#introduction time!
I'm Austin, a Senior Software Engineer at a #SaaS company that develops project and task scheduling #software. I mainly work on the #API and #backend using #Kotlin and #Springboot but occasionally stray into the #react #frontend. I used to do #fullstack development and am very familiar with #javascript, #java, and #angular / #angularJS.
In my spare time I enjoy #gamedev, #theater, #aviation (I'm a private pilot with my instrument rating), #compsci, #linuxmint, #blender, #learning, #astronomy, #physics, and #cats.
I'm a big advocate for #mentalhealth and education. I've been known to call people out on spreading bad information and grifting in bad faith.
There is a good chance I'll be posting cat picture, flying pictures, and random tidbits from various programming things I'm exploring. I'm also about to build an RV-10 airplane so there will be plenty of that. Drop by and say hello!