⚡️🫡 Yesterday, near Tokmak, an enemy train with tanks was burned with the help of a sabotage and reconnaissance group and Mr. Himars
After a successful operation, the sabotage and reconnaissance group returned to the controlled territory
UPD: It is stated that 40 fuel tanks worth $4 million were destroyed
🤣 I asked the Russians who control the air defense what they would do if a plane invaded our territory. They said that even if 5,000 planes attacked us at the same time, they would shoot them all down with one push of a button. That's how powerful our air defense is, — Kadyrov
And in actual fact it could not stop one plane. OOPS, they forgot to push the button
I am a Democrat who supports Ukraine in their battle against The Russian Z fascist invaders.
I am a 72 year old Covid hermit who
lives on 10 acres in a sparsely populated area of the Ozarks. I heat with wood that is leftover by the lumber industry. When cutting oak for lumber only the trunk is used.
The largest town is population 2992. The county is 13k people scattered over 713 square miles.