OK, peeps, I KNOW y'all have opinions about this, and I want to hear them.
I'm probably going to be out of work for 5-8 months; that's how long it's been after previous layoffs. So I need a learning task.
I want to be able to work with bigger datasets and automate the sort of tasks I now do by hand (data munging, basically). I think I want to learn SQL and Python.
1. Is there something else/extra I should learn?
2. What's the best way to learn these things?
Addendum: I'm on Ubuntu and want to work with F/OSS. I'm willing to learn as much about Linux/Github/etc as needed.
Ideas for projects would also be useful -- e.g. here's a public database and some questions it might be able to answer. I find that's the best way to learn tools, is to have something I need them for.