Telegram's biggest ruzzian propaganda channel "RIA Novosti" posts a daily update about "Special Military Operation" with a map of territorial control. Ever since the Ukrainian Kursks offensive, they stopped posting the map, only a list of updates in form of bullet points, in which they never mention the loss of territories in that front.
Subtle as a battle axe. Russians are THAT easy to manipulate.
@pelik єто Обамка дамбу подорвал. Постоянно гадит россєюшки єтот Обамка
@freeschool Isn't it funnier without context? 🤣 This is a book about psychological trauma and it's relationship with dreams and mythology. At some point, the author starts talking about archetypal "twilight zones" and their examples in psychology and mythology (tricksters, the myth of Persephone and even the Rapunzel from the fairytale falls into that category; it's everything that exists between one state and another, between real and fake, between live and dead, between the underworld and the real world)... Well, this was another bizarre example of a "twilight zone" that author decided to give.
@freemo which company is it? And congrats
Portuguese by nationality. Genetically I'm aprox 50% Ukrainian, 25% Russian and 25% Greek. Living in Spain (Catalonia).
I don't identify myself with any "-ism", but the closest thing would be libertarianism.
I work in the field of Life Sciences. My activity usually revolves around genetics and bioinformatics. I also like programming and data science / machine learning.
I started migrating to more ethical digital spaces and services after I had first-hand experience working for one of the most abominable enterprises. There is so much I want to say about it but can't due to legal reasons.