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Trillenial :unverified: boosted
Trillenial :unverified: boosted

I really love Albert Camus. When he rolled that boulder up that hill,, I felt that.

What sort of a sick fuck indexes dates[] from 0

Life hack for astrologers: Buy tarot cards and throw out the bad ones, every reading will be positive.

Asked my friend who's life he'd live if he could live any life throughout history. He replied "That rat that died from pressing the dopamine button too many times".

Trillenial :unverified: boosted

Dear programmers, if someone asks for help about a paticular language please don't hold it over them. Saying things like:

"Shouldn't you know that?"

Someone could code 6 years in C and have no idea about basic OO principles. If they've done some research and can't make sense of them and then they ask a programming discord, you don't need to shit on them. You can just help them.

TLDR: Shitting on people for not knowing about something you know doesn't make you a better programmer.

Trillenial :unverified: boosted

YouTube's tendency to push everyday users toward politically extreme content

Trillenial :unverified: boosted

I love it when I have perfect focus but I can only use it to think about the metaphysics of Morrowind

Of course there is also the Aristotelian argument of opposites that in which, the beautiful would have 2 opposites. The ugly and the not beautiful, although they're very similar they're not quite the same.

The not beautiful is not necessarily ugly by nature it just does not have any beauty within it. Even more confusingly something ugly can have beauty in it, but in it's totality it would still appear as ugly.

Personally I don't believe anything that has even the smallest bit of beauty should be considered beautiful, it must be beautiful in it's totality. But I do recognise it as a counter argument.

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I know this sounds like a "woke"-esc post but hear me out.

There's a growing belief in certain sub-cultures that all people are beautiful. I am aware that the media have a strong grip over beauty standards, calling everyone beautiful, in my opinion only devalues beauty as concept.

In my mind, in order for a quality to exist there must be an antithesis of that quality:

-Tall and short
-Smart and dumb
-Beautiful and ugly

Without light we cannot have darkness and without the ugly we cannot have the beautiful.

I wonder how I stop page numbering in LaTeX?


Nope, it's \pagenumbering{gobble}. Of course.

Once you complete postgraduate education are you a post-postgraduate?

I think it's really disgusting that facebook owns the two largest messaging apps, taking whatever of my data they want from them.

I'd love to be able to use the open-source alternative telegram, but the issue is that literally no-one I know uses them and I don't want to force people to download an app to be able to talk with me.

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