for this is rbc Ukraine

We would be grateful of further information from our German friends, as this develops.

🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱 Liz

Some further information from another source, on the possibility of assistance for Ukraine with air defence, this would be a massive help to save lives and homes in Ukraine, if it does go ahead, it would free up defence for other areas of Ukraine.

German political leaders are considering a proposal to use NATO’s air defense systems stationed in Poland and Romania to protect the skies over Western Ukraine from Russian drone attacks.

This initiative, which aims to create a safe zone extending up to 70 kilometers into Ukrainian territory, would potentially relieve pressure on Ukraine’s own air defense resources, allowing them to focus on other critical areas along the front.

The proposal, backed by various members of Germany’s ruling parties including the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Greens, was highlighted in a recent FAZ newspaper report, as cited by DW. Notably, this plan follows a similar line of thought as expressed by French President Emmanuel Macron, who has contemplated sending French troops to assist Kyiv but from positions outside Ukrainian territory.

Agnieszka Brugger from the Greens supports the positioning of air defense systems along the borders of Ukraine’s neighbors to also shield the western parts of Ukraine. Her party colleague, Anton Hofreiter, mentioned that defending Ukraine’s airspace from the territory of Poland and Romania should not be ruled out as a long-term measure, although he clarified that this is not currently under discussion. Instead, he emphasized the immediate need for the West to “significantly increase” its supply of arms and ammunition to Ukraine itself.

However, FDP’s Marcus Faber pointed out the current limitations in the number of air defense systems and missiles, highlighting the necessity to ensure their sufficient availability in the long term. He expressed support for the involvement of Western air defense systems to protect Ukrainian skies if these conditions are met.

🇺🇦@ukraine_report 🇺🇦🔱 Liz

Good morning Resisters. I slept late. Russia seems to have a problem with their glide bombs. Some drop like a rock instead of gliding.

More friendly fire in Belgorod

The victims are taken out from under the rubble. There are no official data on the number of victims. Local media reported 5 dead.


Latvia helps Ukraine with equipment for the restoration of energy infrastructure - a diplomat

Latvia is helping Ukraine with the support of the energy industry, which has been affected by Russian shelling: the search for equipment necessary for the repair and restoration of the energy infrastructure is underway, and the search for ways to decentralize heat and energy supply to Ukrainian communities is underway. Anatoliy Kutsevol, the ambassador of Ukraine to Latvia, told about it. "Large companies Latvenergo and Rīgas Siltums (the main heat supplier in Riga - ed.) collect their Soviet-type equipment and transfer it to Ukraine. There are also companies that sell equipment... Now we are in the process of verifying lists of aid to the Ukrainian energy industry," explained Kutsevol. Subscribe

🇺🇦 🇷🇺Destroyed Ukrainian 155-mm self-propelled gun “Bogdana” based on Tatra T815-7 in the Kharkov region Subscribe

May 11th 2024

🔹Baltic countries consider the victory of Ukraine in the war with Russia as their common goal - Latvian Foreign Ministry.

🔹EU ambassadors agreed on a draft security agreement with Ukraine, which should be completed by July - mass media.

🔹Latvia will transfer drones of its own production to Ukraine - Ambassador Kutsevol.

🔹The British Ministry of Defense announced the delivery of military aid, which was previously announced by Sunak.

🔹German MPs suggest that NATO countries shoot down drones over Ukraine.

🔹Trudeau announced his intention to attend the Peace Summit.

🔹Latvia helps Ukraine with equipment to restore energy infrastructure - a diplomat.

@EveryUkraineWarVideo Subscribe

The Security Service of Ukraine prevented terrorist attacks planned by the Russian GRU on May 9th in Kyiv, according to Artem Dekhtyarenko, spokesman for the Security Service.

"The Security Service of Ukraine acted in advance; the perpetrators of the terrorist attack were caught red-handed. A comprehensive evidence base was also collected, indisputably confirming the Russian involvement," stated Dekhtyarenko in a commentary for "RBK-Ukraine".

The Security Service of Ukraine has promised to release further details regarding the special operation at a later time. Subscribe

🇷🇺 The enemy continues to activate on the border of Kharkiv Oblast

🛑 District of n.p. Liptsi: Muscovites actually occupied the villages of Strelecha-Krasne-Pylna-Borysivka , they are moving into the red zone. Katsaps are trying to gain a foothold in Morokhovets-Oliynikove-Lukkyantsi-Zelene settlements. Battles continue for Hlyboke , which is the last n.p. the main task for the Russians in that area is to occupy Liptsi.

🛑 District of n.p. Vovchansk: Katsaps occupied the settlement of Pletenivka and are moving towards Vovchansk. They are trying to gain a foothold in the villages of Ohirtseve-Hatishche-Staritsa-Bugruvatka . A large number of infantry were seen near the latter two today, and fighting continues. Katsaps have reached the northern outskirts of the city of Vovchansk, are trying to gain a foothold, and fighting is also ongoing. Our fighters meet the enemy with fire.

⚔️ The situation continues to get more complicated. The enemy is gradually bringing more and more forces into our territory, infantry is constantly entering, advancing in groups to populated areas and trying to gain a foothold there, saturate and continue the movement. A small amount of equipment, artillery, aviation, as well as a large activity of UAVs and EW are present in support. The Defense Forces are trying to stop the enemy, causing damage. It is necessary to pay more attention to this region and finally establish communication or the enemy will have even more success, which will lead to very negative consequences.

📋 Although the main task of the enemy is to divert attention from other areas, without the introduction of reserves, the situation can become extremely dire. The enemy understands this and the current situation increasingly forces the Defense Forces to interfere in this area.

The situation regarding the Russian advance in the Kharkiv region as of 01:00 on May 12th:

Russian forces have established two footholds in the Kharkiv region along the border. The enemy's penetration depth is limited, up to 5-6 km, but they have expanded the front of their advance. Overall, within two days, the enemy has seized nearly 100 square kilometers of the border strip along the border.

The first direction of the enemy's advance is near Kharkiv, along a ridge of heights in the area of the villages of Lyptsi, Ternove, and Staritsya.

The second direction of the enemy's advance is the city of Vovchansk. The enemy has reached the outskirts of Vovchansk, approximately 5 km from the state border.

The Russian command's intent is clear:

1. To encircle our troops and draw reserves for localizing the advance.
2. To reach the ridge of dominant heights along the border to create a buffer zone.
3. In case of successful advance and consolidation, to establish footholds for further attacks into the depth, primarily towards Vovchansk, to envelop our Kupyansk grouping.

The enemy is reinforcing reserves and deploying significant infantry and armored forces, as well as a considerable number of drones.

Nevertheless, Russian forces are advancing slowly and are not attempting to break through with large forces in any narrow sector. They are exerting pressure along a wide front and concentrating forces for attacks on specific defense nodes where they are organized.

Ukrainian forces are also operating dispersedly along a wide front. The situation is complex, with the enemy holding tactical initiative.

But our front is strengthening. There are issues with command and control, and organization at the higher command level, as not everything was properly prepared and verified for repelling the expected enemy advance. Efforts are being made to rectify this now.

There is no immediate threat of an advance on Kharkiv at the moment; the enemy is sufficiently distant, their forces are limited, and there is no rapid advance. Further enemy advance depends on the severity of losses inflicted on the Russians in this border battle.

@EveryUkraineWarVideo Subscribe

Shireen and Gaza's female journalists..
Over 150 journalists have been targeted & Killed by Israeli Occupation Forces including a staggering amount of women journalists- often the journalists are targeted at home during the night and up to 1,000 family members have also been killed or wounded Subscribe

The Kyiv City Council awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Kyiv" to ex-commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General Valeriy Zaluzhny and poetess Lina Kostenko, Mayor of the capital Vitali Klitschko said.

"Today, by the decision of the Kyiv City Council, the capital expressed its respect and awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Kyiv to two people who are real moral authorities for Kyiv residents and Ukrainians - Lina Kostenko and Valeriy Zaluzhny,"
Klitschko wrote on the Telegram channel on Wednesday.

He noted that Kyiv distinguished Zaluzhny for his personal merits during the defense of the capital and in the protection of state sovereignty and freedom of Ukraine.

"I was very pleased to present the awards [...] at Lina Vasylyivna's house,"
Klitschko added.

"It is a great honor for me to be next to the Great Man. I thank the community of the city of Kyiv for the trust and the high award,"
Zaluzhny commented on Telegram.


🇷🇴 Romania is thinking about transferring the Patriot complex to Ukraine - DefenseRomania

🔹The President of Romania, K. Iohannis, during his visit to the USA, said that Romania is discussing the possibility of transferring to Ukraine one of the 3 Patriot systems that have not yet been put into operation.

"In recent weeks there has been an intense discussion about who can provide Patriot systems to Ukraine. Romania has such systems and of course we have been asked. We have to discuss this at home to see what we can get in return, because leaving Romania without air defense unacceptable"

🔹We are talking about one of the systems that is not in service with Romania, but is just being put into operation. In total, Romania bought 7 Patriot RAS-3 systems for $4 billion, one of which is already operational, three are being put into operation, and a contract will soon be concluded for another 3. One Romanian Patriot system includes one AN/MPQ-65 radar, one AN/MSQ-132 command post and 4 M903 launchers.

In the Kyiv oblast, 13 private buildings were destroyed and damaged as a result of shelling last night. Debris fell in four districts of the oblast 😡

In the Lviv oblast, the occupiers attacked a gas storage facility in Stryi district and a thermal power plant in Chervonohrad district.

An 8-year-old child was injured in Kirovohrad oblast. A critical infrastructure facility was damaged in the region, and 13 houses were destroyed.

In the video, rescuers are eliminating the consequences of the attack in Kyiv oblast.


⚠️‼️More Information Regarding this Unique Phenomenon:

The huge sunspot has increased to 200 thousand kilometers. Tomorrow, May 12, there will be high solar activity

NASA is observing the giant sunspot AR3664, which continues to grow. Now this area of ​​increased activity is 15 times the size of our planet and continues to grow, writes Space com.

🔍AR3664 has already become so gigantic that it can be seen from Earth even without special equipment, using only dark glasses to observe the solar eclipse.

🔍Very active explosive processes of energy release (solar flares) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) occur on the surface of a sunspot.

*These powerful bursts of energy into space can reach Earth and cause widespread power outages, interfere with radio communications and navigation signals, disable satellites and cause an enhanced phenomenon of the northern lights.*

(This includes equipment used by both Ukraine and Russia.)

️NASA expects high solar activity to be observed today and tomorrow. All weather-dependent people should take care of themselves.

There were no brakes left on him to stop him. He was unchallenged and unchallengeable. The very fibre of the Russian Orthodox Nationalist fascist state he had spent ten years developing would now follow him into the flames.
Battered by a brutal war and an economy both dislocated and weakened by military production, under a thin veneer of a temporary explosive boom in growth that’s set to burst anytime soon, Putin has set the nations course. He is committed to winning. The price is extremely high in men and gold. Men like Putin care only for their own survival and that of their legacy. It’s that everyone in Russia must now pay for. And pay for it they surely will.



As Vladimir Putin was sworn in this morning for fifth term as president - this one will last until 2030, he has transformed Russia.
In the early days Putin was amenable to the west, going out of his way to support American actions against the Taliban after 9-11. He became agitated by NATO expansion, by the 2005 revolution in Ukraine and what Russia generally saw as American disregard for its power and influence in the Middle East. By 2007 the attitude changed and with it the way Russia dealt with the west. And along with the change in attitude came a marked shift in the way domestic policy was dealt with. Being anti-western (when so much of Russia’s
population was in love with its travel freedoms and western consumer goods, from Audi and Gucci to McDonalds), meant turning the people against the source of their new found happiness and freedoms, limited as they were.
The deal in Putin’s Russia was basically, ‘leave the politics and the foreign affairs to me, I’ll make sure you’re safe and Russia is taken seriously again.’
It was a deal many Russians were happy to live with. A benign authoritarianism, much the sort of thing fascism in its milder form is based on.
But it was never going to stop there. Putin didn’t like being out of the top job during Medvedev’s presidency, though he publicly respected the differences in their roles, he pulled the strings from behind the scenes. When Medvedev tried to outflank him Putin was having none of it. It wasn’t a situation he let happen again. And Putin blamed the protests in Moscow in 2012 on Hilary Clinton personally.
By 2014 the situation in Ukraine had dramatically worsened - it was heading westward and to the EU out of Russian influence. Putin was unamused by the drift. When his puppet was thrown out, the Crimea and Donbas-Luhansk quickly became his answer. Ukraine had gone too far.
From this point on it was all about what could manage to undermine the vacillating and weak minded west, while securing an ever tighter control over Ukraine. The smack of the loss of Crimea and unexpectedly strong Ukrainian resistance to the Donbas situation caused that situation to polarise well beyond any reasonable way of dealing with it.
Domestically, nationalism, religion and the mythical beast of ‘fundamental Christian values’ were coupled tightly together. Minorities - especially the LGBTQ population and non-Russian Orthodox religions were increasingly harassed and ridiculed, if not just outlawed and condemned.
Increasingly, free speech was eroded and now is non-existent. Anything you want to say to or about anything the government does? Keep it to yourself. Punishments are harsh and everything is treated as severe- there are no light sentences any more.
The militarisation of society from the cradle to the frontline grave is well underway. Like Nazi Germany, Putin is creating a school age cadre of future warriors.
The population is being taught to regard all things western as evil, as the enemy, not just during war, but for ever. Putin is placing Russia at the head of a new authoritarianism that basically says, ‘what you going to do about it?’ Anything they do is justified because Russia is Russia and it can do exactly what it likes.
Using the violence of nuclear weapons as a shield, it feels there is nothing it cannot and should not do if it chooses to. Who is going to stop it?
Before the war, newly elected Zelensky tried hard (he had been elected largely on a platform of resolving the Donbas issue), to solve it. He was prepared to go a very long way - even autonomous status for the provinces. But he quickly realised, long before the western leaders like Merkl and Macron, Putin was playing them all. He rapidly became disillusioned. As Russian troops prepared to invade, he didn’t want to believe Putin would go so far. Like everyone else he hadn’t realised that Putin’s elevation to supreme power for as long as he lived, had given him the opportunity to restore Russia to its military and political might. CONTINUED…

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