i don't fucking care how others live their life. eat meat? great for you. vegan? a-ok, nice, still don't care! do whatever the fuck you want with your life!
i eat vegetarian for a long time, now i get the bullshit from both sides.
since just now i'm one "vegan who tries to frame me into being an asshole because i supposedly not care enough or am too uninformed" away from snapping. really took quite the self control today.
i think i'm soon really about done with people in general.
Way I see it about 66% of people are NPCs, biobots, and they're in everywhere.
I live vegan, and I've gotten shit by vegan "communities" as well. :P
It's not about what we do and don't and why.
It's about creating friction. Friction is food for biobots.
@DCR i'd put it into the 90-95% region now.
i guess i'm just disappointed i thought i finally met some sane people and the next thing happening is i get the fucking treatment of the fucking stories of cows screaming for calves which in turn is just a way of saying that i'm a evil person.
i know all the stuff, i also know that the alternative farmers have is plow over meadows, drain it in artificial fertilizer and put corn for bio gas onto it. great, more totally ruined soil, less areas for birds to breed on. maybe put a fucking windpark there, that will save the planet!
suffice to say that they didn't take the "throw some nukes to end humanity" argument that well *cue "electric wizard - funerapolis"
Huch, den Song kannte ich auch noch nicht.
Hab grad auf YT reingehört, Kommentare gelesen, und tatsächlich - plötzlich so ein kratziges, enges Gefühl auf der Brust... -coughcough-
Zum Rest kann ich nur sagen: Joo, sehr viel Ent-täuschung.
Hab inzwischen nen Haufen guter Leute gefunden. Viele kommen aus Ecken, da hab ich früher mit Abscheu und Verachtung draufgeguckt.
Dafür waren die letzten Jahre gut. Weg von Labels und Vorurteilen. =)
@iron_bug it was in RL, not fedi. the conversation was them starting with why i'm vegetarian and not vegan, then some of the horror stories to shame me into admitting i'm a horrible person. i even said politely don't like this way of talking about this topic, but we of course can discuss it in a neutral way. of course they proceeded to push the same two points designed to push me into being guilty while completely ignoring my argument.
of course they admitted that they were vegetarian before and that vegan is the only "logical conclusion". enlightened after they read some propagandist book. indeed reminded me of a cult, like so much of progressivism.
@kekkerel @iron_bug a mix of seasonal vegetables and fruit, beans and other legumes, plenty of cheese and other milk products and eggs. good sourdough bread (one good thing about germany..). i do try to not eat too many carbs.
afaik eggs contain all the required vitamins, dairy products too.
i supplement some magnesium from time to time, i don't think that is specific to not eating meat.
I hope that when AI takes over they don't feel ambivalent about how humans are treated by other AI.
though meat enjoyers are usually pretty chill. haven't heard a dumb joke in some years now.
then, i'd eat meat i raised or hunted, killed and prepared myself. if i have the guts to do that, i have earned it. as it stands, i don't have livestock or a hunting permit. got to put in some work first.