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bit0fun boosted
bit0fun boosted

Welcome to the official Mastodon instance!

Expect the usual posting on hacks, and a social community to talk about tech, hardware, software, firmware, and all the related topics under the sun.

mmm that compression
Though kinda neat that we need/want to name EVEN SMALLER/BIGGER NUMBERS
10^27 however feels unfortunately named

bit0fun boosted

It’s good to see engagement and use growing here. It would be healthy to have a social platform free of the billionaire oligopoly and the corporate ad folks, don’t you think?

bit0fun boosted

For ten milliseconds, the datetime palindrome will extend to the full 4-digit year:

2022-11-22 22:11:22.02

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bit0fun boosted

Honestly, if this mastodon thing has reminded me anything, it's that the internet is a big place with lots of cool people, making cool stuff.

bit0fun boosted

In case you need to see a dog in a hat... And let's face it who doesn't?


bit0fun boosted

7 things all kids need to hear

1 I love you

2 I'm proud of you

3 I'm sorry

4 I forgive you

5 I'm listening

6 RAID is not backup. Make offsite backups. Verify backup. Find out restore time. Otherwise, you got what we call Schrödinger backup

7 You've got what it takes

bit0fun boosted
bit0fun boosted

A battery filled with algae is somehow managing to power this computer for months:

No-one's quite sure what's going on. Possibly the algae is serving as the medium catalyzing the interaction between the anode and cathode in the battery.

Except research shows the anode isn't degrading, which suggests ...

... the *algae* is producing the electrons.

Some thoughts on this in my blog post here, item 6:

bit0fun boosted

Do not use Mastodon for anything that you’re not OK being 100% public. I’m surprised this hasn’t come up more here.

bit0fun boosted
bit0fun boosted

What do you mean this isn't a finished product? The cable connections are all there...

Wait there's firmware to write? Nah, who needs that

Alright, another board done. At least they mainly get simpler since it's a lot of connectors

Plug in one to another, see if it explodes :p

bit0fun boosted

Today is #TransDayofRemembrance when we honor and remember trans lives taken by violence. How horrifying that a deadly attack upon the LGBTQ+ community in Colorado Springs should occur right before this solemn day.
Hate isn’t born in us. It is taught. It must end.
This starts with our political leaders, who must cease their cynical attacks against our community before another attack occurs.
Call out the hate. Remind them of its consequences. Hold them to account.

bit0fun boosted

@blancomar Welcome! 🖖 😀

There are many educators here. Some tips to connect:

1) Add hashtag to your toots/posts;

2) Join the EduTooters Unite! List at;

3) Follow and include @edutooters group in every education related post;

4) Add hashtags to your toots. 🤩

5) Finally, check out these “tootorials” at for quick tips. Don't be afraid to boost toots/posts and share a hashtag rich with others with that hashtag. :-)

bit0fun boosted

We have decided to create an account at Mastodon. We need time to learn how this platform works but also how to synchronize our work here with the Twitter account.

Thank you all for joining us here. No matter where we are, the mission stays the same. We are in social media to commemorate the victims of Auschwitz and educate the world about the tragic story of the camp.

bit0fun boosted

I am delighted to announce the release of “dynamax”, an open source library for dynamic state space models in JAX. It supports inference and learning in HMMs, Linear Gaussian SSMs, as well as non-linear and non-Gaussian SSMs. See for the code.

One board populated, not even a ton of parts, and I already feel kinda done for today
At least I can start testing out the circuit

On the bright side, doesn't look like there are any shorts

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.