@stdKznFU Thanks for the reply. I've never used Zettelkasten but have the impression it's for taking notes. Is it useful for creating contect -- blog posts, articles, etc.?
@trinsec Thanks for the reco. I'm so new I don't even know how to add custom plugins! I'm adding stuff as I need, which is one piece of advice that makes sense to me.
Jumping down the #obsidianmd rabbit hole. I love what I'm seeing! Any recos for beginners? Using it for writing articles, blog posts, outlines, and some content planning.
My new blog post on "just-in-time" learning in teaching computer science: https://crouchingpython.com/?p=197
@skanman Thanks for the detailed reply! I'm down with just about everything you said. You can read more about my PBL approach at my site if you're interested: www.crouchingpython.org. And thanks for the welcome!
Lifelong learner, coding teacher, Minecraft creator.