4. Create a daily routine
A daily routine helps you overcome perfectionism and lack of motivation by making the task a normal part of your day.
By making the daunting and seemingly impossible into a normal and mundane ritual you are more likely to actually do it.
5. Reward yourself for completing tasks
Rewarding is crucial as it stimulates you to actually work on the thing but also associates something you enjoy with the act of getting something done.
TL;DR: 5 things to beat procrastination
1. Be mindful
2. Break tasks into smaller chunks
3. Set SMART goals
4. Create a daily routine
5. Reward yourself for completing tasks
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Thanks in advance and as always have an awesome day✌️
3. Set SMART goals
SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
"I will write 300 words of my introduction today " is SMART
"Publish Paper ASAP" is not SMART