Preface: this is a snapshot from a much longer and deeper discussion.
Source (S0):
> There is this tendency of taking technological luxuries as granted and then hypocritically saying that life would be so much better if xyz didn’t exist. Only the minority of people are taking the leap to simplify their lives to a more slow pace way of living. -- @barefootstache
Source (S1):
> “Only the Minority” <– not sure what you mean, I’d assume those that don’t know / don’t care / like / ignore candy rotting teeth won’t choose better and expect dentist to fix rotten teeth beyond repair (like nature will become or micro-plastics for soil in my garden that surprisingly might not grow much… and getting into our bodies already like the bird in all oceans swallowing objects or water itself as micro-plastics). -- @freeschool
Source (S2):
"Only the minority" as stated in "Only the minority of people are taking the leap to simplify their lives to a more slow pace way of living." means that not many people are quitting the fast pace life that technological advances provide and moving to more slow pace lifestyle like on a homestead.
It could be that people do not know that there is a slow paced option and/or do not know the harms that come out of a fast pace lifestyle. Thus, those of us who have achieved harmony among the two lifestyles should at least lead by example.
This is a tricky ask, since each person has their preferred way of leading. That being said, as long as one does not stay as a consumer (R1) and creates multiple information pipelines, there is not much more one can do.
One could argue finding a better peer group that has this topic as their core principle, though I would argue, that through the creation of multiple information pipelines, one of these pipelines are most likely to sway oneself towards such a peer group.
@barefootstache Seems like a perfect opportunity to add any lifestyle choices you think would compliment this (knowing it's always going to incomplete somewhat) or any new things lately?