#Gaming : Oh I LOVE this one ! #Celeste clone on #TIC80 « STELE »
/> https://tic80.com/play?cart=483
/> https://zus.itch.io/stele
What's tyranny about this? this is modernism btw...
and commenting about uniform:
and Richard stallman is right again, if 'you can't see what's behind the machine' - also the code - you are not sure if the thing is actually new or just washed.
Btw I'm on arch (artix) and then something updated recently, and my qutebrowser lost it's capability to use the dark mode - this zerohedge site supposedly darken. I believe it's because new qt5* package (which I can't downgrade). Do the same installation and nothing changed.
any of you have the same issue?
I believe most of altcoin is a ponzi scheme, eth - xrp - monero are the legit in row after bitcoin.
@Demosthenes yeah it's fun actually, but I more active on saidit.net. I'm using all of them : saidit, poal.co, lemmy.ml, notabug, rarely go on voat (mysterious ip ban)
Killer for reddit? watch : https://lemmy.ml/post/42833
If you're sensitive to the timeline, about why Israel can easily succeed uniting gulf-state
Beirut Bomb
This type of machine
*shining eyes*
"everything gone bad?"
that'll influence your vibes
> clear it up
> calm your mind
> cultivate yourself
> understand that even if everything goes awry if you're strong enough you can change the course of fate
> you can mitigate all damages
in the beginning everything is hopeful
create the beginning
genesis adnauseam
@shrooma and also this is about the leadership on mozilla, can he persist with FOSS principle or not. From the fruit we shall know them.
but I'm already using librewolf anyway lol.
@shrooma ads in your foss browser baby https://www.cnet.com/news/mozilla-officially-kicks-off-ads-in-firefox/
more satisfying than mcd/kfc
@lucifargundam he's committing crime steal something to get food for his small baby and family. this pics came from a group that criticizing the young that full of passion but actually economically not sufficient.
Underpaid Apologist, sincerely hungry for any explanation. Reporting my findings, Call me Jon
this is me on normal mode @indonische