Our latest paper out in RSC Polymer Chemistry. Enjoy the read. https://www.bonlab.info/blog/2024/5/13/grafting-polymers-to-graphene-oxide-goes-better-through-branching
Here is another of our latest papers. This time in the new journal RSC Applied Polymers. Enjoy! https://www.bonlab.info/blog/2024/1/23/bonlab-designs-a-stick-on-demand-adhesive-for-linerless-labels
Freshly published today. Enjoy. https://www.bonlab.info/blog/2024/6/19/water-based-acrylic-latexes-are-excellent-pressure-sensitive-adhesives-when-branched
Here is another of our latest papers. This time in the new journal RSC Applied Polymers. Enjoy! https://www.bonlab.info/blog/2024/1/23/bonlab-designs-a-stick-on-demand-adhesive-for-linerless-labels
Our latest paper out in RSC Polymer Chemistry. Enjoy the read. https://www.bonlab.info/blog/2024/5/13/grafting-polymers-to-graphene-oxide-goes-better-through-branching
9 days to go to tell the UK government that the polymer and plastics industry needs investment to train and educate the next generation of a sustainable workforce. Get in touch via DM or email (s.bon@warwick.ac.uk) and become a partner. The more companies and organisations on board, the better. Let's show UK Gov that we are ready for a green (r)evolution. #circulareconomy #plastics #plasticrecycling #plasticsindustry #plasticwaste #polymer #sustainability #stemeducation #phdstudent
Work in the polymer industry? Interested in a green (r)evolution? Get in touch. #circulareconomy #Sustainability #plastic #PlasticPollution #STEM #STEMeducation #phd #Science #Innovation #technology #greenrecovery
We have a fantastic 4-year PhD opportunity in sustainable polymer synthesis, fully funded in collaboration with industry. Start dates window oct 2023-jan 2024. Interested? get in touch #PhDposition #Jobs #plastics #phdstudent #sustainability #biobased #polymerscience https://www.bonlab.info/blog/2023/3/9/join-us-as-a-phd-student-to-unravel-the-mechanism-of-sustainable-polymerization-reactions
Emily and Josh will be at the international polymer colloids group (IPCG) meeting in Canada #science #polymer #plastics #colloids
We have 2 PhD positions available. One with a deadline of 9 May to apply. Check out our website. https://BonLab.info
Check this out. https://warwick.ac.uk/plastics We assembled an amazing team (the Warwick Cross Faculty Plastics Group and have submitted an exciting proposal for an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training entitled Plastics Shaken Up. We plan to train 80 PhD students with a transdisciplinary STEM+ approach in close collaboration with external partners. Check out our brand new site for info: #sustainability #Plastics #microplastics #plasticpollution #climatechange #environment #STEM #stemeducation #science #PhD #warwickuni
Join us as a PhD researcher in unraveling the mechanisms of environmentally sustainable polymerisations.
With climate change being THE challenge for humanity, how come most of the international scientific community acts like before COVID jetting all over the world for f-2-f conferences and meetings? #climatechange #science
Join us as a PhD researcher in unraveling the mechanisms of environmentally sustainable polymerisations.
Check this out. https://warwick.ac.uk/plastics We assembled an amazing team (the Warwick Cross Faculty Plastics Group and have submitted an exciting proposal for an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training entitled Plastics Shaken Up. We plan to train 80 PhD students with a transdisciplinary STEM+ approach in close collaboration with external partners. Check out our brand new site for info: #sustainability #Plastics #microplastics #plasticpollution #climatechange #environment #STEM #stemeducation #science #PhD #warwickuni
Prof. in Polymer and Colloid Chemical Engineering at Warwick University (UK), LGBTQ+ Advocate, Dutch origin, Gen X, Educator. Maker of small plastics. He/him/his, https://bonlab.info