I spent some time working on making a setup to image muscle activity in walking flies. The leg moves out of the field of the view often, so we set up a light field microscope. It's just like a normal microscope, but with a microlens array filter added so the image comes out with a bunch of tiny lenslets. You can use to reconstruct a full volume from a single image!
We found the light field framework oLaF to work really well in reconstructing the volume (as you can see on the right image). It would take 20 minutes per image though, which would take too long for processing whole videos.
So I've made pyolaf! https://github.com/lambdaloop/pyolaf
It's a port of oLaF from Matlab to Python, with some optimizations to make it use the GPU effectively. With this, it can run at least 20x faster!
The randomness of @Mastodon is great, but the trick for better engagement with some of the people you follow is to turn on notifications. That helps make up for not having an algorithm.
Coming to #cosyne2023? Wanna go dance on Saturday night? We got you...
We're holding a party at Le Livart (https://lelivart.com/en/), with acts:
- Outself (Live EEG gen music)
- Mat Moebius B2B Xanarelle (DJ set + EEG)
- Atelier/Atelier (DJ set + AI gen music)!
Please boost!!!!!
Le Livart is easy to get to by metro:
Entry is free with a COSYNE badge, and the first 200 will get one free drink ticket as well.
A big thanks to our sponsors CIFAR and UNIQUE !!!!
#statistics thought of the day:ANCOVA is so beneficial for accounting for within-treatment patient outcome heterogeneity in RCTs that John Tukey showed you can literally make up regression coefficients & get improvements over unadjusted treatment comparisons: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0197245693902253?via%3Dihub #biostatistics #rct #clinicaltrial @VUMCbiostat
@lili I accidentally cut one leg of a cockroach. The leg moved by itself. The insect continued walking too. I wonder if they can understand pain.
RT @VohryzekJakub
How to do a principled stimulation paradigm? We argue for "Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis" where in-silico whole-brain perturbations are leveraged in guiding experiments.
@Joana_Cabral__ @Castaldo_Fr @ysanz6 @LDLord13 @henrique_frnnds @LitvakVladimir
@lili I know right!! I guess movement science field also needs a way to objectively quantify performance.
How can we adopt #AI tools to study human #movement, #sports, and #biomechanics? Some past studies in #motorcontrol and #learning have employed AI:
1) Seifert et al. 2013 use #clustering method to study climbing.
2) Morais et al. 2015, uses clustering method to assess learning in swimmers
3) Sidarta et al. 2022, this uses #clustering to probe how task difficulty affects #exploration/exploitation in a lab-based experiment.
4) Morais et al 2021 on longitudinal cluster analysis.
Nice article in JAMA that summarizes the studies that have looked at throat in addition to nose swabbing for #covid antigen tests.
Conclusion, adding throat swab possibly increases sensitivity of tests. But need to do both nose & throat.
Digital health leaders share predictions on what to expect in 2023 - Clockwise, from top left: University of Washington professor Shyam Gollakota; WRF... - https://www.geekwire.com/2022/digital-health-leaders-share-predictions-on-what-to-expect-in-2023/ #health/lifesciences #shyamgollakota #lorettalittle #tahakass-hout #kingsleyndoh #startups #su-inlee
As 2022 gets to the end, what are the things I learned this year?
(1) I need to love myself and set boundaries
(2) I need to practice contentment
(3) I learn that many things are beyond my control
… #reflection #musing #gratitude #lettinggo
A Simplified Model of Motor Control https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.25.517924v1?med=mas
Excited to give a talk at the American Society of Biomechanics first professional development seminar series Dec 6 6pm ET! Lots of discussion in #biomechanics recently on code sharing, largely focused on FAIR principles. In this talk I’ll take a different approach, describing how a common framework for scientific computing can be even more powerful! Available to all, here’s the registration link (open to all): https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAqc-uorDsqGtPukK3yjE95uWy9UZye0vH5#/registration
Message to all educators....
If there's a student (child or adult) who is often late attending their classes, or getting to school...
Please don't tell them off and punish or ridicule them as a knee-jerk reaction.
Dig deeper
The fact that they've turned up at all will usually be a strong indication that they've tried very hard to get there.
They could have difficulties with:
- Some of their executive functions (organising, planning, time management, prioritisating, working memory)
- Anxiety about certain aspects of attending school/college/uni (bullying, social interaction with students/teachers who don't understand their communication differences, differences in learning styles)
- Difficulties at home
- Poor sleep
- Difficulties with home environment
- Poverty
Please be curious, gentle and explore their reasons why they're late and work with them.
We often don't see the immense effort the person, and their families go through, just to get them there 5 or 10 minutes late.
To sum up....
Be kind, aporoachable and non-judgemental....both to the student and their caregivers.
To paraphrase Dr Ross Greene,
A person does well if they can.
Researcher in the field of kinesiology. I love hiking and yoga. The posts here are for own research collection. 🇭🇰