Hi people of Qoto! Nice to meet you, my name is Evan.
I LOVE the innovations on this Mastodon instance. It is truly inspiring, especially the group service you developed on groups.qoto.org!
I was wondering, I noticed that the domain public.group is around $2000 USD on Namecheap first year only, (a mere 13$/year after that !! !!) .
I personally would be willing to contribute 200 $ to the devs of Qoto to purchase that domain name and host a federated group service on it.
Having @mygroup@public.group as an available asset would be a huge service to the Fediverse! A dream come true!
Would anybody else be willing to contribute funds towards a fundraiser to make this happen?
Please let me know and I can set up a liberapay, get in contact with the owners to make this a reality!
High hopes for the future,
#introduction #groups #fediverse #public.group
@bonifartius thanks for the input. It seems like the payment is only one time, and then very cheap after that. 13$ per month is quite sustainable, I'd be willing to personally pay it for the accessibility benefits it would provide to federated infrastructure