
I had a discussion with a friend today and now I'm curious: do you people cook for yourself? Does someone cook for you? Do you buy food? What do you typically cook?

I cook most of my food when I live alone and it's usually simple and healthy "meat+vegetables/pasta/rice" dishes, salads, eggs in all varieties and a sandwich here and there.

No poll attached, I'm interested mostly in long and unnecessarily sophisticated answers. Let the 65k character limit be useful.


>"do you people cook for yourself?"


Meat kills.

Eggs are cruel.


Sounds good. I am extremely ectomorphic and mostly try to keep my BMI up and build some muscle and fat. Because by default I quickly lose both.

The question was asked at that time because I discovered that there is a large cohort of people who do not cook for themselves at all and only eat food they buy. It is a viable strategy here in Moscow as ready-made food is widely available, and not even that expensive. I'm wondering if it's prominent in other places as well.

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