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100 daily blogs gives a good taste of what is possible and it has slowly become second nature of writing them, thus continuing with another 100.

  • Compared to the first 50, towards the end I started integrating more personal daily stories over just strict scientific blogs. This new form of content aligns with one my long lasting goal of becoming a better storyteller.
  • Further through the new @rucking account, I have permitted to write posts for it and then boost it. Also will need to learn the in’s and out’s of to use it as another source for content. Thereby, I might have to use the comment field as the hashtag holder not to spoil the post.
  • Looking back at the content written via PC it has dropped from 52% down to 34% when comparing first 50 to first 100. This is a big improvement!
  • When looking back at the the 200 day milestone was still very easily achievable and dreaded the 365 day one more. Or it could be that I dreaded that last one and it coincided with the 365 day challenge.


Today I briefly jumped onto my workstation to check the urgency of a bug that crept up. After learning that it wasn’t a need to be resolved now type of bug, I put the workstation back to sleep as always.

Later when trying to wake up the machine, the typical method of touching the keyboard didn’t work. I was quite confused, since I wasn’t that sleep deprived earlier in the day, that I forgot what mode I put the PC in. For a second, I though I was going crazy.

My flatmate later told me that he killed the oven and that the fuse blew earlier while he was baking. Well that clarifies why the PC was turned off and not just in suspend mode.


The typical person would have stayed home, since it was cold and raining, nonetheless the did today a 12 miler. Everyone was fully soak by the end of the event.

I had the opportunity to try out with an umbrella. This did ease up the navigation experience and kept the upper body dry. The down side was that it was a night ruck and my umbrella is white, so if I dipped the umbrella down while having my headlamp on, I blinded myself.

The pace wasn’t too shabby for a six person crew and one mate twisted their ankle about an hour in. This made us to drop the pace from 6.6 kmh to 6.0 kmh.



Just finished a virtual study hosted by on the sense of fatigue and work performance relative to activity breaks at set intervals.

My dedicated interval time was two hours, which would have aligned quite nicely with my typical day. Though during participation I quickly noticed that I was barely ever able to get more than two activity breaks in a day. This was due to multiple factors like riding the flow, or already exercising during the dedicated period, or just forgetting. And although I quickly failed to align my schedule as the study saw fit, I realized that poor data is still better than no data.

Work performance was more influenced by if I drank coffee or not. And the fatigue was dependent on how much stress I had on the days leading up to the measurement. Like if the other day I did a tough workout, then I will be more fatigued on the following days independent off the activity breaks.

These personal observations makes me want to take other measurements to get a better individual reading.


On the 31st October was the Haunted Ruck in hosted by . It consisted of a 12km with a nature portion that was moon and lantern lit and a city portion where various historic significant details were shared.

When thinking of the title “City of Bridges” Venice comes to mind and it has about 430 bridges, in contrast Augsburg has about 530, so 100 more. This is minute compared to other cities like Amsterdam and Hamburg having 1000 and 2000 respectively.



There is a hypothesis that refraining from eating four hours prior to sleep promotes its quality. The idea is that the stomach would deal with most of the digestion by then and thereby getting some effects of fasting.

From the brief times that I have observed on myself, I can say it depends more on the food consumed, not just when last consumed. Like consuming UPFs, sometimes not even four hours are enough and one wakes up with cramps or consuming foods that create quick onset of flatulence can create a similar effect. Then on the other side eating a large meal that your microflora is used to doesn’t bother slumber much.

These are flawed remembrances of the experience and should be taken with a grain of salt.

When #Youtube figures out how to make #UBlockOrigin ineffective is likely a time of big influx and uptake of #Peertube on the #Fediverse.

The privilege of enraged people with regards to the fine volunteer maintainers who spent sweat and tears to serve us with #Adblock software stood out:

> And then one of the moderators actually deleted their Reddit account. “The ID in the post wasn’t updated because my mother was hospitalized,” they said

Discussed in this HN comment:


The last couple of days I have been working on slowly building up the community within the . By first creating a rucking focused account (): @rucking and later creating a community (): @rucking

Additional to these accounts, slowly building a resource page for based . This can currently be found at


The other day partook in a festive fraternity event that is heavily accompanied by drinking and smoking. The last time I did one to the size of this extent was more than 5a ago and at a time where I was a heavy binger, averaging at 4-6 litres of beer per event.

The hardest part of doing such events without is to be in a social and active state of mind. With the sedative effects of alcohol and the energy boosting effects of nicotine, one can easily make any wallflower extroverted. Now try to do it without legal drugs, its not that simple.

I was quite astonished even after taking on the persona of a social butterfly, how much more courage is needed when specific anxious thoughts of embarrassment arouse.

There was this one part where each frat sings their verse of a song. I thought I knew my verse but I just couldn’t remember line 4 of 8. In the past with alcohol I would have made something up so that it sounds correct, just to keep the embarrassment to a minimum. Though even this back up plan made my legs turn to jello.

One frat after the next one was being called, just wondering when they will be calling on me. The longer it took, the more and more uneasy my legs became.

In the end, I wasn’t called on, though this experience reminded me of the absolute first time I had to do it alone. Back then I had the power of liquid courage which made me witty enough to wing it.

(Just recapping the story brings me back to the same emotional state.)


The in is fun when one lives on the edge of the city and is mainly dependent on the . Especially on the weekends when they choose to do construction work on the and the S-Bahn line count reduces from 7 down to 1. Thus as an alternative is to use the regional trains, especially when traveling between the main train station and .

If all goes to plan, the typical weekday trip of 40 min, can be achieved in 70 min during the night on the weekends. This is due to the less frequent occurrence of connection options and that the final two kilometers need to be walked.

Let’s add more distance between the main train station and home: tonight I started about 4km away from the train station. I just missed the , which would have taken about 10min for the distance. By missing it, I also missed the connection train, thereby opening the option of walking the distance within 50 min.

At the same time the option of directly came up, which is about 20km and typically takes less than 3.5h.

So the options exist of walking directly home in 3.5h or taking public transit and hoping everything runs as scheduled in 2h.

I chose the latter option, because I didn’t have any water on me making a bit too risky for my taste as a night walk, although the train schedule was delayed by 20min.


The presence on isn’t as big as by other social media platforms. To change this I have decided to summon @rucking into existence.

The initial focus of the account is to share DACH based news and larger European based events like challenges. A highlight for next year is the 80 year anniversary of D-Day in Normandy in the beginning of June. Best to plan to take a week off for that. The 75a anniversary was already epic and this time they are bringing the to Europe.

When looking over the DACH region over the past a good 5 s sprouted with the newest being in , founded less than a month ago.


There are a couple ways to the with the basic option just winging it or training for it. The issue with winging it is that it can cause lasting damages which in the best case will heal up within a year. The main issues are the joints, especially knees and hips, which is mainly due to weak hamstrings.

For those who want to train for it, the best training plans are ones that target the legs in all directions, not just forward movements, but also backwards and sideways movements. This will create a good foundation to tackle the workout with the least worry of lasting damages.

Here is an example workout:

buy in: 400m backwards ruck

  • 100 step up
  • 100 strict seated squats aka box squats
  • 100 step up
  • 100 ruck swings
  • 100 step up
  • 100 2-count reverse lunges
  • 100 step up
  • 100 2-count side lunges
  • 100 step up

buy out: 400m backwards ruck

  • buy in is the price to attempt the workout and sometimes equates to the warm up
  • buy out is the price to finish the workout and sometimes equates to the cool down, also called cash out
  • n-count is the count of movements until considered one rep

The exercise that surprised me the most is the backwards ruck.

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November is just around the corner and with it, it brings Veterans Day in the States. To assimilate the burden put onto veterans and in dedication to Chad Wilkinson the WOD (Workout of Day) was created by The Step Up Foundation, , and .

The workout consists of 1000 step ups with a weighted ruck. There are multiple tier depending on one’s fitness level:

  1. Beginner: 1000 step ups without weight
  2. Intermediate: 1000 step ups with 30#/20#
  3. Expert: 1000 20in step ups with 45#


A good practice is to save global variables in in the :root selector. This equates as saving them in the html selector, in most cases.

Variables can simplify styling, especially one is making a third party e.g. for GreaseMonkey, which permits the user to apply their own preferences.


When comparing food sources, one reason to opt into plants is due to the phytonutrients. These are natural chemicals or compounds produced by plants to aid it against insect and sun damages. Which in return have antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties within the human body.

To get a wide range of these phytonutrients it is advised to eat a wide range of plants. To simplify the vast amount of foods one could reduce the variety down to herbal teas and hypothetically use the practise of tea cycling.

The sort of random news threads I like to stumble across to break the tedium of war, doom & gloom...

Giant tortoise named Frank the Tank seeks new home for next 100 years


Today the town lost power, which is not a new phenomenon. This time it was during the night. With the lost power the internet is also gone, since there is no power to power the radio towers. If one has access to satellite this probably would persist as long one is accessing it directly to the device.

The first thing I grabbed was my headlamp which is located in my ruck that was close by. Then I went to check if the power outage was my fault before checking outside to see if the street lights are still on.

Scrambled to go find a candle before contemplating what to do next. Either I can wait about four hours until the electricity is up and running or I could go to the next town over which still has its lights on thus most likely also access to internet.

It is quite interesting how dependent we have become to electricity especially in a home setting. When out in nature it is expected not to have electricity, thus there is no shock.

The good thing is that I train regularly how to live without power, so I knew exactly how to react during the initial outage.


Lots of people have part of their to wash their face prior to slumber and after waking up. The reasoning behind it is to give the body a rash temperature shock, thereby aiding the initialization of the wake or phase.

The interesting part is the water temperature doesn’t really matter. Since the only depending factor is the absolute difference between water and room temperature.

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