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@AmandaWeaver U gonna kick that spikey ball's butt with your eyes closed. If you're looking for clickbait weather stories with ads then don't go to only has hard to find in one spot forecasts of serious storms and tells you nothing about better car insurance rates.

Tooters. It is time to create a new delivery business in NE USA. Here are the industry standards you will need to match in order to succeed. 1.workplace should look and operate like a maximum security jail. 2. create a tracking system that obfuscates delivery of product. 3.block customers from talking to employees about your service. 4.damage your service or product, and then deflect about the damage. And the most important, 5. Brand! Brand must trump mission! Such as, all employees must buy and wear brightly branded uniforms. Ok, start thinking, and roll the dice, Youngblood. Try to not lose your soul along the way to a bright new future.

Tooters, may we speak about the heating?

I want this marvelous tank, but in the USA if it's not dutifully expensed in a system then there's no discussing it. This is shameful and we can do better.

This tank used to be called a Rotex, is now called a Smartcube, because in 2023, round is square.

Sold Down Under, yet manufactured in Germany, this Swiss army knife of thermal storage is high tech from the 1970's. So we could make it on any continent, at an affordable price, and have our governing bodies rebate us. We just couldn't call it a smartcube. Let's call it a piggy tank.

You would put all your loose heat in there for a rainy day. I don't know if you've heard but rainy days are coming.

Let's get everyone a piggy tank, ok?

Tooters, and Tootees: May I tell you of for hurricane prognostications? NOAA's staid five-day outlook, and major media's regurgitated clickbait won't assist your plans of world domination, but the above PhD crafted site will.

@skyblond You may need bp and blood sugar measures to sort out suggestions. Panasonic makes a quality battery powered bp cuff. To avoid cost, you might bike to a pharmacy with a bp booth, use same booth for comparisons bc booth readings will likely be off. Urine test is an old, finicky blood sugar method. But I think a food journal, tweaking your diet, will get closer to answers and corrective measure at no cost. Would you toot your progress?

Tooters, I lost my dice roll on keeping my compact ICE car. The computer failed after 217k miles and 15 years. When the computer fails then you are at the mercy of dealership labor cost. And there is no luck or mercy at the dealer. So I got 200bucks and a tow for it on the day registration expired.

Leaping from what once was, to what will be slices away a sliver of hope. Best to have cake ready.

$1k a year, it cost me, to run the ICE machine including feeding the maw of ezpass and making major repairs.

Today's vehicle market is a honeytrap. It must be countered with DIY innovation. That's where you come in. Learn to 3d print, silkscreen and code.

We should be able to 3d print plates, and silkscreen electrolyte to build our in-house fuel cell stack by now. Charge controllers need a hackable realtime processing unit.

Until I get there I'll be rolling the dice while pushing pedals.

Roll well, Tooters.

CDC sez "...enabling wastewater surveillance to capture presence of SARS-CoV-2 shed by people with and without symptoms. This allows wastewater surveillance to serve as an early warning that COVID-19 is spreading in a community."

But my hood is having trouble getting samples because of reasons.

3/4 of a year ago we had no equipment, little staff, and those staffz arms were too short to reach down with the testing cup.

Tooters, roll up your sleeves and email your elected ones, at-large and not at-large. This is an easy fix if we just badger, er, I mean, email them to get on it.

I dont see the data @ CDC waste monitoring or DC Health.

I tried calling them (DC Health) about local data not getting to CDC from the DC mosquito monitoring last year. West Nile, malaria managed to achieve newsworthiness recently. And local infections last year pricked up ears, but, you know... reasons. I couldn't get a response from elected ones, or phone answering ones either. Was told everything was ok. So, need help. More voices may break through and allow non-invasive, public testing already in the pipeline.

Here's where the wastewater monitoring story started in May '22, over a year ago, and still no data gets to CDC or us.

Finally here is Boston's wicked easy site for comparison:

[whispering] ...Tooooters! Gather around quietly. DC flagship store REI Coop has affordable bike innertubes. Please quietly spread the word to wrench and screwdriver owners so as to avoid the price-fixing eye of Sauron.

Phew. Tooters. I was working with two local old businesses and one international one. Their pretend social media face [Fbook, 'X'] and the exhausting, useless comms [Web, Phone, Email, brickmortar] with these companies has caused me to walk away. Because their every means of communication is flawed, they don't even know I've stopped doing business with them. You know who hasn't let me down? Mom and Pops on Ebay.

Tooters! Gather around. Are any of you cutting up your SUVs into pickup trucks and putting electric motors on each wheel to be run by a biodiesel friendly fuel cell? Let me know. Ok thanks!

Dear Tooters, I think the CS rep might have been pranked by the chatbot and is now trapped in the apologytron training booth. Can someone call to let them out?

Car relay which I couldn't find at an affordable price two months ago is now at several outlets and 50percent cheaper. This Honda car relay was originally made in Vietnam, the one I can buy today is made in Taiwan. We'll see if it beats the one I could get 60 days ago with no country origin printed on it, and sketchy performance.

DC cut me off at the pass yesterday. Should have seen them hiding up there in the rocks, waiting for me. 'Badges!? I don't need no stinkin' badges!' Oh, wait, I do have a badge, but my horse could draw a better likeness of me on the back with a black sharpie stuck between its teeth. I've seen those fancy new Daguerreotypes. It looks just like a person. Eh, what's that ? Someone's trying to steal your gold?

@TheOldGuy Dude. We need you. I love this old sawdust suggestion. Do you have new mushrooms encouraged by the sawdust amongst rocks? I will use this dust of saws on the mini roof, and parapet. Thanks.

Tooters, gather around! I want to talk about dirt. We all need to make dirt. We need more dirt. So start loving your arthropods. Make compost and keep it close to your heart: don't send it off to boarding school. Clap and jump when cousin fungus stands and salutes you. Get on the dirt bandwagon, my friends, carbon needs a home, and it's right under your feet.

@liztai For me, I first decide what the report will look like, it's got to have little drawings in the margins about hopes and dreams, a new curse for my nemesis, and a pat on the back about spending. Crossed out to-do items that actually got done get featured space. Paper report goes reverse-chron in 3-ring binder for tsk-tsking or teeheeing. Source for the report is gnucash, mikesandroidworkshop todo task manager, taskwarrior, and colored pencils.

Read some wisdom on how crazy long and hot them climate induced northern wildfires burn. So I biked to the Costco temple. And I began my long search. Later that week, temple guards checked my receipt and put upon it the black badge of righteous profit. Four 2200 [merv13] furnance filters($25) grown in the Land of Kirk were strapped to my back as I rolled back through the Gates of Hell. Dodging red light running malcontents, rolling by forgotten forts, I arrived, gasping and woozy, to my bullet ridden bunker. I looked up and told my spider friend that soon we would have clean air, and she winked at me with one of her smaller eyes used for knitting. You know the rest. It's best to leave out the bits of cursing, recutting and tape sticking to tape. But in the end an airfiltering machine was made. Now, my blood is cleared of burnt forest and I can remember my Mandarin lesson of the day.

Tooters! I went to my city safety meeting cuz people are criming. Fifty nice people sat most quietly in the audience. All I could think of was the opportunity cost of their time. Imagine if fifty people actually did something for two hours like make sure all the Kia and Hondai neighbors got dealer appts to fix their ignition, or get city provided free steering clubs. Or fifty people coded a peer to peer database app to track completion of toilet repairs in the schools. I would be at every long safety meeting. Would u go to such a meeting? Like barnraising, except it's technology raising. We could do that right? Get something done? Foaming at the mouth like a just caught Chesapeake bluecrab is great but I think it's time we changed the format.

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