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Traveling on larger roads with no footway might be an option to move fast, though it can be quite risky if there is a lot of traffic.

Alternatively, there are less traffic heavy options like service, residential, track, path, etc. options. By these cases the surface can become an inconvenience factor like a muddy or an overgrown track/path.

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There are definitely much more examples until one gets to highways.

Although most highways are more convenient than the previous mentioned examples, one factor one needs to consider by them is personal safety factor.

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Depending on the season farmland can be either more or less convenient than a forest. The same can be said for heath, grassland, or meadow.

Scree, rock, and sand depends if an incline exists as an inconvenience factor.

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The least convenient for most is water crossings; anything from large bodies of water like lakes or rivers all the way down to ditches or wetlands.

Next would be either a man-made barrier like a wall or building or a plant matter wall like scrub.

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Let us take the case that one is planning to explore a new region via foot using data. Then what should be the first amenities that should be mapped?

The first amenities should be anything that inconveniences travel while being outside of one’s comfort realm.

@freeschool this

> a payment on a house already paid many times over and over by different people and pure profit

is one of the topics in the book.

The book is a philosophical approach of question if property is a right (which it is not).

In the end all property/possessions are being temporally lent and eventually will be bought/taken by a new owner.

It has some interesting views like that renters are slaves since they maintain the property, but don't get any profit if the owner sells any of the goods produced from the property.

And taxes are basically a way the nation controls your rent agreement on the property.


To extract the icon copy the outer (clip) of the embedded and save it in such a file.

Via the

echo '<clip>' > icon.svg

Open the newly created SVG with and modified as desired and extract as (alpha values required). Optionally instead WEBP or AVIF can be used.

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Let’s we want to create a shortcut to using and . Then the command is


The icon can either be found on the web or directly extracted from their website.

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@freeschool have you read the book “What is property” by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon.

@bibliolater if one assimilates numeracy with numerics then one is only covering a small portion of maths. The world of analysis and algebra is missing, which as the article mentioned is used in other sciences.


Due to the execution via the one can directly use to make shortcuts to web applications.

All one needs is the execution code for the browser like firefox for and the location of the .

firefox <location>
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Do you know of the menu editor for ?

It is practical in renaming and/or hiding/adding new items to the menu.

One thing one will notice when making such an item is that the execution is done via the .


One nice thing that provides is the option to crop all layers at once. This can also be done with to crop the output.mp4.

Just follow this guide: How can I crop a video with ffmpeg

Gimp or any other image editor app can be used to get a reference area for the crop area.

Hypothetically one combine step 265 and this one in one command.

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One would have hoped that one came full circle, though one came fully around with less data than before.

Let’s start again from the beginning and use the method described in 265 without using . The only thing that is required is that the file names are in consecutive order. This can be done via

ls -1prt | grep -v "/$" | cat -n | while read n f; do mv -n "${f}" "$(printf "%06d" $n).${f#*.}"; done
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The issue with this approach is that when extracting the frames via one will only get the changes and the rest will be the alpha channel.

Thus when building the MP4 with won’t look as expected.

One could go back in and merge each frame to the base layer (the first frame). Or just use the reference images.

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One option to handle the case is to follow this guide. There are some modification that should be taken.

First extract the frames using

magick input.webp frames.png

Then use to build a MP4 video from the extracted frames

ffmpeg -r 1 -i frames-%0d.png -c:v libx264 output.mp4
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I'm working on adding a CLI toolchain to #Fedify to help with debugging. The first feature I implemented is the ActivityPub object lookup.

Here's a demo.

#fedidev #ActivityPub


Not only do have the animation halt in the though so do .

To overcome this issue, one can convert the specific file extension to a MP4.

For GIF one can run via this

ffmpeg -i input.gif output.mp4

Sadly, currently the same cannot be done with WEBP, since decoding animated WEBP has not yet been implemented.

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also permits to export the animation as a . This will nullify the artefacts issue introduced by .

The only issue is if one wants to upload the result to the the animation won’t be registered.

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