@design_RG I completed the signed up process at Discourse.org. -- see https://meta.discourse.org/u/chikara/summary
I used the Discourse search engine to search for "design_RG" and the results did not include what I was looking for. -- see https://meta.discourse.org/search?q=design_RG
"My" Discourse pages feature a visually distinctive company logo like the one on the AWI page you created, but there's a glitch. I can't log on to participate.-- see https://discourse.qoto.org/t/setting-up-the-advanced-web-interface-for-mastodon-full-use-of-wide-screens/150
The system protocols seem to require me to sign up with another avatar -- something like "Chikara1"?
SUGGESTION: I used "my" Discourse search engine to search for "QOTO"; and the dialogue at "Discourse Math Plugin" suggests you might want to "change permission"? -- see
@chikara Our QOTO Discourse forums are not the one you joined, which is why you couldn't register your usual name.
Ours is here :