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@Hyolobrika Btw, check out dr. woggle and the radio. I like "never ride a camel", but they are generally great.

@jeffcliff So are you back?

Have been missing you a bit, but your posts did not resume... technical problems or a change in policy?

Dan Goodin  
GitHub is struggling to contain an ongoing attack that’s flooding the site with millions of code repositories. These repositories contain obfuscate...

@Hyolobrika I'm bored. Put some pressure on me, ask why i think women should be in control of their abortion, ask why i have this or that notion. The dystopia is not asking a question, just going on around me. Lame.

Ok fellow nerds, need some help. I have a software installer for the classic Mac OS that I need to extract the contents from. It was made using Aladdin InstallerMaker, but InstallerMaker won’t open it so I can get the files. Anyone run into this and have ideas?

FACT: in germany the car repair shop is called the autocorrect

@freemo It is curious, it seems i am missing some toots, especially boosts from people i follow.

An example would be boosted by @daswarkeinhuhn

(I saw this because i looked at an account i made somewhere else to bridge the time until qoto was back online)

I tried to find the first line in my home list, scrolling down to 8h in the past with the boost only 2h old. Also tried eliminating all special characters, "ihr lieben" alone does not show up either.

I also checked that i can see the original toot author in the qoto web interface, no problem there.

One thing i could think of is that maybe, if the original toot is older than our recent update, it will not show up anymore? If that was the only problem it would be fine, but i am a bit worried it might not.


Just had an idea for a devastating diss for people that try to divert attention:

You're searching for real step siblings in the porn business.

Markus Söder wird nicht von den Medien, der eigenen Partei, intern oder extern dazu gedrängt sich von Aiwanger zu distanzieren oder Bemühungen anzustellen ihn seines politischen Amtes zu entheben.

Doch die erste Sache die besprochen wird wenn ein FFF Aktivisti in den Medien spricht ist die Distanzierung von Greta Thunberg — „aber FFF Germany hat nichts mehr mit FFF zu tu-” und warum tragt ihr dann noch den Namen? Ist das nicht praktisch sie unterstützen? Ist das nicht praktisch den Holocaust relativieren?

Es kann nie genug sein und man hat in den Augen der Springerpresse immer Unrecht.

Ich glaub meine Aussage damals fasst es sehr gut zusammen:

Wenn die eine Seite Menschen den Tod im KZ wünschen kann, aber die andere Seite über mehrere Ecken vielleicht die Hamas relativiert, ggf. vielleicht eine Aussage gemacht hat die man antisemitisch verstehen kann, aber nur letzteres als etwas schlechtes angesehen wird, viel mehr Diskussionen auslöst und viel mehr behandelt wird, dann geht es nicht tatsächlich um das Aufarbeiten des Antisemitismus sondern um das Kaputtmachen linker Bewegungen mit egal welchen Mitteln.

Wir müssen uns nicht an moralistischen Vorgaben und Regeln halten welche von Rechts definiert werden und woran nur wir uns halten sollen. Ein Raum für Kritik soll geschaffen werden und muss existieren — doch wünscht man sich eine linke und progressive „Einigkeit” über alles, dann darf Kritik nur intern bleiben.

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@TURBORETARD9000 Btw, did you hear anything from jeff, like does he have an alt since the shitposter club went down?

Der Ballermann füllt sich mit Schinken, der Polizist geht Touristen beklauen.
Es gibt noch wahre Kunst!

the conflict between being anti-war and also opposed to empires invading and occupying/killing/stealing/worse things, including our own stupid empire

@freemo Update: some few (<10) toots from a day ago are showing up. Seems i was impatient.

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@freemo Ah, i do get directly adressed stuff, like i see my own question in home. But nothing from people i follow without me being in the toots @

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@freemo Hmm, while federated/local work, my home feed and lists receive no toots. Is this a known problem?

I'm going to need some #cybersecurity help... my son is currently looking for a Technical Writer position and almost got scammed by a guy by the name of Jason Torres, posing as a recruiter for a company called Futurex.

He emailed him under

The scam was very elaborate and included documents such as this one.

I immediately smelled a rat and told him to call said company who verified of course that it was not only a scam, but I was far from the only target.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.