1. A Captivating Title
The opening slide with your title is the first thing people will see.
If your title doesn't stand out and make them excited to listen to you then you've already lost them to whatever might be happening on their phones.
5. Ask The Audience Questions
By asking simple questions you get them engaged and interested in what you are talking about. A simple "yes or no" or "A and B" question does the job nicely.
By asking you get them invested in finding out the answer which you'll provide.
6. Clear and Easy Takeaways
If you want them to remember your presentation then you're gonna have to make it as easy as possible for them.
- This is why we researched this.
- This is what came out.
- This is what it means
TL;DR: 6 Ways to Keep The Audience Engaged During Your Talk
1. A Captivating Title
2. Emphasizing Important Words
3. Don't Overload Slides With Text/Figures
4. Entertaining Visuals
5. Ask The Audience Questions
6. Clear and Easy Takeaways
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Thanks in advance and as always have an awesome day✌️
4. Entertaining Visuals
You could use the same image of cells differentiation that everyone else uses.
Or you could illustrate it using pokemon evolutions.
Which do you think the audience would enjoy and remember more?