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>gargron's gonna add the ability to disable replies

yet another way to give potentially vulnerable people a false sense of security. there's literally no way to enforce this.


I fought it for a long time, but eventually realized it is a losing battle and I didn't have the energy to hold the grounds. I have completely renounced my affiliations with the ASF, and the team their have done their best to scrub my name (as I have requested).

Once the Chinese stop their enthusiasm about ASF and no quality contributions decline, ASF will whither and die. Activist don't write code, but want the credits for it...


Honest question: how exactly is just using the name of a group of people (marginalised or not), without any epithets or modifiers, disrespectful or offensive? (“because some members of that group have said so” isn’t valid).

Here's one way to understand what has happened to the public university in the last 5 years:

My bookmarks used to look like this:,,, etc.

Now they all look like this:,,, etc.

stop acting like someone other than your own government manipulates the actual voting process.

complaining about "influence campaigns" is just saying "my population is too dumb to decide". at this point you can completely stop the "democracy"-bullshit, you said that people need others to decide what's good for them as they are _too dumb_.

@Sultry @graf The same thing's happening with cars. They don't need to secure your obedience when they can just continuously legislate manufacturers into doing their bidding anyways.

This is something that gets me really upset that I rarely hear people talking about. New units won't be constructed, and the supply of replacement parts will winnow out eventually. And then the only people that can have these things are those that can fabricate them from scratch themselves.

They're doing it to gasoline and diesel cars as we speak. They want everyone to have those useless electrics so that they can't have an army of angry ruralists packed into pickups overwhelm all the guard bases in an evening. And if that doesn't happen in the next 12 years, it's never going to.

Posting this because it can save some lives. If you use an empty list or dictionary as a default argument in #python, the same list will be used every time. So every call will just update the mutable element instead of re-defining it as empty 😱

Most IDEs will give you a vague warning (PyCharm does) but nothing more so it can be very sneaky and dangerous!

#coding #programming #killerbugs

@feld the fact that BBC does not disavow any association with big black cock leads me to believe that they're okay with the association.

Any cool alternatives to the 5-way switch out there that I might not be familiar with?

I am aware of the blackberry optical trackpads, and hall effect-based trackballs.

BREAKING: It has been confirmed that some foxxos are known to levitate: #fox

Since Fandom apparently intends to remove text walkthroughs from GameFAQs (which Fandom now owns), a tip of the hat to Reddit user prograc, who scraped all of GameFAQs up through March 23, 2020; the full archive is available here:

fefe mal wieder pro waffenmonopol für den staat. gab zwar laut ihm selbst null anschläge damit, aber das ist bestimmt wieder nur medienkompetenzübung von dem kleinen schlaumeier!11

besser niemand schickt ihm nen link zu den aktuellen entwicklungen in der additiven fertigung, bei den ganzen impfungen und seiner lebensweise könnte das nicht gut für sein herz sein.


Which event is most likely to cause you to join the revolution?

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