#book recommendation:
Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life, by Peter Godfrey-Smith
https://www.amazon.com/Other-Minds-Octopus-Evolution-Intelligent-ebook/dp/B01LXKA6FO (sorry for the Amazon-link, was the best I could come up with)
This is a book about #octopuses, however it's written by professor of history and philosophy of science. Peter Godfrey-Smith sees the #octopus as a unique kind of #intelligence, that has developed independly from other forms of intelligence. In doing so, depicts the octopus convincingly as one of the most remarkable creatures on earth.
Did you know that an octopus
- can squeeze its body through holes only insignificantly smaller than its eyeball?
- has "thinking arms", which can act partly autonomous?
- can chameleon-like adapt its skin colors to the background for hiding, even though not being able to actually see colors?
After reading this book, you realize the octopus might very well be a genuine alien being dropped into our oceans. I can't help myself but finding these guys fascinating! This book opens up a perspective to how weird and wonderful nature can be and what unknown worlds still await us.
About the author: https://petergodfreysmith.com/
I was fascinated by octopusses before, but reading this book deepened this fascination even more.
Will check out your recommendation as well.
@bloc One of my favorite books! May I mention also Ray Nayler’s #sciencefiction book The mountain in the sea, an awesome imagining of first contact…