Hi people of Qoto! Nice to meet you, my name is Evan.
I LOVE the innovations on this Mastodon instance. It is truly inspiring, especially the group service you developed on groups.qoto.org!
I was wondering, I noticed that the domain public.group is around $2000 USD on Namecheap first year only, (a mere 13$/year after that !! !!) .
I personally would be willing to contribute 200 $ to the devs of Qoto to purchase that domain name and host a federated group service on it.
Having @mygroup@public.group as an available asset would be a huge service to the Fediverse! A dream come true!
Would anybody else be willing to contribute funds towards a fundraiser to make this happen?
Please let me know and I can set up a liberapay, get in contact with the owners to make this a reality!
High hopes for the future,
@evanb while i like the idea, i'm
a) heavily opposed to paying domain grabbers, that's a business model which has to die.
b) think that the new tlds have rather unstable pricing and often are backed by even more shady organizations than the classic tlds
just my two cents ;)