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Good morning Resisters everywhere. It's a beautiful morning but headed into a brutal afternoon. Our Heat Advisory starts at noon.

I will be inside today. I am wearing a heart monitor that requires me not to sweat. Bath prohibited and a shower requires taping plastic over it.

They are already starting the ALL CAPITALS alerts sailing across my screen

During the defense of Avdiivka, Russian forces, under the cover of intense artillery fire, managed to engineer a collector pipe and infiltrate the rear of Ukrainain troops (near the Tsarska Okhota restaurant). A similar pipe exists in Chasiv Yar, and the Russians tried to use it to accumulate forces for attacks on the Novy distric of Chasiv Yar. However, as you can see from the state of the pipe, Ukrainains are systematically transforming it into a collective grave using mortars and drops. Ukrainian mortars penetrate the structure, and from a height of 200-250 meters, drone operators constantly keep the pipe under fire control, accurately dropping surprises for those who like to walk through the filth. Judging by the intercepts, the Ukrainian work pays off. Subscribe

From "The Analyst":


The Sebrianski forest is no longer filled with the lush green of trees or the dark green of pines. Massive amounts of artillery pounding the area since September 2022 when Ukraine forced the Russians to retreat, have turned most of the eastern end of it into a WW1 style image of stumps and craters.
Ukraine retains possession of most of it, and to the north the Russians have managed to gain a salient that’s almost reached the Sherebets River, but for months Ukraine has held them off from reaching it. Villages such as Terny have become household names for their persistent resistance.
It is however, the Seribianski forest that has contributed hugely to stalling the Russians. From inside it Ukraine carries out debilitating flank attacks north into the salient and the front hasn’t moved for months.
The war here goes like this for the past few months:
The Russians fire more artillery and then send in masses of infantry.
The Ukrainians conduct rapid active defence operations and cut the Russians down. The front stays where it is.
The Ukrainians know how the Russians deal with this, using small fortified zones in circular trenches connected by thinner trench lines. They haven’t broken through any more than the Russians have, but the do stop the Russians building up forces to try.
Ukrainian commanders decided that it was time to straighten out the front in the forest and identified the fortifications in the Russian centre codenamed ‘Dragonfly’.
To do this would take skill and trained troops specialising in assault. The 12th Special Purpose Assault Brigade was brought in.
A platoon of 36 were selected - the best of their unit, trained for just such a mission with the aid of western special forces.
This is one of those operations that must come as a surprise and planning is everything.
Mortars and artillery concentrate their fire on the target as the assault group, all volunteers, make their move. A single tank has been brought up to aid the assault, the way for it being cleared of mines by Ukrainian sappers working with drones and conventional mine clearing equipment for days in advance.
There’s little room in this forest for armour to move and it rarely appears, its presence taking the shocked Russians in their forward foxholes by surprise as it opened fire almost at point blank range. The sun has barely come up, the Russians are shaken.
The assault troops moved quickly in with the tank in support. Russian radio is suddenly flooded with requests for support and demands to be allowed to retreat - even now the Ukrainians can hear everything the Russians say over their open frequencies, still unencrypted after two years of war.
The Ukrainian assessment was that the Russian artillery was still asleep.
As they advanced one Russian managed to get off an ATGM round and stopped the tank, but this had been allowed for, the Ukrainians had gamed out just such an occurrence and knew to maintain their cohesion.
The tank crew were able to evacuate and withdrew.
Every one of the Ukrainians knew what to do, every trench was mapped and every soldier had their designated target.
Overhead the commander was able to see everything from drones, warning of the level of opposition in trenches and if and where supporting Russians were approaching from.
Dragonfly was soon captured, but already a Russian counter attack was incoming from both flanks. This was repulsed.
The Russians then waited a short time for their artillery and typically began a denial operation, shelling the Dragonfly position to render it useless, though not accurately enough.
The Ukrainians managed to take in a daring raid, a vital defence point in the forest that the Russians had used to harass them to the south and north/northwest.
Now the line had been straightened out, and the Russian advantage removed. Just another day on the frontlines, but one small but significant victory, by well trained and motivated troops against which Russia has no real defence. Many more such victories are coming.
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦!

Orc commander giving orders to behead Ukrainian prisoners of war and put the head on a stake at the entrance of Stadomayorsk, Donetsk. @ukrainejournal

The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB recruit defendants in criminal cases to the war.

In Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Customs Service and the Federal Bailiff Service were instructed to offer suspects and defendants in criminal cases to conclude a contract with the Ministry of Attack and receive exemption from criminal liability in connection with conscription into the army reports state media Kommersant.

After the initiation of a criminal case, the accused is almost immediately offered an "army alternative." If the person agrees, then his data is sent to the nearest military registration and enlistment office. The main requirements are age from 18 to 65 years old and physical condition.

If the military registration and enlistment office agrees to conclude a contract with the person under investigation, his criminal prosecution is suspended, and completely terminated after the accused is awarded a state award, the end of hostilities and "loss of life or health."

Lawyer Alexander Pochuev noted that representatives of the departments are actively "actively fulfilling the recruitment directive. As a rule, this contingent replenishes the personnel of the Storm units."

The media regularly report on serious crimes, including murders and rapes, committed by those who returned from the war against Ukraine. Hundreds of such cases are already known. The resonance caused by them forced the Kremlin to instruct that controlled journalists not talk about such incidents.

Another corruption scandal comes to light. This time in Bashkiria

JSC Bashkiravtodor, the largest road contractor in Bashkiria, is in a difficult situation.
As the Cheka-OGPU previously reported, in November 2023 the FSB detained the general director of Bashkiravtodor Ildar Yulanov, who was accused of fraud when in 2021-2022 he and other defendants in the case stole funds allocated as part of the national project for the reconstruction of the Birsk-Tastuba-Satka highway. A large number of claims were brought against the company, the total amount of which amounts to several billion rubles.

The controlling stake in JSC Bashkiravtodor belongs to the Ministry of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Belarus, the second stake was transferred to the state investment company Regional Fund.

According to the Minister of Land and Property Relations of the Republic of Belarus Natalya Polyanskaya, Bashkiravtodor found itself in a difficult situation due to “mistakes and misconceptions” of the company’s management.

The company stated that the reasons for the debt were in the “peculiarities of financing state and municipal orders,” that is, in the very sequence of payments - many government contracts are paid upon completion of work and at the end of the year, and the company has to purchase materials on credit.

Bashkiravtodor deals with most of the key road projects in Ufa; however, despite the abundance of orders, the company’s financial statistics turn out to be extremely uneven. Thus, in 2021, Bashkiravtodor’s turnover amounted to 9.9 billion rubles, and losses amounted to 1.4 billion rubles. In 2022, revenue increased to 11.2 billion rubles, but profit amounted to only 29 million rubles. As for 2023, turnover increased again - to 12.7 billion rubles, and the loss amounted to a record 4.1 billion rubles.
Whether the investigation will find out where the money for 2023 “went” is a big question.

One of the large debt collectors from Bashkiravtodor is Akvamak-Processing, which has been cooperating with Bashkiravtodor for more than 13 years, meeting the company’s needs for diesel fuel and road bitumen. As a result, Akvamak-Processing LLC “lost” about 500 million rubles.
According to the owner of the company Oleg Makarenko, Akvamak-Processing continued to ship products, helping to carry out work on the construction, repair and maintenance of highways in the Republic, including within the framework of the federal national project. The state status of “Bashkiravtodor” and the personal promises of Ildar Yulanov and Minister Alexander Klebanov (now in jail for the bribe) were a guarantor for the company of fulfilling financial obligations. But Yulanov knew about the impossibility of fulfilling his obligations to pay for petroleum products shipped by Akvamak-Processing on orders from August 2023, since the company already had debts to creditors in the amount of more than 13 billion rubles.

The management of JSC Bashkiravtodor and Minister Klebanova did not intend to pay for the supplies - this is evidenced by their "concerted actions to withdraw the assets" of the enterprise in the form of encumbering them with lien rights of third parties in the fourth quarter of 2023.
The insolvency of Bashkiravtodor may affect the closure of more than a dozen regional enterprises that have not received their funds. This will have an extremely negative impact on the economic situation in the region.

Which will result in the end in more meat for the grinder.


Putin's Foundation allocates grants to teach children to pray and search for mines instead of holidays.

The Presidential Grants Fund has determined the winners of the second competition among projects for the organization of children's recreation. Most of the approved applications involve spending holidays in military-patriotic camps, where children will be taught to pray and handle weapons.

The project "Russian Spirit" intends to fight "gadget addiction" among the younger generation from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. In the "patriotic Orthodox camp" run by priests and war participants in the Pskov region, children will be protected from the "blurring of the boundaries of gender roles," taught prayers and "traditional values," while "defending their native land and the ideals of their native culture" during military training.

Another project involves sending children to the occupied part of the Luhansk region of Ukraine. Apparently, the organizers will offer to try out the acquired skills immediately in practice: "Land in the Luhansk region is literally strewn with the consequences of hostilities," the description of the project says.

Also, children will be sent to the occupied Crimea, which is now regularly shelled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Students are promised a meeting with "polite people" and celebrations on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the annexation of the peninsula. In addition, pro-Kremlin ideologists and Z-propagandists will explain to them how not to become "victims of the information war."

In February, Deputy Prime Minister of the ruZZian Fuckeration Tatyana Golikova said that the system of patriotic education in ruZZia by the end of 2024 will cover about 72% of children and kids aged 5 to 19 years.

Read more if you can stand it.


The Ukrainian Armed Forces' drone raids on russian refineries have reached a new level and could lead to a crisis at the front and in the domestic oil products market - MO

On Friday night, judging by the announcement of the destruction of 120 UAVs by the Ministry of Attack (12 more than the previous record on May 17), the most massive drone attack of the AFU since the start of the war took place. Two oil depots in Adygea and Tambov region were hit and set on fire. On Thursday night, the Afipsky oil refinery near Krasnodar was attacked.

Until now more than 20 oil depots have already been damaged by shelling. According to The Insider's calculations damage had been caused to 15% of the total capacity of refineries.

For now, the state is compensating for the damage to oil producers, in 2023, it was 1.14 trillion rubles. But as damages are mounting the budget funds may not be enough. “There may be a sharp jump in prices at gas stations.” Gasoline production data got hidden since May 2024.


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