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The tincture uses a glycerine base. Here is how to make it:

The nice thing with base tinctures are that they are sweet, so if you add it to black/green , no additional sugar is needed.

The downside of glycerine is that it expires quite quickly. Usually one will get 3-6 months, before it goes bad.

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Signal is a nonprofit. But what does this mean in practice? Today we do something most tech co’s avoid: talk money. What does it cost for Signal to play in a lane dominated by billion $ corporations, while rejecting the surveillance business model?


The stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) tincture was created to help aid seasonal allergies (

A nettle (Urtica dioica) extract shows in vitro inhibition of several key inflammatory events that cause the symptoms of seasonal allergies.

The tincture cannot be put on the same level of efficacy as an extract and one should question if the alcohol base had an indirect role of reducing symptoms. Since alcohol can reduce an immune response, thus the effects of seasonal allergies would be reduced.

For the couple of weeks that I tried it out, I barely noticed any relief over 30 minutes and when in comparison to modern antihistamines this is just a fraction of their potential.

In summary it was an interesting experiment, but in the long term its not worth the effort, especially if one has access to modern medicine.

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Today I cleaned up my apothecary somewhat. Quite shocked that I had a tincture since 2016 and most of the tinctures that were disposed haven’t been used at least once in the past two years.

Although most of the tinctures are alcohol based and probably would have still been fine, didn’t want to risk it. The others were either glycerin or vinegar based.


TIL of subjective blindness, which is when one’s eyes can capture the medium but the brain cannot process the information.

One example is losing the ability to process motion, thereby one’s world would be like a heavily lagged video game.

Or another example is losing the ability to interpret an object. This means, although the object exists in physical space the brain deletes it from existence.

What I thought professional software engineering would be, based on my education and my job interview

Solving problems
Using lots of algorithms measured with big-O notation to solve problems
Architecting large-scale solutions to problems

What most of software engineering is:

Begging for design reviews
Begging for peer reviews on pull requests
Manually purging Jenkins when it runs out of memory and rejects your pull request as a result even though you have your peer reviews on your reviewed design implementation


This post has a more in depth evaluation of day 105 ( and 106.

Fixed the claim of 8-12 nodes click to 8-10 and explained how to achieve both of them.

#MappingChallenge(65/100) This week talks about addition and division mapping. With addition mapping being the act of adding new data to a white sp...


While out and about there are two kinds of Bluetooth earphones that I use: rechargeable single ear inner headphones (R) and bone conducting connected headphones (B).

The benefit of B is that one has surround sound of the environment and can listen to the audio at a much lower volume. The downside is that if the environment is already loud, then the max volume still won’t help with comprehension. Additionally, because of its connective nature, in colder months, when wearing a hat, it becomes very uncomfortable quite quickly.

On the other side R doesn’t struggle with the hat problem. The loud environment is better manageable with inner ear headphones and the audio quality is better for the spoken word like by podcasts or audio books. Even if one uses the “wear one headphone at time” technique, one still loses some environmental sound and with this technique in total the battery last longer than by B, since the battery is larger. Though one will have the regular hassle of exchanging the headphone and listening ear.


Since clicking along a curve is a mundane task, I reserve the task for while commuting. This way I still do something productive while not completely polluting the dataset.

Now if only Vespucci had the same tool as with split object, one would be golden. Sadly, the current method consists of splitting the outline of the section in at least two spots and then appending from one of the way’s endpoints and doing the same on the otherside.

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I grew up with almost no spending money, but
🚲 I had a bike
📚 the public #library was free
🗺️ the library was within biking distance

And that set the stage for so much of my life. Books, computers, independence, learning — if I have any accomplishments to my name, they’re thanks to the fact that I could get on my bike and escape to a sanctuary that rewarded curiosity.


The tool that I use the most when doing detailed natural and landuse mapping in is UtilsPlugin2, especially the Split Object tool.

The reason being that one saves clicks. Let’s say one has 4 famlands in a grid layout. Using the basic way of drawing each farmland separately one needs 16 clicks. Now using split object tool one needs 8-12 clicks, depending if one uses other tools as well.

In this simpel example there is already click count reduction. Now imagine instead of an area with 4 node one has one with 200 nodes and one wants to split it in half. Then in the worst case one is clicking through the nodes and adding $2*nodeCountSplitLine$. So if it’s a straight which has at minimum 2 nodes, Thus making us click 204 nodes. Now instead of a 2 node line, one had a 50 node line, then one would have to click 300 times, whereas with the Split Object tool it would stay at 250.


After power watching a 5h tutorial ( on at 4x speed (this can be changed via the developers console), I can see its use-case as an introduction to programming. The reasoning being that changes are visually presented in an GUI instead of the typically way in the console.

An alternate is and there are options to export processing to it. Though it seems that processing is the preferred choice when dealing with exporting to video.

Processing is probably the solution I have been looking for awhile to animate certain things easier using mathematics over the UI of specific tools like , or .

LibreOffice Poll:

Do you want LibreOffice videos available via PeerTube?

PeerTube is a video platform for the Fediverse and is an alternative to Google's YouTube.

TILvids will give LibreOffice video space on their decentralized platform that is powered by PeerTube.

LibreOffice has 20.2K subscribers on their Google YouTube channel...

Please BOOST for greater exposure.

#LibreOffice #OpenSource #Fediverse #PeerTube #Privacy #TILvids #FOSS #FLOSS #Video #LibreSoftware @peertube @tilvids


Learnt today of the news that and will be giving their users a third choice of using their product in the (European Economic Area) by subscribing to their services for a monthly fee of €9.99 for web users, and €12.99 for and users.

Currently inconclusive how I feel of this development. The only thing I can say is that before I start paying for a service that I use as a complete distraction, I would forfeit it and support open source alternatives that can create similar experiences.

The side effect of this is that there might be an upswing of and users, similar to the migration. Some have speculate that some will migrate to instead.


An interesting idea for is to go sim card free and use the pager instead to get messages when off the grid. Once on the grid one can continue with normal means of communication over the internet.

The main issue with pagers is that the messages sent out of the box aren’t encrypted. Though this doesn’t mean one couldn’t setup one’s own .


There I was running down the main road off to catch the train a kilometer away with only 5 minutes on the clock. Following the rules of the road running headway onto oncoming traffic, briefly thinking to myself this can in no way be the safest option, since more times than not I was in their blind spot due to obstruction by vegetation.

Right in front me the road went into a sharp bend and the vegetation is still dense enough not to peak through. From behind I hear how some vehicles are gaining up on me and just as they pass me in the narrow bend, I come face to face with an oncoming car.

I instantly jumped into the vegetation as a safety precaution and was surprise that there was no screeching of the tires on the road. It all felt like it was happening in slow motion and all parties left the situation as if nothing occured.

Reinvestigating what just happened is that I had the luck of the vehicles which just passed me on the narrow section, which in returned reduced the speed of the oncoming traffic and also gave them a sense of caution.

Looking back at how the stress of missing the train to void another 20 minutes of waiting can cause so knee jerk stupid actions, fascinates me the most.

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