So. This will be my first mastodon post.
Whatever else I do, this will always be at the top of my timeline. However things change.
I should probably make it somehow interesting, or timelessly relevant.
But there is such a thing as overthinking things. A poor first post is very ignorable, and I don't want analysis paralysis to prevent me from ever posting anything at all.
So... overthought first post done, I guess.
Of course, *Every* first post has *something* in it that the writer later regrets.
@ccc You can make an introduction post. Seems to be trendy around here there some way in which introduction posts differ from any other randomly selected post?
@ccc Here is an example:
Oh... so it needs to be tagged with Introductions? Hmmmm. Let me think about it, then...
@ccc I think I smell smoke over there. You should get a watercooling helmet for all that thinking.
I'm no Detritus. My mental abilities are not significantly enhanced by a reduction in temperature.
@ccc @ElektrikChameleon
> Oh... so it needs to be tagged with Introductions?
It helps if someone is searching for that specific hash tag. Otherwise there's no difference -- you could create a personal introduction post without any hash tags at all.
I would recommend using the Introductions one. I do not like a list of hashtags and no text at all; it's a personal introduction, after all.
The 'shopping list' hash fest is not useful in that, I feel. But you are free to do it whichever way you prefer.
Words count. We have a large, 65 thousand charactes space per toot here, so don't be shy.
@ccc welcome!!! I hope you're enjoying your stay.
I'm hoping that I will too, thanks.
> Whatever else I do, this will always be at the top of my timeline. However things change.
Welcome to Qoto and the Fediverse. 😃
The posts here will show in reverse chronological order in your profile -- the most recent ones always at the top.
You can have up to 5 'Pinned posts' - which you select at will; important ones you would like people to see first when visiting.
So there's lots of opportunities for craking that awesome post; the pinned ones on my profile had been there for a long time, and I still like them.
Enjoy your stay. We have some good user guides that can be suggested here if you like; just let me know.
Yeah... I only realised after I'd typed that out that the timeline goes in _reverse_ chronological order, and not in chronological order. Makes a lot more sense that way, too. And thanks for the welcome!
The pinned posts point is also good. That means I can take my time, figure out the perfect introductory post, and then pin it at my leisure!
...I doubt I'll hurry too much about it.
> The pinned posts point is also good. That means I can take my time, figure out the perfect introductory post, and then pin it at my leisure!
Yes, that is always possible. Plus it can be edited and a new version created any time you want.
Pinned posts are great. I don't keep an 'Introductions' post here at Qoto, but [do have it at another couple of accounts in other instances](
Really helps finding connections with relevant people, as they can read more about ut in one single, highlighted spot.