the USA feels like a mental institution where virtually everyone has some sort of personality disorder... Anyone who thinks guns are the problem are completely disconnected with the reality, americans are so toxic and vile as a society I would expect them to be killing each other en masse regardless of access to guns or not.
@freemo Now make the transfer to the world. A lot of suffering going on, guns or no guns.
@admitsWrongIfProven transfer of what? There is plenty of suffering, the world is far from perfect. But as someone who travels the world more than most (living in a new country every other year or so, at least temporarily) I cant say i ever witnessed the level of psychosis as I do in the USA. Suffering doesnt equate to psychosis.
@freemo Hmmm, i only meant to say that the symptoms are worldwide, manifest themselves in the us a bit earlier. I probably did not explain myself very well.
Guns might not be the central issue here, even if handing them out like candy in the us might aggravate the issue we have.
I propose that the issue is that humans tend to react to stress in a manner well-suited to direct confrontation, while the problem we see is more systemic.
I suppose there is a bit of a spread of some of the psychosis.. but its very minimal compared to the USa.. In the USA its everyone with maybe 1% as an exception. In the netherlands I could spend a year meeting person and its a bad year if even one of them matches the typical psychosis I find in america.
We arent talking about "There are problems", we are talking about a very specific and toxic kind of psychosis, personality disorders.
I will say this though, while it isnt too common in much of the world it is fairly common (though not as bad as the USA) in english speaking countries, the UK is particularly bad, and a close second after the USA.
No personality disorders can have psychosis as a comorbidity depending on its nature. But no not **all** personality disorder leads to psychosis.