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Inspired by some of today's "initiatives".

Ukraine needs a full, just and sustainable peace.


Peace in exchange for territory is annexation.
Peace in exchange for sovereignty is surrender.
Peace in exchange for people is slavery.
Peace in exchange for a non-aligned status is suicide.
Peace in exchange for a frozen conflict is the transfer of this war to the shoulders of our children and grandchildren.

That is why the full implementation of the Peace Formula is important.

The Formula is a formula because it must contain all the components. And it is Ukraine, which is suffering from this aggression, that has a fair right to determine the parts of this Formula.

Tomorrow, Ukraine will make the first step towards the implementation of the Peace Formula together with a hundred like-minded countries.

I sincerely wish our country success at this, undoubtedly, the main international event.

Together we will win!

Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Glory to Ukraine's defenders! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

Glory to our partners who are working with us side by side to bring our common Victory closer! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk

Ukraine Accuses Russia, China Of Trying To Sabotage Peace Summit - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty

Dozens of states have agreed to attend the Ukraine peace summit on June 15-16 in Switzerland, but Russia and China will not join, and Ukraine accuses them of trying to sabotage the event. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is set to discuss a peace formula, but absence of Russia and China highlights ongoing tensions.

🕯️ Fencer Rostyslav Livach died in the war — the Youth and Sports Committee.

Rostyslav was a candidate for master of sports in sabre fencing, a participant in national competitions, a winner and multiple prize-winner of the Lviv region championships.

With the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, Rostyslav defended Ukraine in the ranks of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade "Edelweiss" of the operational command "West" of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and later — in the 78th separate airborne assault regiment "Hertz" of the Airborne Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

He died on 6 June...

Blessed memory and eternal glory to the Hero!

Source: NOC of Ukraine

"I had to survive to hug my son again": Azov Brigade sergeant comes back home after 2 years in russian captivity

During the 52nd prisoner-of-war (POW) swap, Ukraine liberated Nataliia Manuilova, a servicewoman belonging to the Azov Special Operations Detachment who had spent over two years in russian captivity.

The story of defender Nataliia, who survived separation from her son, a mock trial and witnessed Ukrainian soldiers being tortured, was shared by the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War (CHTPOW).

Nataliia joined Ukraine's Armed Forces back in 2017 when she signed a contract to serve as a cook. Later, she was promoted to head the canteen.

Following the onset of the full-scale invasion, she continued to provide meals to Ukrainian defenders at the Azovstal steelworks despite constant russian bombardment.

"Even after the part of the steelworks housing the field kitchen was destroyed, the unit's cooks continued to prepare meals on small stoves," the headquarters said.

After being evacuated from the steelworks in late May 2022, Nataliia immediately rushed to see her son, who was in the russian-occupied territory.

Along the way, she passed through russian checkpoints and bombardments. The boy developed a complicated pneumonia, which she tried to treat without medication while hiding from the russians.

"russian soldiers broke into our house one morning. They put a bag over my head, twisted my arms and took me to the Donetsk pre-trial detention centre. I was worried about my child again, uncertain about his fate," Nataliia shares her memories.

Nataliia was held in various places of detention in russian captivity, in one of which she was involved in a mock trial broadcast by russian propaganda media.

The CHTPOW noted that the russians even kept Nataliia in a cage. Additionally, Manuilova witnessed firsthand the suffering of Ukrainian POWs subjected to torture.

It was only in late May that she was brought back to the territory of Ukraine, where she was finally able to hug her son again after 27 months of captivity.

"All this time, he was filming his achievements and interesting events on his phone to show his mother after she came back so that he could make up for the lost years," the headquarters added.


Bots working for the Kremlin published 120 thousand posts overnight with fake quotes from Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Alain Delon and other celebrities

Bots associated with the Russian authorities from the Double network, the largest of the Kremlin’s disinformation networks working for Western audiences, began a massive campaign to distribute pictures with fake quotes from celebrities. The posts they published on Friday evening and Saturday night have already received several hundred thousand views. In the pictures, the stars are credited with calls to stop helping Ukraine and words about a “collapsing” Europe.

Since Friday evening, bots have published 50 pictures with fake quotes on the X network (formerly Twitter), after which other “Double” accounts have retweeted them more than 120 thousand times, a representative of the “Bot Blocker” project told the Agency. These posts collected more than 500 thousand views, according to project statistics. To publish fake quotes, 62% of bots were used, which are usually engaged in distributing pictures and videos as part of the “Double”.

▪️This is the standard intensity of a campaign with fake quotes. Over the past six months, Bot Blocker has detected six such campaigns.

▪️Bots published pictures with quotes in English, French, German and Polish. Fake statements were attributed to famous people, including actors Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Aniston, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie, Alain Delon, director Luc Besson, singer Elton John, and football player Lionel Messi.

▪️A significant part of the fake quotes contain calls to refuse support for Ukraine. “We are impoverished, it’s time to forget about Ukraine,” says “Jennifer Aniston.” “Ukraine no longer exists. All our money was thrown away,” Lionel Messi echoes.

▪️ “All countries have begun to think about themselves, and the EU is falling apart,” says a quote attributed to Scarlett Johansson. “Europe is impoverished. Politicians are getting crazier. The officials in the European Parliament are corrupt,” says the fake Angelina Jolie. And the fake Elton John in his statement combines the themes of Ukraine and the EU: “We fell into the Ukrainian trap. Now the EU is collapsing."

The new campaign began almost immediately after the European Parliament elections, in which parties supported by the Kremlin achieved success in France and Germany.

▪️All previous campaigns with fake quotes were also aimed at stopping aid to Ukraine.

From "The Analyst":


The Russians have intensified their attacks on the canal district east of the canal itself.
Having attempted to take a key village to the north of it to attempt an outflanking manoeuvre, and been sorely beaten back and forced to retreat from the positions they captured, once again they resorted to mass attacks on the frontal approaches.
These have been supported by an extensive glide bomb campaign that has reduced to rubble almost all of the remaining high rise buildings, certainly making them untenable for the defenders. Backed up by unusually high numbers of T-90M breaching tanks and IFV’s, of which some 70% were lost to drones and especially ATGM’s, Russian airborne forces slowly made gains.
Yet again the glide bomb strikes proved decisive. When I say gains, it’s literally a couple of streets, the Ukrainians still control half of the district.
The Russians are however close to making that unviable as defences and Ukraine will eventually have to withdraw over the canal and blow the bridges to prevent the Russians crossing it.
What the Ukrainians could do with is a long range anti-air battery to hit the Russian aircraft dropping the glide bombs. Take that out of the equation and their ability to defend rises dramatically, as the Russians have neither the quantity of artillery or other ground based weapons to do what they did in Bakhmut last year.
If not it looks like the Russians will just endlessly throw more and more troops at the town to take it, with glide bombs doing the heavy destruction.
The restoration of Chasiv Yar as a priority point in the last few days seems to be an effort to distract from the Kharkiv situation. I think they think the Ukrainians are so close to winning that battle decisively they hope to create a sense of urgency further south to distract them. Add to that, that this should have been their priority all along and it seems they may well have refocused their energies towards it, fighting a rear guard action at Kharkiv to keep the Ukrainians engaged, while attempting to distract them enough to withdraw forces and prevent a clean victory.
While that may be their intention, I think that Ukraine now has enough to manage both areas and maintain their positions and prosecute both fronts.
They should not in my opinion, give up on driving the Russians out of Kharkiv completely. They have the initiative and they can do it. A full Russian defeat there would be a significant military and morale boosting victory long needed.

Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!

Russia is accelerating the development of roads in the occupied south. The occupiers are hastening the completion of a new railway and doubling the land road corridor near Mariupol, according to the "Center for Journalistic Investigations."

"Fresh satellite data indicate the complete readiness of two bridges on the first branch of the new railway, which Russia has been laying from scratch since last fall. Construction is in the final stages of laying the rails and is progressing surprisingly quickly. An 80 km new railway track between the villages of Burne and Novoselivka will allow the delivery of goods from Mariupol to the north and east of the occupied part of Donetsk region four times faster," the investigation says.

In parallel, work is being carried out on other sections of the new railway and highways, including the expansion of the land corridor from Russian Rostov to the occupied Ukrainian Crimea through the territory of the Azov region.

In April, the occupiers began to build a bypass road north of Mariupol. This 70 km long section of the land corridor can consist of parallel roads and railways.

Active work on the construction of roads continues not only in Zaporizhzhia and Donetsk regions but also in the Kherson region. Journalists assume that the occupiers will build a Taganrog-Mariupol branch parallel to the Rostov-Melitopol railway branch.

"Then these 100 km between the cities will become the main logistics route for supplying the Russian army of occupation on both the Zaporizhzhia and eastern fronts. By tying the Kherson region to the Rostov-Crimea and Donetsk-Crimea routes, Russia will complete its 'Ring of Azov' logistics operation," the investigation emphasizes.

The mayor of Kharkiv, Ihor Terekhov, stated that the Ukrainian military's destruction of Russian strike positions near the border has significantly reduced the intensity of Russian shelling of the city.

He added that approximately 11,500 people have arrived in Kharkiv from regions experiencing heavy shelling. Additionally, the mayor emphasized the critical need for Western air defense systems to protect the city.

Victory in Ukraine will dramatically strengthen Putin's military machine, — the Atlantic Council.

Analysts believe that the argument that Putin will not dare to go further if he achieves victory in Ukraine is dangerously short-sighted. A Russian victory over Ukraine would transform the geopolitical situation, significantly strengthening Russia in military, economic, and strategic terms, and at the same time seriously weakening the West.

The Russian army clearly did not live up to its inflated pre-war reputation in Ukraine, but it would be unwise to underestimate Moscow's military potential. Putin's command has learned a number of important lessons since the invasion began in February 2022 and has gained combat experience that no other major power can match. A victory in Ukraine will further widen the already alarming gap in military capabilities between Moscow and the West, which is rearming very slowly.

"The Russian and Ukrainian armies are by far the largest and most formidable military forces in Europe. If Putin wins in Ukraine, he will control them both. Russia will quickly conscript hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians into military service, just as it has already done in the occupied territories of Ukraine. In addition to a significant increase in manpower, the Russian Federation will also acquire large stocks of military equipment provided by the West," the article notes.

Control over Ukraine would allow the Russian Federation to reintegrate the huge Ukrainian military-industrial complex. During most of the Soviet era, Ukraine produced a significant portion of the USSR's missiles, tanks, aircraft, and warships. If Russia seizes and revives military production in Ukraine, this will solve many of the Kremlin's sanctions problems.

Economically, the conquest of Ukraine would significantly improve the financial situation of the Russian Federation and strengthen its ability to influence world politics. The Kremlin would receive Ukraine's vast untapped energy reserves, as well as potentially trillions in mineral assets. Additionally, the famous Ukrainian granary would allow Russia to establish itself as a dominant force in international agricultural markets almost overnight, the Atlantic Council notes.

"If the Russian Federation expands the war further, Western leaders will not be able to say that they were not warned. Putin has prepared the entire Russian society for war and is openly preparing the entire country for a long struggle against the West. The current invasion is an important part of this fight, but it is only the beginning. Russia's victory in Ukraine will create the basis for even bolder acts of international aggression," the experts conclude.

💯 🇳🇱 The fact that Putin came out with this shitty "peace proposal" yesterday is a sign that he is panicking, this is good news, — Dutch Prime Minister Rutte

More statements:

🇺🇸 USA: Yesterday Putin put forward proposals to resolve the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, but he is not talking about negotiations, he is talking about the capitulation of Ukraine;

🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia: Any serious negotiation processes need the presence of Russia;

🇪🇺 European Council: Peace between Ukraine and Russia requires dialogue between the parties, but Kyiv will decide when it can start;

🇵🇱 Poland: Russia remains a colonial empire that never went through the path of decolonization, which could not cope with the demons of its past;

🇮🇹 Italy: Mr. Zelensky, come to Italy, we are ready to send a new package of armed assistance to Ukraine;

🇲🇩 Moldova: Peace in Ukraine is peace in Moldova;

🇪🇪 Estonia: Russia is a colonial state, for almost half a century, until 1990, Estonia was part of the Russian colonial system;

🇩🇪 Germany: It is not enough to stop the war, we must prevent the conflict from freezing, leaving the risk of continued aggression;

🇬🇧 The United Kingdom: Ukraine did not ask for this war, but in defending their state, Ukrainians are amazing;

🇯🇵 Japan: Today it’s Ukraine, tomorrow it could be East Asia.

Svitlana Vlasenko lived on the fifth floor of a building on Lyubov Maloi Street in Kharkiv. It was destroyed by Russian shelling on the night of May 31, 2024. Svetlana's daughter, 39-year-old Polina Kravets, died nearby.

The body of Svitlana Vlasenko was found first thing in the morning. She was thrown into the yard by an explosive wave. Her daughter too - she flew several tens of meters and hit the wall of a neighboring house. It was possible to identify her thanks to a DNA test.

The deceased Svitlana Vlasenko was 69 years old. Positive, responsive, sociable - that's what her friends and neighbors say about her.

A former deputy chairman of the russian government lost 13 million rubles because he wanted to edit a Wikipedia article about himself.

At the very beginning of the 90s, Viktor Ilyushin headed the secretariat of the President of the RSFSR, and in 1996-1997 he served as deputy chairman of the government. On June 7, Ilyushin received a call from scammers. They introduced themselves as Wikipedia administrators and persuaded the former official to install a program that would supposedly help correct information on Wiki.

The clever one provided them in this way with the necessary access to his bank account. In just a few days -surprise, surprise- Viktor Vasilyevich lost 12.9 million rubles. A criminal case has been opened for theft on an especially large scale.


Found as comment in a russian channel. But new ruZZia is too busy falsifying history to learn from the past.

“During the war, the meanness of the Bolshevik system was especially clearly demonstrated. Just as in peacetime the arrests and executions of the most hard-working, honest, intelligent, active and reasonable people were carried out, so the same thing happened at the front, but in an even more open, disgusting form.

Let me give you an example. An order comes from the higher spheres: take the heights. The regiment storms it week after week, losing many people every day.

Replenishments are ongoing, there is no shortage of people. But among them are swollen dystrophics from Leningrad, to whom doctors have just prescribed bed rest and increased nutrition for three weeks. Among them are babies born in 1926, that is, fourteen-year-olds who are not subject to conscription into the army... “Forrward!!!”, and that’s all.

Finally, some soldier or lieutenant, platoon commander, or captain, company commander (less often), seeing this blatant disgrace, exclaims: “You can’t kill people! There, at a height, is a concrete pillbox! And we only have a 76mm gun! It won’t break through!”...

The political instructor, SMERSH and the tribunal immediately get involved. One of the informers, who are numerous in every unit, testifies: “Yes, in the presence of the soldiers, he doubted our victory.” They immediately fill out a ready-made form, where you just need to enter your last name, and it’s ready: “Shoot in front of the line!” or “Send to a penal company!”, which is the same thing. This is how the most honest people, who felt their responsibility to society, died.

And the rest - “Forward, attack!” “There are no fortresses that the Bolsheviks could not take!” And the Germans dug into the ground, creating a whole labyrinth of trenches and shelters. "Go get them!"

There was a stupid, senseless killing of our soldiers. One must think that this selection of the Russian people is a time bomb: it will explode in a few generations, in the 21st or 22nd century, when the mass of scum selected and nurtured by the Bolsheviks will give rise to new generations of their own kind.

From “Memories of the War” 1970 Nikolai Nikulin.


Putin, during a speech at the Foreign Ministry, ranting about the current state of confrontation between ruZZia and NATO

The chief-in-liar on the situation in Ukraine :

The war in Ukraine is not a conflict between two states

Russians and Ukrainians would undoubtedly find a way to fairly resolve any differences

The conflict is the result of NATO activities after the end of the Cold War and the adventurous policies of the West

NATO tried to turn Ukraine into its springboard against the rF, they did everything to set peoples against each other

Aaaand of course: The main threat to Europe is not russia, but dependence on the USA

I wonder when he will finally get as bored by his repeated lies as the rest of the world? It's like these mantras: OOOMM - there are no facts but the claims approved by the liar-in-chief - OOOMMM -all blame is to place on NATO, US, West - OOMMM...[restart mantra]


The wives of the mobilized demanded that the children of ruZZian officials and propagandists be sent to the front

Spouses of the mobilized demand to replace their husbands with the sons and spouses of Russian officials and propagandists, the Way Home movement reports.

"We demand to replace our men with very specific other men. On the children and husbands of those who tell our citizens from the screens that war is good, who talk with a predatory smile about the possibility of a nuclear strike, who consider it an honor to die for bloody goals of a handful of crazy old people."

Among those whom "The Way Home" proposes to send to the front, in particular: the sons of the press parrot Dmitry Peskov - 20-year-old Mick and 34-year-old Nikolai, the 29-year-old son of the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev Ilya, 42-year-old Rodion Gazmanov - the son of singer Oleg Gazmanov, the sons of propagandist Vladimir Solovyov - Daniil (22 years old) and Alexander (34 years old), the singer Shaman (Yaroslav Dronov, 32 years old), the children of actor Ivan Okhlobystin - 18-year-old Savva and 23-year-old Vasily, as well as Evgeny Popov (42 years old) - the husband of propagandist Olga Skabeeva.

"We can write a list so long that it is enough to replace every mobilized person. We guarantee you comfortable trenches, transfer to the place of hostilities, pasture food," the organization emphasized.


Well, good luck with that one...but please keep twisting the knife in the wound of obvious state lies.


In Italy, the former vice-governor of Kemerovo was arrested in the case of the escape of Artem Uss

In Italy, 54-year-old russian Dmitry Chikaradze was detained in the case of the escape of the son of the former Krasnoyarsk governor Artem Uss, ANSA reports. According to the Italian authorities, this is the head of the group that helped Uss Jr. escape.

According to Milan prosecutor Marcello Viola, the 54-year-old russian is in custody. Chirakadze was detained at Milan airport, where he arrived from Sardinia, writes Corriere della Sera. Investigators found him after studying the phones, geolocations and flights of other suspects in this case.

Artem Uss escaped from house arrest in Italy in the spring of 2023. Prior to that, he was arrested in Italy at the request of the United States on October 10. The US Department of Justice accuses him of oil smuggling, exporting military technology from the United States and money laundering. Uss himself does not admit guilt. At the trial, he said that he had never been to New York, and the last time he visited the United States was 25 years ago at the age of 14.

Russia also demanded the extradition of Artem Uss. A case was opened against him on money laundering on an especially large scale by an organized group. Presumably, the Z-regime was only trying to save him from extradition to the United States. In April 2023, it became known that Uss arrived in russia and the announced measure of restraint was changed to promising not to leave the country.


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